Black & Rust Female out of Scarlett's 1st Litter (Born October 2, 2005 -- Owned by the Flemmings)
October 2, 2007 - "Happy Birthday to Violet! Give Violet a hug for us. My oldest still regards her as one of his favorites!" --The Garretts
This Female ended up being bred. When this happens, we do like to work with the owners in finding suitable homes. Our years of having an online presence draws in great family homes. We do not want pups getting into bad situations.
The Announcement the breeding was successful: July 8, 2007 - "Hi Violet's PREGNANT! Her due date is July 26th! She is getting very large now." July 14, 2007- "Hi There! I have pictures for you. I check Violet's page all the time. I am sending these to you so you can check out my big mamma! I'll keep ya posted. I am SO, SO excited!"
Violet and her puppies:

July 25, 2007 - Puppies are here!!! We have colors!
"Violet did great. 10 so far and I think she is done. I just moved her and cleaned up the room. She looks content. Boy are they pretty. I have 8 boys and 2 girls. Vet says to leave Violet home when I come. Says it's better for her and everyone else for her to be home and worried not there and worried. I know you always bring yours. I'm only 15 min away from the vet."
"At the end, Violet was truly exhausted! So exciting to see such a variety of color. She is a great Mom and she is so sweet with the children (human kind). We will be taking pictures soon, but today they all get to rest. Talk Later -- Tara"
July 27, 2007 -
August 24, 2007 - "Violet won't nurse the pups anymore ... 4 weeks & she refuses. Did that happen with your gals? It is a lot of work, no?!" RESPONSE: "That is about the right age for her to say - Enough! No worries there. Vaccinate them no later than 6 weeks. --Laura" REPLY BACK: "Here is the blue female today. The Vet told me no earlier than 6 weeks (vaccinate), but I started worming at 3 weeks. Do you do that as well? Violet arrived here so PERFECT! The Vet told us she had no parasites. Talk soon, Tara"
September 29, 2007 -- Red Male:
"The Red Male is so much like Violet was at this age. He is so sweet and calm. He is a good pick. It really shows a difference when you have a good bloodline. I can talk about this bloodline until I am blue in the face. I love your line! :) Thanks, Tara"

October 2, 2007
Violet before motherhood:
April 24, 2007 - "Dear Laura, Hope you guys are all well. The kids look great! I see they are growing as fast as mine. I wanted to send you photos of Violet with Luke. He turned 3 in Feb. He is a typical little monster! Violet has a wonderful temperament with the children. Even with the other animals. Not Livestock. I mean other pets in our house. We recently bought two Pomeranians to sell for a friend and she was very careful with them. Amazing."
"I want you to notice the bone in Violet's mouth in the pictures. I Always make my children respect the dog when she has a treat. Today, I was not paying attention and Luke was laying on top of Violet while she was chomping away. I saw him and got nervous, but realized that she is such an incredible animal. I ran to get the camera so I could show how truly gentle she is. I still believe that animals and children need to be supervised, but boy does that picture say a thousand words. I would like you to post it to her page so all can see that you lived up to your claim of raising family friendly Dobes!"

November 22, 2006

Thank You For My Birthday Wishes!!


October 14, 2006 - "Hi - Violet is beautiful. She is smart, too. My only complaint is her strong Prey drive. It gets her into a lot of trouble. Sometimes I want to strangle her. She bit the back of Faith's leg playing in the back yard. We had to train Faith not to run with Violet. Never turn her back and run. Violet was only playing but she gets crazy when she gets in prey mode. How are your kids? Talk to you soon, Tara"
"Hi Laura, I have been thinking of you lately. I hope all is well. I want to give you an update. Violet is wonderful. She has completely exceeded all my expectations. We took her on vacation with us to the Ocean. We bought a Travel Trailer to make camping much easier with the 3 kids. Violet was so well behaved. What I noticed was this; we chained her under the awning with her own set up for daytime. She would watch all the surroundings. At first when she barked at people, I would tell her that she was good and to be quiet. Then, I started to notice her patterns. She was only warning us of men, mostly. When children rode by on their bikes she watched but did not bark. When Mothers with children walked by, it was the same. Sometimes she would let out a little noise like a grunt and I would look out and see people, but she knew what to bark at and what not to. I thanked her every time, even when I "caught her being good" I praised her for watching, but not barking. One time there was a man by himself walking by fast on a cell phone, he seem agitated and she went nuts, so she is really intuitive. We came home and she started her first heat. I feel bad because during the day we have been keeping her in our Kennel. We bought professional Kenneling that we put in our garage. It is still pretty primo. It has indoor/outdoor runs so she has a good set up there. It is just a little messy. She is almost finished.
Well, here are a few photos from today. 7/3/06 I hope you have a great 4th!!!
Talk to you soon, Tara"

April 12, 2006 -
Look at these Girls! Faith and Violet in March. I wanted to again express how grateful we are to you for raising such a true to standard breed of dog. Sounds silly but you actually have changed my life. I never thought I would own a dog like this . Well, please put us on a waiting list for your next litter. We would never consider going anywhere else. Our family does not overlook all the little extras you do with your pups to make them so special.
Thanks! Tara"
"This is where we live. Violet gets plenty of exersize and eats a lot."
"I wanted to show you the Duck Pen. It is to the left of the pool. Funny but she has not bothered them lately."
January 10, 2006 -

Here is Violet at 14 weeks old. Luke and Violet are growing together. Very sweet!

January 3, 2006- "Violet has grown. She is a sweet Pup. These pics are at about 12 weeks. Tara"

December 12, 2005 - "Got the pictures! Your girls are beautiful!
One thing I noticed in the pictures -- and it may have just been how it appeared in the pics -- Violet's ears seem to be taped such that they are pulling in towards each other over the top of hear head. If that is the case, that is how her ears will be trained to stand rather than straight up and down! Thought I would make note of it since I have seen this happen before.
Thanks so much for the pictures! It is fun to put faces to names and know who the pup is calling family now!
Take care! Laura"
"Thank you for your input! I am a novice so all comments are welcome. That wrapping was done by a Vet because the Tech who usually does it was not there. It was like that from Weds. to Sat. I went back on Saturday and only saw the tech. She supposedly wraps show dogs and is a recommended person to have do them. I don't want to forget to say that Violets ears were standing after those first 3 days. I thought that was great. Do you?
She is a wonderful little thing. Very affectionate. Not one single problem with the kids. I think it will always be like that but I watch very closely. My kids are loving and gentle which helps. Even the baby boy does "gentle" but he does like to lay on her and cuddle. She seems very tolerant.
I have more questions I will write you later. --Tara"
"Much better! She should be able to move the ears -- in the picture you sent looks like she can. And, I definitely think that is great on her ears standing!
I am glad that Violet is getting along with the kids well. After she gets a little bigger, let the kids handle her a little rougher -- not encouraged roughness. But, it is not a bad idea to let her get real use to the kids "way" of handling her. My kids can do anything to our dogs and they will just stay in a submissive state. You want that. --Laura"
Violet went to live with Tara, Jerry and their three children in Effort, Pennsylvania.

Violet's home!!! -- December 4, 2005
'Well, The flight was great. Violet had a clean crate and lots of kisses and wags when she met us. No accidents in the house, very thrilled to meet the children this morning. I swear it seemed as if she was comforted to have them near. Maybe she misses the Garrett children.
As far as environment goes, much different from sunny Texas. We awoke this Sunday morning to at least 3 inches of snow and still steadily falling. I love snow but this would not have been what I wanted for Violet's first day home. She is adjusting fine. I took her out and she knew what to do. It was funny to see her discovering snow for the first time. We all know it won't be the last. She is more beautiful in person than we ever expected. Laura, you raised a true specimen! It was a pleasure working with you and Thank You for all the little extra things you had to do to get Violet home safe to us here in the snowy Pocono Mountains. Much Appreciated! Talk to you soon. Tara"
"Love the pictures! Thanks for being so prompt to get back with me. That puts my mind at ease. So glad she lived up to your expectations. I am sure she is feeling right at home with your three little ones doting one her. After we picked her up at Delta Cargo and took her over to American Airlines, my little girl was showering her with attention. That is what she is used to! Please keep us updated and call us whenever you like."
Take care, Laura
Later same day:
"Hi, I gave her medicine no problem. She is very happy!!!!!! " Tara
December 3, 2005 - Violet was suppose to fly out this afternoon but the flight got cancelled. Tara was quick to find another flight with American Airlines .. and I was able to get her to them and rechecked in. It was an interesting experience but all went well! ---------------------- "Good Morning Laura, Today is the big day! We are so excited to bring Violet home. Thank You!!! Tara "
8 Weeks Old Violet had her ears cropped on Nov. 28th

December 1, 2005 - "Hi Those pictures sent a shiver down my spine. I don't know why it bothers me so. Do they get stitches with the procedure?
I hope things are starting to slow down for you. How she is feeling since Mon? Can't wait to pick her up. Now I am starting to get very anxious!" Tara
"I apologize if the pictures bothered you! I knew you would want to see her with her crown before it is taken off tomorrow. She really is doing fine. I had to be away from the house most of the day today so I had the three pups with their cropped ears in the three crates and Aggie (the grandmother) in the car -- she served as protector when we were away from the car. They all did so good. No fussing and when put on grass to take care of business, they did so almost immediately. Rest assured she is doing fine.
I know you are anxious .. I am actually anxious for you! It is going to be a sweet reunion!"
Take care, Laura
"Hi Laura, No apologies really! I just had that squeamish feeling. I have looked at those pictures 18 times since the first time. Violet is beautiful. Really a good looking pup.
Thank You for all your hard work. How do you do it with the three little ones? I do a lot myself but you now are tied to a pretty strict schedule.
How is Violet's personality? Have you noticed anything specific? I am reading my 6th dog training book. Now I am on, "Dog Training For Dummies." I have learned so much over the past 8 weeks. My husband is impressed with how serious I am to raise the perfect dog for US. Well, hope you have a great day. Oh Yeah, do you know what I have to do to pick up Violet tomorrow? Are there rules? Is there a flight number? Let me know. Talk to ya later, Tara "
You asked about Violet's traits - she is a sweetheart!! Truly a doll. Seems pretty calm .. for a puppy ;-)
When you go to pick Violet up from the airport, you need two forms of identification - Driver's License and I think a credit card will do, but you might bring something more identifying to be safe. Honestly, if I were you, I would call the airport and see. Airports always seem to vary in what they require and such. I will call you tomorrow once Violet is set to fly out. I will have the flight number for you then.
I am glad you are all looking forward to her arrival!"

Pictures at 7 weeks old

6 week old pictures

5 weeks old Violet was very agreeable to taking pictures today!

4 weeks old

October 28, 2005 (about 3-1/2 weeks)

3 weeks old
Below we are sharing communication from Tara prior to Violet going home. The order is newest to oldest, so to read it in chronological order, scroll to the bottom and work your way up.
April 3, 2006 -
"Hi So Busy!!
Miss talking with you. Violet is Awesome!
Very Scary looking! Two women walking dog yesterday, Violet was out and she approached them. They picked up their dog and froze. I took a step back and realized just what this 6 month old pup really looks like. She is like Maggie and the Ferocious Beast. Her bark has changed. (she wasn't barking just staring then)
Last week, she was looking out into my back yard beyond the fence into the woods and started to bark. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Not because she sounded so scary to me but because it made me wonder what is she barking at like that. I walked next to her. Thanked her and stood and watched out there. Needless to say that bark is here to stay.
I wonder could she ever attack someone in the wrong situation? I have been socializing her since the day I got her but after yesterday I wonder....what if . She did not seem to be after the little dog she has been socialized with other dogs as well. It looked to me like she was not sure if she wanted these people so close to her house. She put herself between them and me.
She is still a baby but I worry that I will make a fatal mistake somewhere and that is a huge responsibility. I am Rambling .. Really started writing just to say Hi. It is just that I have become so Passionate about my girl I will talk about her endlessly........Tara"
Glad to hear from you! She is performing perfectly. The only other thing to watch for is that she backs down once she sees that you are okay with someone being around. But, the way you described how she reacted to people being close to her home and whatever she heard, well that is what you want, right? Whenever my husband has to go out of town (not as often anymore, thankfully), I am never afraid because I know I have my girls here protecting us. If you have land around the house, you want Violet to have that protective instinct - for your sake and your kids! Our dogs are always on alert when outside.
The next thing for you to watch for is when someone comes to your door. Notice if she is accepting of them coming in once you allow them in the door. Aggie and Scarlett read me, if I am okay with someone, they are too. Now I am rambling ;-) But really, not to worry. I am actually proud to hear that she is showing those signs this early.
Keep writing when you can, love hearing from you! --Laura"
January 23, 2006 -
"Hi Laura, Violet is great. I think she looks beautiful. She goes to the Dr. on Weds. I will let you know her weight.
I am having a problem getting her to Poop in the same spot (that we want her to go) outside. Do your Dogs eliminate in the same area of your yard? Did you train them for that? That is really the only thing I have an issue with. We have a very large deck and she will go to the bottom of the stairs and go right there or over a bit in front of the sidewalk/gate to the Pool area. Gross! In the summer that will never do.
We have walked her on a leash for weeks out to the woods in the back of the property. Sometimes she will run there on her own but more times not. It's cold out there, I understand! That's why I want to be able to open and the door and let her go.....
She is a doll and we love her so much that we will do what it takes to help her learn the place of preference. What is your input?
Talk to you soon, Tara"
I got the pictures and LOVE them!!! She is a doll!
In answer to your question, our dogs do go in the same area of the yard (for the most part, about 90% of the time). That is as long as I keep it picked up. When we are away and the poop is not being picked up regularly, that area expands across the yard! No, we did not train them to do that. That, thankfully, came naturally.
My "opinion" for why Violet is doing her business where she is (1) She is still very much a puppy and (2) It's COLD!! When I let my dogs out in the middle of the night (chilliest part of the day here) they typically drop and tinkle the minute they are off the patio. Thankfully, they will get the poo out a bit farther if need be at that time. So, don't give up hope yet!
As always, it is good to hear from you!
December 17, 2005 - "Do you want 10 week pictures of Violet? Tara"
"Of course, I want pictures of Violet! If you have some, send them! I love to watch them grow up. Just remember, it is a role reversal now -- you watched her grow up through pictures, now I am at your mercy and the other owners to allow me to watch!!
Take care and if I don't communicate with you before the weekend, have a Merry Christmas!
"You are such a sweet person! You have a great holiday too.
I will send lots of pictures!! --Tara"
"You are a pretty great person yourself! I have very much enjoyed the relationship that has developed between us. Finding good people these days can be a difficult task. I appreciate you and your family - so thank you! --Laura"
December 7, 2005 -
Violet has her ears up today! They took the stitches out and wrapped them but they still look kind of gruesome on the cut. I have to go back on Sat. to make sure all is OK then I will do it myself.
Quick story....
Today at the Vet, Luke, who is teething his top eyeteeth was a beast! I had such problems with his attitude. (Normally he is the best baby in the town.) Well, I went to put stuff in the car and he thought I was really leaving (as if!) and fell to the floor and started really crying. A technician was holding Violet for me and when she saw and heard Luke get upset so did she. It is truly amazing. The Tech told me that she was trying to get to him and when she did she started licking him and checking him all out. Pretty Cool! They think she is a very protective puppy. We love her lots!
I have been acclimating her to the snow. Of course, I only give her 5 minutes at a time. We always go out together and I have been adding a minute or two now. She doesn't mind so much. I will be buying her a sweater though. Dobes have that thin skin and that shiver-shake. When it comes to the cold boy are they wimps!
I will talk to ya soon. TARA"
"I love it!! I can't believe she has already bonded with your children like that. Truly amazing.
On the snow, when we lived in Ohio, we were there for two full winters .. and lots of snow! Aggie and Scarlett didn't seem to mind it, actually seemed to like it. I could never understand this but they would be out in snow up to their chests and be playing like it was just gorgeous outside. It was quite a sight! Brindie, however, was like me and hated the could!
Glad her ears are up now!
Take care! Laura"
December 8, 2005 -
Ya know, I might have spoke to soon about the cold. Violet yesterday and today was playing up a storm out there with me. She didn't shake as much and didn't race to go in. Maybe she really just had to get used to it.
December 6, 2005 -
Funny that today there is a picture of Brindie up. All this time she has not been shown. I have been meaning to ask you about her. I am glad to see she is still with you. How long have you had her? Violet is doing well. The Vet would not tape her ears yesterday. They seem very nice there. I was told that her ears were having a tiny reaction to the stitches and to put Betadine on them (3 times) for a day. She will be going in tomorrow morning early for the removal and wrapping. I was powerless to the situation because to Vet who was very nice to me said that she believed that if she wrapped them yesterday they would be likely to get infected. I am just going with what they are telling mre to do. Her ears actually look better (no crusties) since the Betadine. I'll tell you what happens tomorrow.
The dog food I bought was different. It was the light green one. Lamb flavor large breed puppy Nutro. Well, I gave her some today mixed with what was left in yours. If you tell me what to get I will get it and mix the two little by little.
Thanks, Tara"
"Hey! We have had Brindie since October 1996 - she is 9 years old. We love her. My husband thinks she's "special" when compared to Aggie and Scarlett. She is more my dog than his! My daughter favors her. It's funny, each of my kids favors one of our dogs - my middle child favors Aggie and my oldest favors Scarlett.
I am surprised to hear about not wrapping Violet's ears. Do they think there will not be a problem getting them to stand letting them be down that long? I understand not wanting to let them get infected, that is good. Just nervous!
As long as the food is Nutro large breed puppy, don't worry. I have had them on the Lamb and the one that got sent with her (honestly can't remember which formula that one was .. but was definitely Nutro lg breed pup. I think I got the Lamb everytime but once!
Let me know how it goes tomorrow!
Note to Tara after picking Violet up from her ear cropping:
November 29, 2005 -
"I picked Violet up from the vet earlier. She is doing fine but she is not liking being crated. Her and Willow have protested quite a bit. I am rotating them out of the crate so that between the three (Ozzy), at least one is having free run of their little area. It is not perfect but the best I can do. They are absoluting DYING to play with each other! The kids are helping give them atention. So, she should be use to the crate come Saturday and VERY happy to be in your arms!" --Laura
November 28, 2005 -
"Violet goes in for her cropping this morning. Here is how things went last week with the two pups that had their ears cropped:
They stay overnight at the vet's after the cropping. I pick them up after 4:00 the next day. There are three medicines to give: --antibiotic, anti-inflamatory, narcotic
The wrapping that is initially on the ear is such that air can get to the wound easily. On Friday, that contraption will come off and stay off the ears until Monday when the ears will be wrapped the way you have seen in the pictures. I will get the names of the tapes and other supplies for you tomorrow when one of the pups goes in for a wrapping.
The other pup is being done by another vet as he went home last Weds. The meds are given all once in the morning and two once in the evening (very clear on label). One thing that might be confusing is that when the label says "give 1/8" they have already broken the pill into 1/8 and the other 1/2.
The only problem you might run into is that when the contraption is removed on Friday (you need to line that up .. or you could do it yourself if you are comfortable with that, just be sure to clean the inside of the ears with rubbing alcohol AVOIDING the area that was cut!! ouch!) What you will then need to watch for is make sure that the ears are not curling in or contracting while in the airing out phase.
For a short time, the ears will stand. They will then flop and that is okay. Just watch for the ear to draw in. If that is the case, the ears will need to be wrapped Saturday. Otherwise, arrange for wrapping on Monday. You should, of course, keep the ears clean. If she should seem to find the ears to be itchy, give her some baby strength benedryl.
I guess that covers it!"
TC, Laura
"Thank You so much!! Working with you is such a pleasure. In this world you never know what kind of people you'll end up dealing with." Tara
November 9, 2005 - Subject: "Sleep Talker"
"Hi Laura, Feeling really good about our decision. My husband's name is Jerry and he talks Doberman in his sleep lately. He asks me quite often when Violet is coming home. How is she? Any new info? Is it sad for your children when the pups leave? Being that I have 3 kids the same age I can just imagine it will be difficult for them to part with the one's they have come to favor. I would be more than happy to send them pictures of her as she develops if she is missed. Talk to you soon. Tara"
"Tara, That is cute about your husband's sleep talk! I am not sure how the kids are going to respond. The first few will not be missed as much as when the last few leave! My younger son (4yr) has attached to the red male. I think he is going to have a problem with him leaving. Luckily, that pup is going to a family member so I can tell him he will get to visit him.
Get back to me on the dates - Oh, I got some new pics up for you!"
Later! Laura
October 13, 2005 - "Hi! Your Daughter Is Very Beautiful. My son Luke is 20 months next week. Pups look great." Tara
September 20, 2005 - "Hi Laura I must say now that we have made the final decision to adopt a new member into our family it is truly quite exciting. I think I must have checked your site three times already today and it is only 2pm. I feel like an expectant relative awaiting a new birth. Thank You for e-mailing me to check up on us. It is so the right time for us." Tara
September 17, 2005 - "Hello Laura, Thank You for updating me on Scarlet. We have not as of yet gotten a Pup. We are interested and would like a black and rust, no preference to sex. Do you recommend a particular sex with my three young children? I am making sure that the decision we make to get a dog is absolutely the best one for us all, and that the timing is right. I hope that you understand we are interested but still on the fence. Thanks for your time." Tara
October 24, 2004 - "Hello, My name is Tara. I live in Pennsylvania. I have been researching Dobermans now for about 4 weeks. My husband really would like a dog but I am more reserved. I am nervous about any dog around my children. I keep reading that this is a good breed for a family. My children are 6, 3, and 8 months. I was wondering if you have a litter coming and are you still in Ohio? If you will be breeding, let me know. Thank you for your time." Tara