Black & Rust Male out of Aggie's 1st Litter (Born January 3, 2000 -- Owned by The Stowers)
December 24, 2008 -
"Laura, I hope your holiday are going well. I thought I would pass on the unfortunate news that our dear Arion passed away about 5 months ago. His heart had become enlarged and gave out on him. We had him cremated and he sits with me in my office at home. I thought you would like to know.
Regards, Gerald"
"Gerald, I was very sad to hear about Arion. I hope the adjustment hasn't been too difficult on you. We still have Aggie. Arion's brother, Ty -- his owner still keeps in touch. I was going to forward your email to her. She was just curious about Ty's other siblings. Again, I am very sorry. Laura"
January 12, 2007 -
"Arion is doing great, he now has a little brother (our 5 month old son named Landon) to play with along with his sister. He is getting a little heavier in his old age:) He hurt his leg last year and had to have TPLO surgery, but he had a good recovery. It has not slowed him down too much. During allergy season, his medicine balloons him up to about 170, but he drops back down to 140-150 once the medicine doses go down. This has been the norm for the past several years. The last pictures of him on our web site are a couple of years old, but we should have some new ones of him and Landon soon. He handled the addition of a child very well, as expected. Thank you for thinking about him on his b-day, we all appreciate it. For his bday, he got his favorite raw hide. The only thing more amazing than seeing a 170 lbs dobe is watching him eat a 40 inch haw hide bone in an hour or two. That is his favorite thing in the world. Periodically I have to touch up the paint on the walls because when he carries those bones around, they hit everything! That is why his favorite word is b-o-n-e, which we have to spell if we don't want him to get excited. I except him to learn to spell it soon:) Take care, Gerald"
"CONGRATULATIONS! A new baby, what fun! I would love to see pictures of Landon with Arion. Glad Arion adjusted just fine seeing that he wasn't use to a little one invading his space. His weight amazes me. Sounds like he is not the lean machine he use to be. What's he allergic to? Natasha from the same litter has to take a thyroid medication now and I think Ty (same litter) does, too. Including Arion, those are the only ones I get updates from. Speaking of which, Natasha can s-p-e-l-l ! Leslie, the owner, tells me all the words she knows. She said they started spelling them and she picked up the spellings, too! Cracks me up! It is always good to hear from you. Belated Happy New Year! Laura"
 Arion is a 142 pound AKC Doberman. How he got 142 pounds is beyond me, his father was 100 pounds. He is abnormally large, and because we did not crop his ears he is sometimes mistaken for a Rottweiler, boy is he offended:). He is not fat (we asked his doctor), he is just a LARGE Doberman. The best way to describe Arion is a big lush. He is very mild tempered, and not too worried about what is going on around him. I guess at his size, you don't have to be. He is a very confident dog and not threatened by much. And like Veda, Arion is very affectionate.

He was easy to train, especially because he had a good role model. Like his sister, we had him fixed to mellow his temperament.
His name comes from the Greek mythological figure Arion, a famous poet and musician of the court of Periander (king of Corinth), where he was a great favorite. He sailed to Sicily to take part in a magical contest which he won. On his way home in a Corinthian ship, he was robbed by the sailors, and forced to leap overboard where he was borne away to safety by song-loving dolphins. ---Written by Gerald
1/3/02 "Hello, Thanks for remembering Arion's birthday, that was very nice. To catch you up: Arion (named after the Greek mythological poet/musician) is now 2 years old. He has been in perfect health, very well behaved and made A's in school. His personality is very soft and non-chalant. He is very sensitive but not shy or timid, though you cannot tell by looking at him. He weighs 125 lbs! Not an ounce of fat, he is just a huge dog. Maybe his dad was part horse that did not show up on the charts :) We chose not to crop his ears, unlike his 70 lbs older sister who just turned 3. We could not have wished for better dogs. The two of them get along great, especially for kids. We recently moved (6 months) and they now have a backyard that is just over .5 acres. They live in the house when we are here and sleep in our bedroom with us. While outside, besides the great yard they enjoy a 65 sq. ft. dog house that sports a padded floor. Well, it sounds like I am writing a personals ad for our dogs, but just wanted to let you know that he is doing great. If you are ever in San Antonio, please do not hesitate to come visit. Our Web site:
(click on "About Us" then click on Arion) has several pictures of them, so log on to see how they grow up. Thanks again for remembering and stay in touch. Regards, Gerald"
Arion was the largest male in the litter. He sold to Gerald and Nicole of San Antonio, Texas on February 29, 2000.
-- 8 weeks old --

This is "Big Boy", as we have been calling him. He was the largest puppy of this litter.
Click Here to view Arion's puppy page
Click HERE to see Arion's Mother
Click HERE to see Arion's Father
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