Scarlett's 1st Litter
[Links to each individual puppy at the bottom of this page]
This litter was Born: October 2, 2005
Size of Litter: 10 (5 Females / 5 Males)
-- Color --
Black & Rust: 2 Females / 4 Males Red & Rust: 3 Females / 1 Male
All healthy pups; 1 runt
Scroll down this page to view the pups from day of birth to the day they left us to go into their new homes. At the bottom of the page are links to each pup's individual page as well as the Development Diary and links to the pups' parents.

First three pups (three girls), proud mom!
-- October 4, 2005 --
Time to shorten the "5th extremity" in the back! And, get rid of those useless dew claws. Not the most fun day we'll have but it's not that bad, really!

Last meal before the big event!

Loaded in car ... Mom's not too thrilled

Mom inspects the little passengers

Taking a nap on the way back home

Mom also rests. She handled it well, but ready to get home.

Back home - about to get some mommy time

Mom checks pups out as they fill their tummies

Picture trying to show shortened tails

Son takes a look at their new look - Boy is this hard to explain!

Tails are a nice length now

-- 1 Week Old --
The pups have gotten noticeably stronger this first week of their life. At the end of the first week, they are able to push and pull themselves around kind of like a military crawl. Each one has a great appetite and keeps mom quite busy!
In the pictures below, I tried to capture what happens during each day for them - mostly sleeping and eating but also being loved by our kids and some time in the laundry basket. Every time they are put in the basket, they immediately cuddle, settle, and go to sleep. That gives mom a break and allows us to get their area nice and tidy.

The pups usually eat in shifts. With 10 pups, it's hard for all puppies to find a spot to nurse at the same time!

Notice how strong puppies are getting

The laundry basket --- It's almost spooky. Not once have I placed the pups in this basket and they not immediately settled and fallen asleep!
Our children are always wanting to love on the pups. Pictured here are the pups with our 20 month old daughter. If the pups make a peep, one of the kids is there checking to make sure everything is okay!

The next set of pictures show the pups grouped by color/gender:
1 red male, 2 black females, 3 red females and 4 black males.
The lone red male

The two black females ....awwwww!

The three red females - It is kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but one of the females is noticeably smaller than any others in the litter. I would consider her the runt. In the picture above, she is on the right. In the picture below, she is in the middle.

The four black males - Again, it is hard to tell much from these pictures but two of the males are a bit larger than the others. Nonetheless, all are healthy and of good size!
-- 2 Weeks Old --

Look closely at this photo. There are 10 puppies in this litter -- count the pups in this photo and you will get 12. When I moved the pups to the basket, our 1-1/2 year old daughter placed her brother's beany pups in with them! When the kids aren't holding the pups, they are caring for these two and taking them everywhere. I just got the biggest chuckle when I looked down and saw this. She honestly thought they needed to go in the basket like the others!

At 2 weeks, we decided to move the pups from the laundry room to the garage -- which is right by the office where we spend a good portion of our day (we homeschool). So, the pups are in ear shot and we can easily check on them. As you will see in the pictures below, they have become much stronger -- and mobile! Thus, the transfer! For awhile, the pups will be given only half the space of the pen. Later we can remove the box barrier and give them full romping room.

Notice the pup in the back standing -- by the end of this week, the pups will be able to walk pretty well. They are just putting things together in these pictures.
Notice the eyes -- You can see them! Their eyes opened up middle to late last week. It is so fun to have them look at you with curiosity all over their face.

This is just a big week in the development of the pups. In these pictures, you will notice that the playful puppy stage is starting to come out. By the end of this week, they are going to be all about playing! In the picture above, look close -- the one pup's ear is in the other pup's mouth, a handy chew toy!? In the picture below, look at the two pups nudging the others as the sleep -- they can be quite the pest!
-- 3 Weeks Old --

Something wrong with these pictures?
No. That is Aggie (Black/rust adult female)... the grandmother of this litter.
She jumped in and decided she wanted to spend some quality time with her grandpups! She proved that she hasn't lost that mothering instinct. And, how did the mother Scarlett respond? She looked in on them and actually seemed relieved -- then took a little time to herself!

When I went out to change the bedding one morning this week, I found the pups in one big pile and off the blanket. Mom (Scarlett) had scooted the blanket into a ball and the pups were left with the paper. Scarlett has been doing this when it's time to change the bedding! Anyway, the picture had to be shared ... all 10 pups were together in one pile.

After getting the pups all cleaned up, the kids and I sat down with them. I was petting one in the corner and before I knew it, they all started piling on my arm and going to sleep! So sweet! My son played photographer and captured this moment.
Every litter we "tag" the pups with colored yarn as a collar. This allows us to begin getting familiar with the pups on an individual basis. We usually tag pups around 4 weeks old, but our new owners are getting antsy ;-) to start claiming a pup as their own. So, the pictures below are the beginning of individual pictures.

Black female tagged green (later named Trinity)

Black female tagged purple (later named Violet)

Black male tagged blue (later named Dillon)

Black male tagged green (later named Vader)

Black male tagged purple (later named Ozzy)

Black male tagged red (later named Raider)

Red female tagged green (later named Sasha)

Red female tagged purple (later named Willow)

Red female tagged red (later named Brandi)

The lone red male of the litter (later named Pyro)
This was a moment I had to share ... and it happens quite often! The three kids and myself were in the puppy area along with mom and their grandmother. Peaking in on us was our Boxer. That's 13 canines and 4 humans for a total of 17 bodies in a very confined space -- very cozy!

October 28, 2005 - Today was gorgeous so we decided to introduce the pups to the backyard and the green stuff covering it! Curiosity kicked in immediately. Once comfortable with the new turf, the puppies began playing. After a little playing, we let mom join them. That, of course, resulted in snack time which then made the pups feel sleepy. After this new experience plus playtime plus a full belly...the pups were completely worn out!

Posing pretty - Red female tagged red (Brandi)

We had a visitor (above) -- a cousin, a little boy from Rockwall, Texas. He is the son of the owner of Jagger from Aggie's second litter.

Left: Black Male Tagged Blue (Dillon) Right: Red Male (Pyro)

Red male: Pyro
Originally, we tagged Pyro green, but since he's the lone red male in this litter, we later removed his tag making it easier to identify red female tagged green (Sasha) in photos shared.

Black male tagged blue (Dillon)

Black female tagged purple (Violet)

Red female tagged green (Sasha)

Mom allowed to join pups

The other visitor we had was MY mother. She brought the cousin over (her other grandchild), pictured in her lap.

The ball in the picture is a normal sized soccer ball. This should help you judge how big they are right now.

Black male tagged purple (Ozzy)

Getting sleepy! (Brandi in front)

Violet snoozing


October 31, 2005 - Scarlett is not wanting to spend quite as much time nursing the pups anymore -- the teeth are in and they claw at her while nursing, ouch! -- plus they are growing like weeds and need a little extra nutrition! So, today we introduced food (hard large breed puppy food soaked in water to soften).
Can you say trick or TREAT?!

First pup wanders over and tries food

Couple others get curious. Stepping into the squishy food always seems to surprise them.

Others come over to see what the smelly stuff is ... male tagged red seems to think he needs to hold down the dish

More pups interested in what all the commotion is about

Curiosity has the best of them however pups are tentatively nibbling

In a very short amount of time, all 10 pups are eating

Now they are really into it ... this eating thing has become serious business

The one pup looks to be saying, "This is my space!"

It gets to a point where they are so "into" eating, it's hard to see the food bowl through the sea of puppies!

The first feeding is the funniest ... they just get so messy! After a couple different feedings, the pups do actually learn not to step in the food bowl quite so much.
At this point, the pups take a break, bounce around a little bit, then come back to the dish and check it out, maybe eating a little more ... repeat.

The look of a content and full belly

Pups are done ... all they are doing now is tracking food everywhere

After a mess like that, we had to follow up with bath time. Our son "helps" by holding pup in a towel.

All clean! They are looking at mom who is being allowed to join them again.

The huddling begins

It's nap time!
-- 4 weeks old --
This has been another eventful week for the pups. They got to try food for the first time -- and loved it! They also are getting full run of the pen. So, we are now working on teaching them to do their business away from the bedding area. They are already doing pretty good with that! And, the weather has been gorgeous this week, so lots of playtime outside with us.

Some cute moments ...

Posing are the 3 red girls

If mom is walking by, the pups are latching on!

Pups have full run of the pen now. The bedding is in the corner with a heating lamp. It is not that chilly during the days, but can get a little nippy at night. The towels tied to the pen are for playing. The pups love shaking around rags, but if left on the floor, the rags get messy. For now, we can keep up a board so mom can come and go as she pleases. The pups can't get over the board yet.
-- 5 weeks old --
This week has been much easier on both Scarlett and myself. The pups have accepted puppy food as their main source of nutrition, however, they are still nursing when Scarlett allows it. The pups are loving the freedom of mostly being outside and not in the pen as much. As you will see below, they have a new favorite spot -- on a blanket under the picnic table. The clumsiness is still there, but the pups are much more coordinated than last week. You will see lots of playful moments in the pictures below!
The pups' routine this week is to go outside in the morning, have breakfast, play, sleep on the porch and hang out for awhile outside (this week the temperatures have been in the 80's and 90's!!). In the late afternoon, the pups are brought back to their pen. The early evening is spent back outside and starts with supper followed by more playtime and sleep/hang out time. After the pups are mostly settled, they are put back in the pen for the night.

Trying to decide what to do first, hmmm...

A popular toy this week with the pups (rope bone)

When the pups aren't playing, eating or doing their business, they are here on the porch either in the crate, door open or sleeping under the picnic table which is actually the most preferred spot.



Body parts serve as chew toys most of the time these days! Above and below: Pyro (red male) and Dillon (black male)

... all body parts are fair game these days for chewing!

Sasha (left) & Pyro (right)

Raider (left) & Pyro (right)

... actually, everything is fair game and becomes a chew toy ... OWNER'S BE PREPARED! Have lots of chew toys ready!

Raider chewing; Trinity sleeping

Sweet moments with grandmother (Aggie)

All 10 pups asleep in the crate (They out grew the basket!!) -- Individual 5 week pictures --











Pyro is our middle child's favorite
-- 6 weeks old --
The pups have fully blossomed as... well... puppies! They are exploring the entire backyard now and just having the best time! As the pictures below will show, it is all about playing. Developmentally, they are eating dry food no longer softened and they are doing a pretty good job of keeping their "business" in the grass. It has been a fun and crazy week! Note: When I could determine which pup was in the photo, I identified it by name. It's hard to tell on most of the pictures.

Facing you in the picture: Raider (left), Willow (center), Sasha (right)

Dillon (far left), Sasha (red to right of Dillon) Ozzy (front, center), Brandi (red to right of Ozzy) Pyro (red in far back)

Trinity (left); Raider (behind Trinity); Willow (right of Trinity) Pyro (behind Willow); Violet (far right); Sasha (behind Violet)

Vader (Top) and Sasha (Bottom)

Trinity (L); Dillon (center)

Brindie (Boxer, Left); Willow (red, left); Dillon (behind Willow); Vader (behind Dillon); Brandi (red in front of group on right)

Black Adult Doberman is Aggie, the grandmother; Mom is the Red Dobe (Scarlett)

Upfront, facing you is Trinity

Brandi (our oldest son's favorite!)

Vader (left) and Sasha (right) playing peek-a-boo!

Brandi & & Vader gang up on Trinity










-- November 17, 2005 --
We have a special delivery to make on the 19th, so my mother took the other pups and our adult dogs home for the weekend. Pyro will be the first one to go home .. to some of our family members .. and we have arranged to surprise them!

Preparations for the delivery of Pyro to our family members, the Watsons. The kids grandmother (same one who will be soon taking home Brandi) took our adult dogs and pups home with her for a fun and busy two nights.

This has been a recurring scene this week .. the kids hold pups as we take them to either the vet or a flight home. Our son on the right is fully aware he is about to give up his buddy, Pyro :(
-- 7 weeks old --
This has been a busy week! First, Pyro went home .. then Brandi and Vader got their ears cropped .. then Dillon flew home .. then Vader and Sasha went home on Wednesday .. and, of course, we got to give our thanks on Thursday for Thanksgiving.
We are having to keep Brandi separate from the rest of the litter -- she is not too happy about that, but she is enjoying the extra attention from us! The remaining 5 pups, mostly kept outside because we have been blessed with beautiful weather.
What have those 5 pups been up to this week? Having an absolute blast romping and rolling, basically terrorizing the backyard!

Vader and Brandi back home after the ear cropping and overnight stay. These two pups were dying to play when they got home, so one could say they were not too bothered by their new look!

Mom checking out the wrapping. Not too happy with what she sees. Had to separate pups to avoid mom licking their ears.

Violet and Willow hard at play

Mom and Raider playing

Our son has a new favorite pup since Pyro had to leave .. Ozzy

Trinity getting a much needed drink after lots of playing

Ozzy cleaning up everyone's mess
-- Willow at 7 weeks --
-- Violet at 7 weeks --
-- Raider at 7 weeks --
-- Brandi at 7 weeks --
-- 8 Weeks Old --
This week has been a whole lot like last week -- ear croppings and pups going home. On Monday, Brandi went home and Violet, Willow and Ozzy all had their ears cropped. Willow will go home Friday. Then Ozzy, Raider and Violet will all go home Saturday. That will leave us with one pup, Trinity, who will go home the following Friday. Because we have 3 pups with their ears cropped, we have had to pay them special attention. One thing I have to say is these are some sweet, lovable pups!

Brandi's owner, Vicki Swehla, takes her home

This is the set up for the three with cropped ears .. Three individual crates and the pups may only be together under close watch as they try to bite each others' ears - ouch!

Since the being cropped, the pups have lots of bottled up energy and things like food gets spilled all over! They are pretty tired of not getting to romp & roll like they did before the surgery.

For now, they occasionally get to eat together. Mostly, they are kept separated .. alternating turns on being inside or having full run of the garage or being kept in the crate. They have stopped protesting the set up .. for the most part!

When we have to leave the house .. and when it is time to sleep .. all three cropped pups are put up, and they are actually getting use to it with little fuss!
Mom really doesn't understand why she can't be in direct contact with her pups. The problem is she wants to lick their wound - Not good! Ozzy on the left, Violet middle, and Willow far right.
There are two remaining uncropped pups. Most of the time it's play, play, play!! Trinity tagged green, Raider tagged red.

Raider is thinking about pouncing on our Boxer, Brindie
The adult dog interaction can seem a little overwhelming at times. Completely normal. The pups basically have 3 canine caretakers. Pup goes into submission by laying over on the back.

Mom watches as Trinity tackles Raider
-- Raider at 8 weeks --
-- Trinity at 8 weeks --
-- Ozzy at 8 weeks post-surgery --
-- Violet at 8 weeks post-surgery --
-- Brandi after going home --

Not sure what to think of the new addition/intruder
-- Trinity at 9 weeks old -- Cropped and ready to fly home

Snow in Texas. There will be lots more where Trinity will call home!

Everything ready to fly home to Calgary, Alberta, Canada
-- Brandi at 10 weeks old --
Click HERE to see Mother of this Litter
Click HERE to see Sire of this Litter
That concludes the diary entries. For future updates for this litter (sent in by the owners themselves), check the individual puppy links listed after the diary at bottom of this page. The order is oldest date to newest date. Recommend reading from the bottom up.
December 9, 2005 - Trinity flew home today. My oldest son and I got up before the crack of dawn to get her to the airport .. with her being the last one, he grew attached to her and wanted to help me get Trinity on her way to her new owners. Now, here is the funny part, at the time Trinity was flying out .. it was colder here in Texas (18') than in Canada (21')!?
December 3, 2005 - A happy - and sad day for us. Ozzy went home this morning with his new family (Bonnie, Jason, Zach) to Addison, Texas. Raider also left this morning (shortly after Ozzy) with his new family (Brian, Michelle and children) to live in Oklahoma City.
Violet flew home this evening to be with Tara, Jerry and their three children in Effort, Pennsylvania. That was a little bit of an ordeal because the first flight Violet was to go home on got cancelled. Tara was quick to find a new flight and we got her baby to her without any problems.
December 2, 2005 - Willow flies home this evening to her new family (Mike, Laura, Sarah) in Sunrise, Florida.
November 30, 2005 - Second round of shots given and heart worm prevention started with Trinity and Raider.
November 29, 2005 - Second round of shots given and heart worm prevention started with Ozzy, Violet and Willow.
November 28, 2005 - Violet, Ozzy and Willow all go to get their ears cropped today and stay overnight at the vet's office. Brandi gets delivered to her new owner in Rockwall .. and Raider and Trinity come along for the ride.
November 24, 2005 - The red female tagged red finally gets a name -- Brandi.
November 23, 2005 - Sasha flies home today to her new owner, Shelley in Cottonwood, California.
November 21, 2005 - Dillon flies home today to his new family in Mankato, Minnesota.
November 21, 2005 - The littlest red female and Vader both get their ears cropped today and stay over night at the vet's office.
November 19, 2005 - We drove to Nacogdoches to surprise his new owners (some of our family) with their new pup - Pyro.
November 17, 2005 - Other than Pyro and Violet, the pups and our adult dogs went home to my mothers so that we could make a surprise delivery on Saturday. (Violet came along for the ride to keep company and meet some fans!)
November 16, 2005 - Red female tagged red has found a home and that now makes this litter sold out. She will soon be living with Vicki in Rockwall, Texas -- which, by the way, is my mother! So, my two sons' favorites will each be living with family members - Yeah!
November 13, 2005 - Mom is officially weaning the pups! As pups try to grab hold, she turns her body such that they can't latch on -- then, she tries to entice them to play instead. Smart!
November 11, 2005 - The first day I have observed the puppies venture any distance away from the patio. They are starting to get brave - and quite curious! Also, all pups received their first round of puppy shots - and, they actually did great!
November 8, 2005 - Doug and Stephanie from Minnesota have chosen a name for the black male tagged blue. He is now Dillon -- they said as in Gunsmoke's Marshall Matt Dillon.
November 8, 2005 - Shelley from California who has the first pick of the red females just let us know she wants the red female tagged green -- her chosen name, Sasha.
November 7, 2005 - Notified via email that Doug and Stephanie of Minnesota would like the black male tagged blue to join their family.
November 6, 2005 - A second red female sold to Mike in Florida after a nice conversation on the phone.
November 3, 2005 - Notified that Troy and ChunCha have named their black male tagged green Lord Vader. We love it! Troy said they are not Star Wars nuts, just liked the name -- we are nuts for Star Wars, good name.
November 2, 2005 - Our black males have been very popular this week! Two visitors drove 190 miles just to look at them and found the boy they want to join their family. The one they chose is tagged green.
October 31, 2005 - Trick or ... TREAT!! The pups got to try food for the first time today. They loved it!
October 29, 2005 - Two visitors came today from Oklahoma to see the black males. They made the 3 hour drive just to spend some time with the pups. A pick was made. Their chosen pup is the black male with the red tag.
October 29, 2005 - Shelley from California writes to tell us she has picked a name for the red female (pick pending) she is waiting for to come awesome. The pup's name will be Sasha.
October 28, 2005 - It was a gorgeous day so we introduced the pups to the grass today. They were very curious at first then played for awhile. We kept mom away from them until they seemed a little tired of playing. When mom joined them, it became mealtime ... then nap time!
October 26, 2005 - The black males had visitors today from Addison, Texas. This family was able to make a pick, even at the young age of 3 weeks. They also already had a name picked out. The pup tagged BMP (black male purple) is now known as Ozzy.
October 25, 2005 - Funniest thing, pups are hearing REALLY good now. I made a fairly loud noise while around their pen and everyone of them jumped, then looked very puzzled!
October 22, 2005 - Pups respond to noises and ears are almost completely open -- they can hear!
October 21, 2005 - More bad news for mom -- Bottom set of teeth have cut through the gums!
October 19, 2005 - Bad news for mom -- Top teeth have cut!
October 18, 2005 - Until today, when we would hear noise out of the pups we knew they needed us to help them find mom or that they were tangled up in a blanket -- yes, that is a big concern for the first two weeks, they will just scoot right under it (not that often, though). Today, we heard them making what we though was a terrible noise -- ran out there, they were playing!!
October 16, 2005 - Yesterday we noticed the pups beginning to try and play. Today they are trying even more so. It is such a clumsy attempt you can't help but chuckle!
October 15, 2005 - For the pups' 2 week "birthday", we moved them to an area with more space. The laundry room is just not big enough anymore as they are scooting all over it now! Go to the two week link above to find out more.
October 13, 2005 - The pups eyes began to slit open this morning and by the evening we could see their little eyes -- they can see! Well, probably not too good, but at least they are getting some light in their life now! Also, they are entering into the "toddler" stage -- getting up on all fours only to "crash" down when trying to go forward. Really too cute!
October 12, 2005 - Gave pups their first bath today. The first bath is always a surprise for them. Some seem comforted by the warm water running over them (did it remind them of being in the womb?) while others where more comforted by the strokes of my hands as I lathered them up. Only two put up much of a protest - the smallest red female and one of the larger black males. Those two were the most vocal!
Notified that Tara and Sean have chosen a name for their pup: Trinity
October 11, 2005 - The second and third puppies are officially spoken for - a second black female will be going to Tara and Sean in Canada. A red female will be going to Shelley in California.
October 9, 2005 - The pups are noticeably stronger. They are pushing and pulling themselves in what looks like a military crawl.
October 7, 2005 - The first puppy is officially spoken for - one of the black females will be going to Tara in Pennsylvania.
October 5, 2005 - I noticed last night that the pups nails were getting a little sharp for mom when they are nursing (already!?) So, this morning, I clipped the front nails to ease the nursing process for mom! The nails seem to grow even more overnight. That milk must be good stuff!
October 4, 2005 - Went to the vet this morning at 8:45 a.m. to get tails docked and dew claws removed. No fun but the pups did fine.
October 3, 2005 - All pups are healthy and eating well. Mom is doing good, too!
October 2, 2005 - Scarlett went into labor at about 5:30 a.m. this morning. Around 11:00 a.m. the first puppy was born - a black female. The next pup was a red female then another black female. Then came the boys - 5 in a row!! The last two were red females. It was an all day event ending around midnight.
The following links are for each individual puppy. As owners send in pictures or share fun information, this is where we post it. To view the page, just click on the underlined name.
1st Puppy Sold: Violet
[Effort, Pennsylvania] -- Black Female, Ears cropped --
2nd Puppy Sold: Trinity
[Calgary, Alberta, Canada] -- Black Female, Ears cropped --
3rd Puppy Sold: Sasha
[Grand Cayman Island] -- Red Female, Ears cropped --
4th Puppy Sold: Ozzy
[Addison, Texas] -- Black Male, Ears cropped --
5th Puppy Sold: Raider
[Oklahoma] -- Black Male, Ears cropped --
6th Puppy Sold: Vader
[Harker Heights, Texas] -- Black Male, Ears cropped --
7th Puppy Sold: Pyro
[Nacogdoches, Texas] -- Red Male, Ears cropped --
8th Puppy Sold: Dillon
[Minnesota] -- Black Male, Ears cropped --
9th Puppy Sold: Willow
[Sunrise, Florida] -- Red Female, Ears cropped --
10th Puppy Sold: Brandi
[Rockwall, Texas] --Red Female, Ears cropped
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