Black & Rust Female Doberman out of Scarlett's 2nd Litter (Born April 1, 2006 -- Owned by the Clutters)
May 2, 2018 -
"Hi there this is Terilynn Clutter. We got one of Scarlett’s puppies in 2006. We were just wondering if any of her littermates were still alive. Athena is getting old, but she’s still with us... she’s fighting cancer. She’s been the best dog."
"So good to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear about cancer. What type? I hope she's not suffering. Emmie out of that litter passed. I have not heard from any of the other owners since 2007."
May 3, 2018 -
"Hi there. I’m glad I found you. No, she’s not suffering I love her too much to let that happen. Not really sure what kind it is to be honest. We’ve had several tumors removed and the last one was bad. She’s an incredible swimmer, even in her old age. I’ll put together some pictures for you.
Good to touch base with you again."
"Love the pic! Looks very happy :) " - Laura
From email sent April 4, 2007 -


Happy Birthday to me

Mommy made my cake

Oh ya !

My T-shirt says, "I have issues"
REPLY BACK: "TOO CUTE!! You are so good to have given her a birrthday party! She looks like she relished the special attention! She looks so pretty. Thanks for giving Athena such a great home!!!! --Laura"
February 3, 2007 -
"Hi Laura, Hope everything is going well. Athena is doing fantastic. She just went into season, which has been very interesting!! She is still pretty little. When do you think she will stop growing? Will she grow after she goes through this heat? I tell you, she is personality plus. This whole heat thing sucks. I miss having her at the foot of the bed. Look forward to hearing from you. Terilynn"
"Sorry I am just now getting to emailing you back. Guess she has finished up her milestone into womanhood! The growing usually levels out around 2 years old. I forget when the bone stature stops, then they start filling out the lanky frame, ultimately turning into a beautiful creature. So, her personality is still strong as ever? --Laura"
March 10, 2009 -
"Hi Laura, Thanks for the email back. Oh yeah, she is still personality PLUS. I could not love a dog more than her. I am glad to hear that she will continue to grow for another year. Right now as we speak, she is barking at someone! She has to let the entire world know when someone is too close to her world. Little do they know that she is definitely a lover and not a fighter!! Have I told you her newest trick? We have about an 8-foot wall that separates us from our back neighbors. They have a Great Dane. Their dog likes to put his paws on the wall and torment Athena and Kong. Their property sits about two feet plus below ours. He is a big dog. Well, Athena decided to get even! She jumped the wall! She had her front legs on the very top with her back feet stuck into the cinder blocks biting at the other dogs nose. I got so mad at her. I told her bad girl, turn around and she did it again! Finally, we put the hose there and spray the dog with water to keep him from putting his paws up there. I just about died when she did that. She is never dull. I will update you with some pictures soon. She is absolutely beautiful. When she is on "watch" in the backyard, the way she stands is stunning. Talk to you soon.
Love, Terilynn"
October 10, 2006 -
"Hi there! Just checking in. Athena is doing great!! The aggressive behavior is finally calming down. We didn't send her to puppy boot camp. I couldn't let her go. I continue to work with her at home. She has a very impressive trick list.
She is about 55 pounds. Athena is very "Greek goddess" look to her. Very elegant features. When we are out people just stop and admire her. Most of the time they are scared of her!!!! he, he! The loving "pretty pretty princess" is finally coming out. Her ears are coming along great. One ear keeps dipping a bit. So I just tape it up for a while. I haven't taken her to have them wrapped in a few weeks. Seems like as she grows, the shift. When she wants to work them, they stand beautifully. I will up date some pictures for you. You will be very proud of how she is coming along. Now that it is starting to get cold out side, we have to do some clothes shopping!! Matching outfits just might be in order. Paws and kisses, Terilynn and Athena"
"Ha! Love it! I can't wait to see pictures. And, if you get those matching outfits, gotta send a pic of that!! I am happy to hear how well she is doing with you. I can't help but think back on the last minute placement of her with you. Reading what you have written -- it was just fate! All the best and get those pics over soon! Thanks! Laura"
August 28, 2006

We are just getting used to the water.
Athena and Mom I look like I am cold, but dad heated the pool!

Floating is the life
Dad thinks he is funny giving me bunny ears.

I am learning to swim. Mom says I am not as graceful as Kong. But give a break, he's a lab.
------------------------------------------------------ REPLY BACK: "Too cute! Thanks for remembering to update us! You can tell she really trusts you! --Laura"
August 17, 2006 -
"Hi Laura! Athena is doing well. She is a complete hand full. The ears are almost done. I will send you pictures as soon as they are standing. She forty plus pounds. She has a very dainty frame. We don't expect her to get too big. The girls at the vet's office still call her cujo!!! But, we are working on it. Doesn't matter what size the other dog is, she has to tell him or her who is boss. She continues to amaze us at how smart she is. We have a real laundry list of tricks. Her trainer to be is even impressed. She will start puppy school as soon as we can part with her. It is an overnight(s) camp. We have successfully grown out of her crate and on to the bed. Not just at the foot of the bed either! Nope, she has to wiggle her way up in between us and lay on the pillows. Her official name is Hurricane Athena. I love to call her "pretty, pretty princess". Don't think that the cats would agree with me on that name. Anyhow, she is doing very well. We have walked on the beach, camped, fished, rode in a boat, love car rides, gone to football practice and even shopped on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood. All the other shopping gals walk in with their pretty pocket purse pals and then here comes us! Taped ears that seem to attract HBO, semi-spiked collar and credit card in hand! HA HA Love, Terilynn
P.S. Did I mention that she is very, very, very vocal?????????? 4:00 a.m. kind of vocal. I am having to make nice with all the neighbors. But we love her."
"Terilynn, I got the biggest kick out of reading this message. She sounds like she is personality plus! I just got an email from Kindle's owners. They said he weighs 50 pounds. That is just to let you compare her to one of her siblings. But, he was one of the biggest pups out of the litter. I will look forward to those pictures! Thanks for remembering to update us! Laura"
June 22, 2006 -- "A Note from Athena" Thought you might want a pretty picture before my ears are done! I get them done Monday.

This is my new Big Brother Kong. We like each other very much!!

As you can see, I really had to work to hold this cheese smile! Mom liked it. I am doing great. Gained 2.5 pounds in one week. Mom says I am getting my ears done Monday. I am sure I will get lots of treats!!! I have given my new family a little run for their money. I like to bite :) Mom has taught me to sit, lay down, speak, whisper and she is trying the whole stay thing. Don't really like that one! I like the speaking. Well, gotta go. Mom says it's time to go outside to "potty". Between you and me, I like to potty on the carpet. It's funny watching them clean it up!!! Love, Athena
Athena went to live with Terilynn and family in California.

"Hurricane Athena!
Thank you from the bottom of my (our) hearts. We are in love with Athena. What a blessing she is. Kong (our lab) and Athena played for hours. I have not seen my dog so happy!! Other than the non-stop biting, we are doing great. Talk to you after vacation. Love, The Clutters!!!!!!"
The following pictures taken at 9 weeks ..

She's used to little hands coming in at her .. Notice the closed eye!

Athena thought it might be fun to go after our daughter's favorite blanket .. had to put an end to that!

Headed your way!

She went with us out to my mom's on Sunday. To the left is Scarlett (mother). To the right is Brandi (big sis).
The following pictures taken at 8 weeks old ..

The following pictures at 7 weeks ..

Nose to nose with mom

Yes, she is "getting" her own her foot!
The following pictures taken at 6 weeks ..

The following pictures were taken at 5 weeks ..

Pictures at 4 weeks old:

She is the smallest of the three black females and probably one of the most assertive pups in the litter.

June 26, 2006 -
"Hi Laura, Just to let you know, Athena did well on her ear cropping. This is the worst thing I feel I have ever done! My heart is so sick seeing her with stitches. I will keep you posted on her recovery. Sincerely Terilynn"
"Thanks for the update .. she'll be fine, I promise. The first week is the roughest as far as how it looks. She will most likely not act that bothered by it. After the stitches come out, and after you are able to see glimpses of what she is going to look like with the ears standing, you'll be glad you did it!! -- Laura"
June 28, 2006 -
"Good afternoon. Today is a hard day with her. Her ears are leaking. Is that normal? I am keeping the powder on them. I am afraid that one looks pretty swollen still. Watching for infection. She is so active, it is hard to keep her down. She wants to go play outside so bad. My daughter took the "dog watch" shift last night. I guess she only slept 3 hours. So this morning I gave her the pain pill. Athena is still sleeping. It's been about three hours. I thought that would be best for her. That way she isn't rubbing those ears. I will send you pictures when the ears are taped. I don't want to take pictures of her like this!! Surprising how comfortable you can make the kitchen floor when you have to sleep on it!! I know we are nuts. I just couldn't leave her by herself in the laundry room. So we have made a bed outside the door and we take turns sleeping there. If anything other than nuts, we are bonding to her even more. What dog. I love that little thing. Keep you posted! Terilynn"
>> Called Terilynn back immediately after reading this message. Her ears were spotting some but all was fine. Terilynn is just overly cautious about her baby and wants to make sure everything is just right for her!
Terilynn told me how well Athena is doing in regards to everything else and how pleased she is with her. She definitely is the alpha of the litter. I am glad she went to this family who has older children!
Terilynn reported that based off Athena's personality and certain characteristics, she is going to explore training her for search and rescue. Dogs that do well for this are strong individuals .. that's Athena!
June 7, 2006 -
"Hi there, Okay, I am in the process of making Athena's first vet appointment and ear cropping. I have had a little trouble finding a "good" place. But I think I have found one.
House is baby proofed and I will be heading out this evening to get a baby gate and "blanki" material to make her "blanki". Grandma is calling about every other hour to see when her grandbaby is arriving. It is really funny. Talk with you soon, Terilynn"
"It sounds like you have gotten everything all set. I can't wait to hear what you think of her and what Grandma has to say about her .. too cute! I'm excited for you all! -- Laura"
June 5, 2006 -
We are looking at calling her Athena! Here are some pictures. That's me first, then my husband David, then Miranda our middle. The group shot is of our oldest son and my parents and there rest. The boy in the beach is our youngest. Last shot is Kong and me a "Bark in the Park" with friends. Just to let you see who we are.
June 4, 2006 -
"Hi Laura, No one has spoke for the little girl yet???? My son is coming up to Dallas soon for a football camp. I might have to fly up with him. I might be able to come see Scarlett (if that is okay with you) and that way I can get a feel for her temperament. That way, if this little girl left doesn't work we can wait till she has another litter in 07. My heart is really set on Scarlett's line ... Something about Scarlett just has me hooked. Thanks, Terilynn"
"Terilynn, I would love to have you come by and meet us. Just let me know when you will be in town. However, we will be out of town from the 8th through the 18th. That is why I have to get the black female in a home A.S.A.P .
As for her personality, she is definitely the "spunkiest" one from the litter. She will probably be the alpha if put around other animals. But, she is also very sweet, loving to be held and hugs right into your neck. The reason Bob backed out is because he was wanting to show her and there are some white hairs around one toe on her back left foot (barely noticeable!!) and he says that would disqualify her in the show ring. Other than that, everything about her is perfect, even he said so! Get back to me when you have your husband's final decision .. and, I won't get my hopes up too high ;-) Laura"
May 31, 2006 -
"Hi it's Terilynn.....
My husband is on his way home from work... let me show him the little girl. I will email you in about 30 minutes... If he says he likes her, (he really wants a boy, but I WANT A GIRL) we would love to give her a home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Terilynn"
May 17, 2006 -
"Hi there! I don't know if I am too late, but I am REALLY interested in Beau. Just out of curiosity, what time was he born???? I was born on April 2, at 12:36 a.m. thus missing April 1st (April Fool's) by 36 minutes. To this day, 38 years later, my mother never lets me forget it! I would love to speak with you regarding the little guy.
Thanks, Terilynn"
"Sorry to email you again. I am just so excited. Scarlett is the momma that I fell in love with. Please let me know if I need to fill out an application. I can send you pictures of our family and our home. We raise very loving animals. I am looking for that non stop companion.
My heart breaks for the terrible loss for the woman that was going to take him. I know that feeling of having your babies pass on. About two years ago misfortune fell upon one of our cats. He was great. He could flush the toilet and fetch a ball. But in with his passing we were able to rescue a pure breed Bangle that the owners were going to let him die because he was the "runt" and sick. I am very please to say that he is healthy and very loving. When I first brought him home, he immediately picked up a fuzzy ball and brought it to me to play fetch. I thought it was the perfect sign that he had found us to help with our loss. I would be honored to be considered, if possible, to adopt this beautiful little boy. He would be loved and well spoiled!!! Sincerely, Terilynn"
"Terilynn, I recall all of our communications so no need to send anything further. Unfortunately, last night someone was real quick to get back to me and I am now waiting for their decision! But, if they decide not to take him, you'll be next. I will keep you posted!
Thanks for getting back to me! Laura"
"Hi again Laura! As long as he goes to a good home! All of the other puppies are gone too right? I swear I drooled over the pictures all night. They are just adorable puppies. We are a definite yes if things don't work out with the other person. I would be willing to fly to you to see the momma. If this litter doesn't work out, we can wait. Thanks a lot, Terilynn
P.S. Kind of funny that he was going to be so close to me. S.B. California is only a couple of hours away."
"Terilynn, Cody decided he definitely wants Beau. He assures me they will provide him with a good home. And, unless something else unexpected happens, no pups from Scarlett are available now. I will keep updating you through the waiting list group. I appreciate your willingness to wait. We will get you a puppy! All the best and please feel free to contact me whenever you need to do so! Best regards, Laura"
"Laura, Thanks for the update! I appreciate you keeping me in mind. Puppiless, but willing to wait!! Terilynn"
"Thank you for being so gracious. Laura"
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