Black & Rust Male out of Scarlett's 1st Litter (Born October 2, 2005 -- Owned by the VanMeter's)

September 19, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
Greetings. I hope this finds you and your family well. Vader is doing great. Vader will be a year old soon, so I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how he is doing. First of all, I want you to know how much I appreciate being the recipient of this fellow. I’m sure all of your adopter’s believe that their dog is the best of the litter. While I respect their ‘from the heart’ sincerity; Lord Vader is the best dog ever whelped from any littler. Bravado sounding, but true. No, he would never win ‘best of breed’ in a dog show, he’s too big to meet ‘ideal bread’ standards. However, he would take ‘best buddy’ hands down. I apologize for the arrogant sounding introduction, it’s not meant that way. If you spent a day with Vader I’m sure you would agree. I’m not over stating.
The shell of his personality has not changed much from the first several letters I wrote you when he was very young. He is still an ‘Alfa-Dominate’ per canine nature. However, he is not vicious or aggressive and has never attempted to bite anyone. We have guests over from time to time that have children and Vader is trustworthy around them. Our other Dobe, Heidi loves guests. She will sit by them as long as they pet her. Not so with Vader. He checks them out, lets them pet him if they’re so inclined and then moves away and sits within eye shot and watches them. If someone walks over to pet him, he lets them. But he doesn’t ‘live-for-it’, like Heidi.
One big change, when he was very young he hated a leash. Now, he loves it. He has a leather collar which he loves and gets upset when it’s taken off; I leash to that mostly. Only time I use the standard choker is at ‘Pet-Smart’.
Me and Vader take a weekly trip to –Pet Smart- to get a large ‘chewie’; as one would take their child to get ice cream; he loves the trip. Some of the customers (and staff) get a little spooked by him so he wears the choker there as ‘visual’ courtesy, though it’s unnecessary. Usually, nobody will come close to us, however occasionally someone will ask, “can I pet him”. I tell them, “certainly.” Then the other customers swamp him with attention once they see he’s ‘safe’.
Anywhere I can go with Vader, I take him with me. The back seat of my truck is a mess, full of those little Doberman dog hairs: That’s the way I like it! Vader does pretty well with other dogs, too.
My new neighbor’s dog got out of the back yard, a small long haired mixed breed. It was hanging out in front of our house, it had the owner’s cell number on it’s collar. I called the number and reached the owner. She was on a day trip to Fiesta Texas and asked if we would hold the dog. We did. The little fellow had a blast playing with Heidi and Vader. At first I was a little hesitant about letting the dog play with my dogs because it was freshly groomed. Then I noticed it still had it’s male ‘jewels’. Then I was a bit pis**d because the owner would take the dog to a groomer, but didn’t ‘fix’ him. I let them play till their heart’s content.
I’m very opinionated on responsible breeding. Vader is ‘fixed’ and so is Heidi and so was Roxanne. So, when I see a ‘buddy’ that by nature will breed pups destined for hardship, it ‘P’s me off. Anyway, Vader and the dog had a blast playing together (and Heidi). However, the vagrant’s new hair-do was hosed; full of Dobe slobber. When the owner picked her buddy up that night the first words out of her mouth was “oh-my-god, I just spent $30 having him groomed”. What gratitude. I could not restrain stating, “next time he get’s loose, I’ll spend $150 getting his balls cut off”. I have not been invited for a ‘Bar-B-Que’, nor has her dog been loose since then. However, free of charge, I learned that Vader gets along pretty good with strange canines as well as people.
You being a dedicated Dobe owner, what is the deal with Dobe’s and Couches? Vader sleeps on our $1500 couch every night, no breaking him of it. Heidi no longer sleeps on it because Vader has claimed it. We have never been able to break a Dobe of sleeping on the couch. I’ve given up on that. Actually, Vader still tries to crawl up on my lap in my Laz-E-Boy.
Vader is a good friend to me, a true friend. I try to reciprocate. No matter what someone’s financial or social status is, a friend of Vader’s status cannot be bought. He’s my best buddy.
Thank You, Troy"
"Troy, HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the update!!! I always love receiving your emails. You make me laugh. The story you shared about the "other" male -- too funny, and sad, too. You said you found him running loose. No telling how often that happens. Good for you for have the you-know-what 's to say some to the owner!! Vader looks great. Glad to hear how close you two have become. It is awesome that he has such a wonderful life with you. Please never hesitate to update us. I may not always get back to you quickly and I may not get site updated for a couple of months (we're BUSY - ugh!!), but it brings personal enjoyment and happiness to hear how things are going. Take care and tell Chuncha I said hello! Laura"

"Hi Laura,
Here's a couple of pics of Heidi & Vader. The picture where they are lying down was January 11. The other is today's.
Take Care, Troy & ChunCha"

January 6, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
Lord Vader is doing well. He is a huge puppy (as you can probably tell from previous pics). He weighed 36 lbs on his Dec. 29 Vet visit. Not much fat on him though.
He and Heidi rough house a lot; he gets plenty of exercise. They have destroyed numerous stuffed toys. We are now cutting the pant legs off old jeans for them to play with. Thank goodness Heidi is a gentle dog. Vader is constantly stealing her leather 'chewies' from her. Heidi tries to put him 'in his place' but Vader will not back-down from her. She gives up her the chewie, rather than bite him hard. She loves him.
In their quieter moments they will nap on the carpet together with Vader's chin resting on Heidi's back; cute as heck. I continue to take him places to expose him to plenty of people but Vader is not the social beast that Heidi is.
He is very intelligent and alert to his surroundings, and tolerates people loving on him. But, he does not live for it like Heidi. He loves being close to me, though. He has not pee'd in the house for some time now. I'm continuing to work on his social skills.
Best Regards, Troy"
December pictures ...

December 28, 2005 -
"Hi Laura,
Vader is doing well. He is continuing to improve a little at a time on the leash. He does best when I take him somewhere he hasn't been before.
I took him to my work place on Ft. Hood yesterday to let him socialize. My co-workers and all the G.I.'s had a lot of fun loving on him. Vader seemed to enjoy it but he does not have a "I need to be the center of attention" personality. He seemed like he could take it or leave it when it comes to being the center of attention around strangers. This is in sharp contrast to Heidi's personality, who thrives on being the center of attention. However, he was not shy; Vader's personality continues to be 'dominant'.
In my first email I sent you I stated, "we were not neophytes to the Dobermans". While that was true; It is also true that Vader is a new challenge. One that we are enjoying immensely. We feel Vader has ended up in the right home, he probably would not have done well with a first time dog owner. Vader's demeanor is much different than the females we have/had.
Do you recall the little white stripe on his chest? We have started calling that his 'Light-Side'. I will continue taking him on as many social 'field trips'. We will be taking him to 'Fun-Teirs' obedience school in March.
A couple of firsts for him this week: He was left at home by himself (about 2 hrs in his kennel). That went fine; his Kennel was not upside down when we came home. His first bath, again went well with no damage to personel or equipment. He has still only had the three minor house breaking accidents.
I have a couple of more photos that I'll send you at a later date. Troy"

December 25, 2005 - ChunCha shares her new Christmas present with us (a digital camera)!
Below is Vader with his new sis, Heidi.
December 24, 2005 - "Laura and Todd,
Merrry Christmas and may God look over you and your family."
Troy and ChunCha
December 14, 2005 - "Hi Laura,
Vader is doing well. He is quite a character. If he were a child he could be described as an "intelligent trouble maker".
He has had 2 more house breaking accidents (3 total 'pee' only). But of course he has also been getting more freedom of movement in the house.
We introduced him to a collar quite some time ago; it didn't bother him at all. We introduced him to the leash about 5 days ago; he went absolute 'Dark-Side', completely beserk the first time he was hooked to it. The leash has now become our main training focus with very short and 'liberal movement' sessions.
He is doing much better now. By better, I don't mean he is obediently following along on a slack leash yet. But, he is no longer screaming and trying to kill himself to get loose of it.
Last but not least of the latest 'Vader challenges': the last couple of days he has attempted to "Mount" one of his stuffed toys a few times.
Now for the good stuff. "Sit" and "Lay" are no longer a challenge for him. He sleeps like a rock at night, and goes into his kennel on his own when he is tired, we usually only close his door at night now.
When he wakes up he goes to the back door on his own for a "business trip". When ChunCha or I come home from work, he follows Heidi to the door to greet and he is happy to see us.
Although he gets a bit stubborn at times, he is extremely alert and intelligent. We feel he has ended up in the right home. We are enjoying his company as well as his challenges immensely. He has stolen our hearts. I'm sure all the new owners of your Scarlett's pups feel that theirs is the most unique of the littler. However, I think I can say without too much bravado; Vader is going to turn out to be an incredible Dobe. I unwrapped his ears a few hours ago, which were rewrapped last Friday. Right now they are still standing perfectly, but I expect them to start falling soon. He now looks more like 'Batman' than 'Yoda'. He goes into the vet again on Friday for a check-up and rewrap.
Vader is still packing in the 'chow'. However, is more civilized at his dinner bowl. He has gone through about 20lbs of Purina One Puppy food since he's been home. Most of it seems to be going to his feet. Looks like he is wearing clown shoes. WE REALLY APPRECIATE THAT YOU HAD NOT FED HIM TABLE SCRAPS!! Happy Holidays, Troy and ChunCha"
November 24, 2005 - "Laura, Vader was an absolute Angel on the trip home. He slept in ChunCha's lap the whole way; not a peep or complaint. When we got him home we took him immediatly to the backyard to 'do bussiness'. Which he did and was prasied for. It seemed too good to be true. And it was! Lord Vader, after completing his 'neccasarys', immediataly turned his attention to ChunCha's Koi pond. We caught him just in time before he took his first swimming lesson. We introducted him to Heidi, and they were both -very- excited about each other. It was a short intoduction though. I think Heidi interpets Vader's earcrop as an 'injury'. And she wants to give them 'first-aid'. She attempted to sniff and lick them, so we seperated them. Vader's ear's are itching him a bit, we are distracting his attention from them as much as possible.
Shortly after the preliminarys, we fed, and medicated him. Did you feed him? The little dude went to town on his chow! I was worried he was going to pop! Then he tried to eat Heidi's food. She has an elevated dish and he crawled up on it, 'spread-eagle'. We put him in his kennel and it was anything but quite, for ten minutes. Then he slept for thirty, woke up, and went outside to 'potty' again. We played and loved on him for a bit. Put him back in his kennel and he 'raised hell' for about ten minutes, then he took it out on his chew toy for another minute, and is currently sleeping.
Happy Thanksgiving, Troy and ChunCha"
November 25, 2005 - Troy and I spoke on the phone for a little while. His vet recommended children's Benedryl for the itching of the ears. And, I explained to Troy how Vader's "bad manners" at the food bowl is the result of having to share with 9 siblings!! He is used to having to "fight" for his share of the food!!
November 23, 2005 - Troy and ChunCha drive 190 miles to pick up Vader .. and then drive him all the way back home!

November 22, 2005 - This little guy had a big day yesterday .. The "procedure" was done on his ears and one of his sister's ears. Both are doing fine!

6 week old pictures

Perfectly posed for his 5 week photos

Looks like he just wants to jump out of this photo & kiss you!

November 2, 2005 - This pup had visitors today -- and they came a long way just to see him then go back, 190 miles! We had a nice visit and it was fun to get to meet this pups new owners -- but it was VERY hard for them to leave him behind!

4 weeks old

3 weeks old
Below are the email exchanges we had. These are listed newest at top to oldest at bottom. You may want to start at the bottom and work your way up.
January 19, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
ChunCha just got back from the Vet. Vader got his final round of shots and a nose to tail check up. He weighs 47.3 lbs!! That is big for his age by everything but Great Dane standards. Laura, are any of your other owner's reporting this much weight? Vet said to expect Vader to exceed 100 lbs when he is fully matured. Which, of course, exceeds "ideal" Dobe standards. But that doesn't matter, we aren't going to breed or show him and the Vet says he has "excellent" bone structure. Additionaly, he is not fat. Vet also say's his weight is "ideal" for his current size and bone structure, and that Vader is a "beautiful and very healthy Dog".
Vader's social skills are getting a little better (mostly). But he's still lovably arrogant, and is now barking at anything that gets close to -HIS- back yard fence, or -HIS- front door (I'm talking about the home I make payments on, not his travel kennel). We really don't need a 'watch-dog', but Vader seems to think we do. However, we are still continuing to emphise upon him kindness and gentleness. His is not taking to it as naturally as Heidi did. He is a very lovable character, though.
Take care, Troy"
As always, it is great to hear from you! Wow!! Vader is going to be a big boy!! I just got an email from an owner from Aggie's 3rd litter - the "pup" weighs 115 lbS. Go to Koda's page. I don't see any fat on him!
I am glad your vet approves even if his size is a bit larger than the norm.
Tell ChunCha hi!
December 14, 2005 - "Laura,
I was reading your website from end to end. I think that was great advice you gave Dillion's owners about holding him, and getting down on the floor with him. I know all pups have their own personality. However, I think it can reasonably be said that Dobes are people Dogs. The more holding the better.
As far as climbing on furniture, we've always discouaged it with Heidi and Roxanne, neither would climb on the couch in front of us. But, when we leave both sneak up on it. We were never able to break Roxanne of it, and have given up hope on Heidi. Dobe's seem to have an eye for comfort.
Heck, we had to keep a child gate over our bedroom door for Heidi's first 3 years. She didn't care how angry you got with her; she still would try to sneak in bed with us. I'm not trying to offer advice to the new owners by proxy. I was just ammused. Troy"
December 7, 2005 - "Laura, Vader got another round of shots today, and his ear wrap removed. His ears are falling toward the center. The vet wants him to 'free-ear' until Friday. Then he will rewrap without the crown, and more 'cup'.
Vader is growing like a weed. His weight record: 11/25=14.7, 11/28=15.5 and today, 21.9lbs. We are giving him a daily vitamin suplement to ensure he his getting the nutrition he needs during this rapid growth.
He has still only had the one house breaking accident. And enjoys short training periods. Well, actually he enjoys the 'positive reinforcement'(the tasty bribe).
Greetings to your Family, Troy"
Later same day ...
ChunCha is not liking Vader's ears curling back until the Vet rewrap on Friday. So she has elected to do a "single wrap" herself with Vader's 'leading edge' curled back until then. I'll let her and the Vet -duke it out- on Friday. However, Vader's ears are now standing straight up with just a single 1/2" band thru the center. Troy"
"As always, thanks for the update! It never ceases to amaze me at how fast these puppies grow -- that is rapid growth right before your eyes! Wow!
I think it is awesome that Vader and Heidi are getting along so well. And, on the alpha thing, I told you he was the first one to slip under the wire and escape the section of yard that I like to keep them in when we have to be away from the house. I guess that doesn't surprise me too much!
Glad everything is going well! Laura"
P.S. I trust ChunCha's judgement on the ears, that is her baby!
December 3, 2005 -
Vader is doing well. Our vet is wraping his ear's a bit differently than yours. However, he seems to know what he is doing, and gives explanation. In short, Vader was re-crowned, wrapped and cupped a little more than previous. But the base of his ears are still exposed so that they still get air.
The vet is leaning towards tampons for his rewrap this coming Wed. However, he said he will detemine the type of wrap based on what he see's at that time.
Vader is continuing to impove on "sit" and is now working on 'lay'. He has still only had the one housebreaking accident. Again, a smart boy.
Of course, all is not perfect. I'm starting to think I may have got the -Alfa- of Scarlet's litter. If, not woe to the new owner who did. Vader is comfortable and confident in his new home. His, with a capital "H" seems to be Vader's interpretation of his souroundings. He is attempting to -Rule the Galaxy-.
At this time, he is not a quiet, shy lap dog. He likes to be held and loved on, but only for a short periods. Then he's off to pummel one of his stuffed toys (if Heidi's not available to nip on).
Heidi loves Vader. As rough as Vader is with her, she trys to be gentle with him. If he sleeps too long, she wakes him up wanting his companionship. She tries to show him how to do things. Particularly how to properly destroy a stuffed toy! Anyhow, a "Kinder, Gentler Vader" will be encouraged in his training regement.
Vader is still taking meal time seriously-- has eaten 8lbs pounds of Purina One Puppy Chow since he's been home!
Vader does sleep well in his kennel at night. He does not 'curl in a corner' as most puppys do. Vader tends to stretch out on his back "dispay'n the goods". Arragant, but lovable. Best Regards, Troy"
November 28, 2005 - "Troy,
Update on the ears -- today, the vet cleaned the inside of Brandi's ears with rubbing alcohol, snipped the stitch in both ears without attempting to remove them (she said by next week the stitch will practically fall out by itself), then wrapped the ears.
The prop she used for the inside of the ears is called caulk rod and it can be found with the weather stripping at Home Depot or Lowe's - get the half inch. She cut a piece of that for each ear -- much longer than it needed to be -- then wrapped the rod with 1-inch tape such that the sticky side was facing outward in order to stick to the ear. The tape used for that was Zonus by Johnson & Johnson which she said is hard to find, possibly at a medical supply store. An alternative is a sport tape made by Johnson & Johnson. She pushed the taped rod into the bottom of the base of the ear then formed the ear around it and since the sticky side was out, the ear stuck and cupped around it.
The next step was done using 1-inch paper tape -- I think she mentioned 3M micro. She said any paper tape would do but that some do not stick and hold as well as others. She took several pieces of the paper tape and wrapped them around the ear -- horizontal strips/application, until the entire ear was covered. She wrapped one kind of vertically over the top of the ear to cover the exposed ear tip. The last step was with the Zonus tape -- wrapping figure-8 style around the base of the ears until a good supporting foundation was formed such to hold the ears in an upright position.
I hope that helps!?!?!
Take care! Laura"
"Laura, Thanks, I'll round up the supplies, print the procedure and ChunCha will take it to the Vet with her on Wed. The Vet removed Vader's crown and stiches this A.M. Vader is healing nicely. He'll be -free-ear'n- till his Wed. A.M. appointment. Vader is very happy to get his flappers in the breeze for a bit. He is so cute. However, based on the way his ears are looking right now he would have been more aptly named -YODA-; adorable. He weighed 14.7lbs on the 25th and weighs 15.5 lbs today. He is starting to get a little (and I do mean just a little) more civilized at the dinner bowl. Vader has only had the one housebreaking accident so far. And, he's also starting to get a good handle on the command of "sit". Smart boy." Troy
November 29 - "Troy, Sounds like all is going well! Brandi wasn't too happy about having to have here ears taped up again. Actually, she only seemed to briefly protest for the first few minutes after they were taped up -- pawed at them a bit, that was it. Loved your comment about Yoda! That is about the way they look at first! Did Vader's ears stand any for you when the wrapping was removed? Just curious. Brandi's did for a short while so I could get an idea of what she was going to look like with them standing. That is great that you have only had one accident -- they are amazingly smart!
Take care and thanks for the update! Laura"
"Laura, Yep, Vader's ears both stood fully erect when first unwraped. But only for a short time, perhaps about an hour or so, then they went to the Yoda style for the remainder of yesterday. His right ear started falling first. Currently his right ear is almost completly fallen and the left about 2/3rds fallen. He's getting his rewrap in the morning.
He's quite a character. Sometimes he'll sit in your lap calmly and let you love on him. Other times he likes to try and rough house with Heidi. When he does this we seperate them, and he cops an attitude; grabs one of his stuffed toys and shakes the bejehsus out of it. I know he's just trying to have fun and naturally establish his heirarchy. However, I would like his ears to be fully healed be before I give them full rein. We have been giving him 2 or 3 five minute training sesions a day. Working on the "Vader, Come" and "Vader, Sit". As I told you, he doing well with the "sit". I personally do not attempt to assess success with "come" when it comes to puppys. They tend to come to you naturaly when they are small. It's when they reach adolesence the real chalenge begins with that command. But, good to start familiarizing them with that command as early as possible. Do you agree?
Anyway, he knows his name now. And he is starting to get the idea certian things are expected of him and he gets a tasty reward for performance.
One other thing, which you would probably had to have been there to get the full imact of how humors it was. The other day at the Vet when it was Vader's turn to be seen: The Vet assistant, from across the room, nearly at the top of her lungs, in Royal Court Caller fashion "Dr. Joyner is requesting an audience with Lord Vader". Poor ChunCha was not prepared for that level of humor. New Puppy $***, Vet bill $***, Wife's facial expression: Master Card Priceless. Greetings to your Family; Troy"
"FUNNY, oh I wish I could have seen her face! Ha, ha, ha!! You are going to have some real fun with his name. Thanks for sharing that moment!"
November 11, 2005 - "Hi Laura, Picking up Lord Vader on Wed. Nov. 23, two days after his ear crop on Mon. the 21st sounds almost perfect. We are still working on a vet for his ear follow up. I understand your vet wants him checked out on Fri. the 25th following his crop. I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, to check for signs of inffection?
Hopefully, I can find a vet that works the day after Thanksgiving who is experienced in ear wraping. I'm sure you'll aggree: I will not settle for a money grubbing club fist that may cause harm to Vader with less than gentle bandaging; just because he works a post-holiday friday. Getting him to a competent vet on Monday or perhaps Saturday is assured. And, I think I will probably locate one that will be able to see him on Fri. However, if we can't get him to a vet for a non-emergency visit till Monday; will this be a problem? We will of course be closely monitoring him for signs of infection (thank God for digital thermonitors).
Other than that, the 23rd is great. Lord Vader will be able to have both of our undivided attentions, and monitoring 24hrs a day over a long holiday week end. Both of us will not have to be back at work till Tues. And, even then one of us will be home with him at all times. I think this will be good for his transition.
However, if you feel it's in Lord Vader's best interest to go to your vet on the 26th, following his crop. I'm cool with that, too. And, I will pick him up at the earliest oppurtunity.
We very much enjoyed your latest Web update. After reading all the letters from this litter's adopters, I must say: you have done an extrodinary job of finding good homes for Scarlett's pups. You make it look easy. The foremost of my wife and I's several reasons for not breeding Dobes is finding the pups good homes. Sometimes the breed attracts a few people who are accualy the least compatable with Dobes (least compatable with any noble life-form for that matter). Again, we will not breed them. But it is so good to see someone who can not only responsibly handle it, but appears to enjoy it. Bravo!"
Looking Forward, Troy and ChunCha
"Troy, It sounds like you have your plans for Vader all set. My opinion on waiting until Monday for a follow up is that it should be fine. However, maybe you can find a vet for Saturday. I am sure they will be working half the day. Nonetheless, I feel confident you and ChunCha will handle things perfectly!
As for finding homes, the Web site does all the work for me! It is the letters from you owners and the pictures of the Dobes with the kids that just seems to bring the best prospects -- begging for a pup! It is so much fun! The first litter I sold was a big headache, though. And, I only had 5 pups to sell at that time! Interest has been so great that I have worked it out with the sire's owner to help place her current litter into great homes. Her female reminds me a lot of Scarlett. Anyway, I have you marked down to come pick Vader up on Weds., 11/23 - is that correct? And, I will, of course have his ears done on 11/21."
Thanks! Laura
November 14, 2005 - "Laura - Wed. 11/23 it is then. See you soon, Troy and ChunCha"
November 7, 2005 -
Subject: Lord Vader; "watching your career with great interest"
"Laura, We are enjoying your website. Thanks for keeping it updated. We look at your photos daily. ChunCha surfs your sight every time this computer is booted up. The subject header is a bit cliche' (quote from the -PHANTOM MENACE-, episode I); but I couldn't resist." Best Regards, Troy and ChunCha
November 9, 2005 - "Laura; ChunCha took Heidi to the vet yesterday for a pre-puppy arrival check-up. She was given a clean bill of heath. We have also picked out a travel kennel to assist in his potty training and provide him with 'sancuary'. However, he will be traveling from your home to ours in my wife's lap, not the kennel. Our vet is good, with the exception of ear wraping. We are currently shopping for another vet just for follow up on his ears. ChunCha can wrap if neccesary. If you don't mind, we would like a small amount of Lord Vader's food to take with us when we pick him up, or confirmation on the band just prior to pick up. I think we are getting all the bases covered for his transition and arrival. However, please don't hesitate to suggest anything." Best Regards to your Family, Troy
"Troy, The line is said by Palpatine to little Anakin at the end of Episode 1. I told you we are big fans! We practically have them all memorized. My husband and the kids are watching an episode at least 1 to 2 times per week.
I am happy to hear that ChunCha is enjoying the pictures. She has probably discovered this herself but the 5 week pictures are up for the litter. I will have Vader's individual pics updated shortly after this message.
As for the ear cropping, I now have two dates set: 11/21 and 11/28. Both are Mondays. The vet wants to see - or have another vet see - the ears on the following Friday. I don't have a problem releasing Vader to go home on Weds. following the procedure. I have no doubt that everything will go fine. Talk it over and let me know which week works better for you."
Take care! Laura
P.S. I most certainly will send you home with some food. They are and will be eating until they leave -- Nutro Natural Choice – Large Breed Puppy.
November 4, 2005 - "We have a name for him: Lord Vader, 'Vader' for short. Yea, I know it sounds a little dark and, no we're not 'Star Wars' nuts. However, the character was dark in appearance and reputation but, was actually very good when it came down to it (according to the movies). It was the character's love and loyalty to his family that got him in trouble and more especially what redeemed him (again depending on how you interpret the shows). Don't worry, this little guy will never be led down the -Dark Side-. We just think (arguably) the name sounds kinda 'catchy'. More practically, 'Vader' is pronounced short and sharp and isn't easily confused with common training commands.
Anyway, we enjoyed meeting you and your family. The drive was well worth it. It is very reassuring to us that the new addition to our family originates from good folks. Plus, we consider meeting good people one of life's best rewards." Thank You! Troy
"Troy, We love the name - we are 'Stars Wars nuts' ! Here is a picture of ou kids on Halloween:
My oldest son will be excited to hear his chosen name (he is the one that was Vader for Halloween). Thanks for the update on the name!" Laura
October 29, 2005 - "Laura, Thank you for the timily responce. My wife and I would like to drive up one evening this week or possibly next weekend. We can mail the deposit ahead, or what ever you require, if it turns out to be a weekend visit. Based on your Web site and letter, it is obvious you are an ethicle breeder. Therefore, seeing the pup/parents ahead of the deposit is not a real problem. Looking forward to hearing from you, Troy and ChunCha VanMeter"
October 29, 2005 - "Troy, I have to say that I am happy to hear you don't want to show him or breed him. I don't want that kind of life for our pups. They all get placed in loving homes such as yours. I want a good life for them. Let me know what you think after reading this and I would love to have you come by next week if possible -- just plan on evenings. I am really not sure how far you are from us so that may not be possible!?" Best regards, Laura
October 28, 2005 - "Greetings Ms. Garrett and Family; My wife and I would like to place a deposit on one of your Blk/Tan Males if you have any left. I filled out your on-line application. Rest assured if one is available he will be going to a good home. My wife and I love Dobermans and not neophites to the breed. We have/had two. Our first, a female named Roxanne hailed from Unterasbach, Bavaria, Germany. Currently we have another Dobe named Heidi, she was born here in TX. We got her when she was eight weeks old, and is still gracing us with her companionship.
I am certain Heidi will get along fine with a new puppy. She loves other dogs (people too, for that matter). She has been exposed to "Doggie Socializing" starting at a young age in obedience school. This dog will be a pet; and not professionaly shown, I hope that is OK with you. We do not breed Dogs. If you will, consider us a furture home for one of you wonderful Dobermans."
Sincerely, Troy and ChunCha VanMeter