Aires' 1st Litter: Black Male tagged Red -- Emerson [SOLD]
This black male will soon be living with Patty and family in Spokane, Washington. (Former nickname from breeder "Jet".)
Picture taken at 7 weeks old ...

Pictures at 6 weeks old ...

January 24, 2011 -- Weight: 6 lbs. 12 oz.
Pictures with the other black males:

Above on the right; Below in the center

Pictures at 5 weeks old ...

October 24, 2007 -- "Hi, I am interested in getting on the waiting list for a Scarlett puppy, male Black/rust preferred. Your puppies are exactly what we are looking for, family raise non-show great temperment. We live on a horse ranch and need a dog that will be friendly with kids and adults in the barn. We are up in Spokane, WA and would like to have one shipped up if possible. I already filled out your application. Again, we are very excited about your dogs. Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you, Patty"
"Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we will have pups for awhile. We are currently waiting on Ellie to see if she became pregnant. At this point, it is not looking like she is. Our Scarlett went into heat over the Christmas holiday and we were not able to breed her - don't expect a litter from her for awhile. If you would like to be placed on the email waiting list, you will receive updates when other opportunities become available. Just reply back requesting to be put on the email list. Note: I only send out relevant emails related to pup info. Let me know if you have any other questions - Best regards, Laura"
Several years later ...
January 24, 2011 -- "Hi, I am interested in a male black dobie pup. Are all the pups spoken for yet? I have already fill out the questionaire. I would prefer a pup out of the first litter as he will be a neutered ranch/family dog. I am looking for a pup that loves to be around people as we do horse boarding and training. He also needs to be tolerant of kids, outgoing and playful. I also do some agility and obedience with my dobie and minpin. We are always at home anround the ranch. Our dogs are always with us, in the barn, on the trail, or in the house. We have 4 dogs including a dobie and minpin.I would like to send you a deposit on one if I could. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Patty"
RESPONSE: "Both litters have availabilities. The third black male pick is all I can offer for the Aires litter. Note: The 4th black male passed on."
REPLY BACK: "Do you feel that any of the three pups would be a good pick for our lifestyle up here? Are they all pretty friendly and outgoing at this point? I would go by your judgement anyway since I can't be there. If you think that anyone of the three would work, I would definitely put a deposit on him. Thank you, Patty"
RESPONSE: "They really all make great pups with the initial socialization we give them. You then just mold them to fit your lifestyle. I will forward you the new set of pics (haven't got on site yet - I'm behind!) The first pick has been made. I have to check with Debbie regarding the second pick. Once that is made, you will know who is yours. If you feel comfortable, then we need to get deposit a.s.a.p. considering the age. Pups fly home at 8 weeks old. Full payment via wire transfer needs to be received 4 to 5 days before shipping home. Once you are able to view the pics, let me know if you want to move forward. This is the last male for this litter. Thanks -Laura"
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