Red & Rust Female out of Scarlett's 1st Litter (Born October 2, 2005 -- Owned by the Scotts)
Sasha was rehomed after the original owner in California found her fur coat to be too thick and unacceptable. You make your own judgment looking at the pics and reading the comments from the new owner. Sasha came back to us with an ear that did not take to wrapping. Obviously, some proper care was lacking. We had this corrected through a simple surgery. Beyond excited to have brought Sasha and the new owners, Andrew and his wife, together.
November 17, 2006 -
"Hi Laura and Shelley,
Sorry for the delay in getting these to you, however we have been off Island for a few weeks.
As you will see by the look on Sasha's face, she really enjoys being out.
I tried a few action shots as she tore around the area, but they didn't come out very well.
September 27, 2006 -
Everything went so smooth this morning! I have to admit - I didn't expect to be so affected by leaving her at the airport. That was REALLY hard. A lot different than leaving a pup that is 8 weeks old. She is used to car rides, likes them in fact. So, she was ready to go for one this morning. However, as soon as I let her out of her crate to stretch her legs a minute .. and say goodbye, she immediately knew something was up and kept her head turned away from me. No kidding, she was upset at me. So, I would expect her to be quite confused, maybe searching for someone when you get her. It broke my heart with her not wanting to let me hug her goodbye. I hung around awhile after getting her booked. She finally warmed up to me my fourth attempt to say goodbye! Not completely, though. Oh well, if she had been showering me with love, I probably couldn't have turned away. Guess it was the way it was meant to be. Please let me know once you have her safely with you. Also, please let me know sometime tomorrow how everything goes for you this evening.
Best wishes, Laura"
"Hi Laura,
Picked up Sasha from the Continental cargo office at 12:15 pm. She is absolutely beautiful. We have spent the last couple of hours walking in the park and sitting in the shade. She was a little wary at first, but she has relaxed and is lying on the grass next to me, as I write this. She has a wonderful temperament, very curious and likes to investigate, I think we are going to get on very well together.
I have arranged for Sasha to be taken to the plane by Gordon, the friend from Cayman cargo. He reassured me that he will take good care of her until she goes onto the flight.
Thanks again Laura, and I'll be in touch tomorrow. Andy"
"Hi Laura,
Just to let you know, we had no problems at Miami airport. So far so good. She is becoming very attached already, she pushed her head between my legs while they checked the crate.
Speak soon. Andy"
September 28, 2006 -
"I am so happy with what you have told me so far! Definitely eases my mind and worries. All along I have really felt like she was meant for you. But, that still didn't make yesterday any easier for me! I am curious to hear how she is doing now that she is actually home. All the best! Laura"
July 2006 -
Sasha was returned to us. Sasha has now had a simple corrective surgery. The ears will now be wrapped for about 3 weeks -- not as long as when the ear is actually cropped. Basically, support is being added at the base via sutures.
In addition to having her ears cropped, Sasha has been spayed, microchipped, vaccinated and has had some training. What I have witnessed since she has been with us is that she is great with kids and dogs of any age and size. However, Shelley noted that she doesn't get along with cats.
She is housebroken (exceptionally well) -- goes to the door and whines to be let out. She had two bad habits when she came to us - jumping on the bed and being at the table when we eat. It took very little to make her understand we don't find that acceptable. So, she is very easy to train and willing to make us happy. I would not classify her as being an alpha type. She has not challenged me on anything to date.
As for size, she is already a big girl at around 65 pounds. She is taller than her mom, Scarlett (who is 90 pounds). My estimate is she will be 95 to 100 pounds when full grown.
Any questions are welcome. As to why she was returned, I would rather discuss this on the phone. She was in no way neglected. This is obvious once you spend some time around her.
It was fun having Sasha back with us while we got her ready to ship to Cayman. There were a few requirements that had to be met before bringing a dog to the island. This allowed us to get Sasha's flopped ear taken care of and love on her.
Pictures below taken on July 14, 2006

Sasha and mother (Scarlett)

July 3, 2006 -
"Sasha is doing great. She really is enjoying being with us at the lake. We brought all our dogs and they are all playing with my parents dogs. Almost seems like a doggy retreat. I am taking Sasha in on Friday to get her ear fixed. It is going to take a lot of work wrapping her ears (4 to 6 weeks) but I will do it. That ear just ruins her look. --Laura"
The following pictures taken June 28, 2006 at the Garretts ..

Searching for the kids

She hangs out here some, mostly when we are not sitting.

Taking a break and eating

When we are sitting, this is what she's doing!

Sasha's been having fun with the two pups we have on site.

She has also been having lots of fun with the kids.
June 27, 2006 -
"Andrew, I have Sasha here with us now. She's a pretty girl and is getting along great with my kids. There is one issue that I wasn't aware of at the time. She has one ear that did not stand. I will try to get pictures for you by tomorrow. Our vet is so good with ears. I want to take her to her and see if she thinks there is any hope of getting it to stand.
"Hi Laura,
I was of the understanding that Sashas ears were cropped and standing. I’m a little concerned about the fact that one isn’t. If you could check with the vet, to see if it can be corrected. I really do want her, however, I really want a Doberman with cropped and standing ears.
I’m concerned about the ear. I noticed that Shelly had mentioned Sasha had had some kind of infection and discharge early on, has this been taken care of, and is she fully fit and healthy. Thanks Laura, look forward to hearing from you.
"She is definitely healthy. The conversation you are referring to ending up being a yeast infection. No big deal. I was lead to believe the same thing on the ears and am a little upset myself. Anyway, I feel pretty confident it can be corrected because our Aggie had this happen. When she was much older than Sasha, we took her to a vet that took a football shaped cut out of the ear to make it more taut and he also ran a suture under her scalp connecting from one ear base to the other. With a lot of wrapping, those two things worked. Look at Aggie's pictures on the site. All are after the ear was fixed. They function as if there was never a problem. I just called in an appointment for her tomorrow morning. I am going to have my vet look at her and tell me what she thinks we can do. So, I will get back with you tomorrow after I return.
June 26, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
All is set --Please let me know when you get Sasha and get home how she is doing and how her flight went. I am starting to feel very sad. I feel this is best for Sasha, but it's still very hard. She knows something is up .. she stays glued to my side. Shelley"
June 27, 2006 -
"The kids and Sasha are having a ball right now. They are all running all over the house. She is chasing them in play as my son gets her pup and runs, then she gets it. She still has some restlessness to her, but it is not apparent when they are playing. Earlier, she hopped up in bed with me when I sat down with my laptop to work on the site a bit. That is something we don't allow with our girls and my kids were surprised to find her in bed with me. I told them she has had enough adjusting to do today. Once I feel like she has fully settled in, we'll start working on that. Friday, she'll go on a road trip with us to Hot Springs, Arkansas through the 4th. We'll be taking our three dogs as well. My parents have a house up there with land. She is so interested in the kids. I hope she starts bonding with our dogs at least a little before the trip. When Scarlett first saw her, she tried to play with her. Sasha wasn't real interested! Okay, looks like playtime is over .. she is back in bed! --Laura"
June 29, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I hope Sasha is settling in. I am not surprised she is having fun with your kids! She loved my grandson. I allow my dogs to sleep with me. I am single and I have a big bed. My house is small and I don't have room for 2 big kennels. I am sure she will warm up to Scarlett. She has had no problems with any dogs, just cats. She probably is just trying to take it all in. Please let me know how it is going? Savana and I miss her very much.
"Shelley, The adjustment period is over. The first night, I tried letting her sleep in the crate. She was okay with that the first few hours. Then, I took her blankets, toys and some additional blankets and put them in the laundry room. She slept there that night, no problem. Yesterday, she was so much more comfortable with the dogs and the two pups we have on site right now. She would actually go to the back door and whine if I didn't get there after a few minutes. Also, I think she is finding some comfort in me. The kids and I went upstairs to pick up. She started whining. They would run down here and there. But, it wasn't until I was downstairs that she stopped. After having such a good day with her, I decided to let her sleep in our bedroom last night with us and the other dogs. She was perfect. Also, the night before, she jumped in bed when my husband was home. He wasn't crazy about that. I just helped her out and said "no". The other dogs were laying on their blanket at the time. She settled in with them and hasn't tried since. We used to sleep with the dogs in the bed before we had kids. When we had our first child, we had him sleep with us. Things were just too crowded so out the dogs went! I did hear from Andrew. He wants to hear what my vet has to say about the ear. Just wanted to let you know, Sasha is already taller than Scarlett .. who is taller than Aggie. She was the biggest girl in the litter but I had no idea she'd end up bigger than Scarlett. Once she fills out that body of hers .. wow! She's in that lanky stage right now. Gotta go! Laura"
June 17, 2006 -
"Can you tell me how I would transfer her ownership? Should I send all her paperwork with her? Should I sign her over to you or Andrew? I also have her chipped with HOME AGAIN, Does Andrew Want that info also? I don't know if it works in the Cayman Islands? I will send with her, her favorite toys and her blanket. I will also send a note for Andrew telling him about some of her habits, personality traits, type of food she has been fed etc. Should I also send a copy of her vaccinations? She is up to date on her heart guard and has been given a dose of frontline on 06-17-06. She had her heart gaurd on 06-14-06 I hope that you will keep me posted as to how she is doing. When she gets there, when you ship her, and when she gets to Andrew. I need to know that all is well. She gets along well with all dogs that she has come into contact with.
Thanks, Shelley"
May 24, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I have just a couple more questions. I am leaning toward doing it, because, yes, it is a long time to live with a regret. It was my mistake and I definitely do not want Sasha to suffer for any reason.
Do you feel that she will be well taken care of? She will not be an outside dog, etc.? I am sure that you understand what I am saying because I am sure you want the best for her also.
The cash offer is quite a lot and would cover a lot of the costs I have had, not all, but a fair amount. You think she will be well cared for and be an inside dog? Then I think it would be best for everyone and mostly for Sasha. It will be hard on my heart, but maybe it would be for the best.
------------------------------------------------------ LETTER FROM POTENTIAL NEW OWNER:
"Hi Laura,
Sasha will be well looked after, and loved dearly. I have had many dogs, of all different breeds, throughout my life, each with their own personality, but equally adored. I spent the last six years of my Police career as a dog handler, my partner, Ben, was an English Springer Spaniel, who lived at home with me, and never left my side. He was perfect with children, and was well known by all the school kids, as we were constantly invited to do demonstrations.
We have just had our home re-built, as we lost it during hurricane Ivan in 2004. We have a large grassed yard, fenced in, and Sasha will have plenty of space to run around, however she will live indoors with us.
Both my wife and I love animals, especially dogs, and I have always believed that a dog that is loved and cared for, will be loyal and protective, and a perfect companion. I am a strong believer that dogs should never be hit, you can train any dog with the right attitude and patience, no matter how aggressive or strong willed they are.
We have a good quality of life here in Cayman, and Sasha will be accompanying us everywhere we go, especially the quite beach spots. I am sure she will enjoy living with us in Cayman, we won’t spoil her, but she will have a great life.
I hope this will reassure you, that we are caring, loving and responsible people, and know that Sasha will be treated as a member of the family.
Yours sincerely, Andy Scott"
May 17, 2006 -
I’m writing to enquire if you have any Dobermans available around ten months old. I’m looking for a large male and female, ears cropped and tails docked.
Hope you have dogs available, as I enjoyed your web-site, if you do, could you forward some recent photos and prices.
Thank you, Andy Scott"
"Andy, We spoke on the phone regarding the message above. I have a female of ours in mind that might work for you. If I thought I could make it work, she would be 10 months in August. The female is red/rust and was the largest female in the litter. So, she will be a larger than normal Doberman. However, the price would be higher because I would want to help the lady recover many of the expenses she has already put into her. The ears are cropped, she has had training, microchipped and registered. If you are interested, let me know and I will move forward with this.
Best regards, Laura"
"Hi Laura, I am interested in Sasha, the price is much higher than I was looking to pay, especially as I will have the cost of shipping on top. However, she looks great, so if you could keep me informed, and let me know what you think the best price will be, I would be grateful.
I will scan the Agricultural departments requirements, and forward them to you straight away.
Thanks again, Laura, Andy Scott"
May 23, 2006 -
"The price I gave you was with shipping. The only way it would change is if my estimate is WAY off! So, do you want me to now contact her and see if she is willing to do this? --Laura"
"Hi Laura,
I misread your earlier e-mail, I didn’t realize the price quoted included shipping to Cayman. In that case, I am very interested in securing Sasha.
Thanks again, Andy"
"I have contacted Shelley. Let's see what she decides."
"Thanks Laura, keeping my fingers crossed. --Andy"
This section shows Sasha with original owner and family.

Savana and Sasha Pictures sent in January 7, 2006

Pictures sent to us by Shelley on December 28, 2005 ------------------------------------------ December 10, 2005 -
"Hi Laura,
Just a quick note to let you know Sasha is doing great. Her ears were cropped and stitches are out. I am glad that part is over! She is a busy and persistant little girl! Sasha and Savana are having lots of fun. She is growing fast! I will send pics sometime this week.
Take care, Merry Christmas!" Shelley
November 23, 2005 - Sasha flies homes today!
Below are pictures sent in from Shelley:

November 23, 2005 -
"Hi Laura,
Just a little update. Sasha seems to be settling in, she is being brave and roaming around the house some. She mostly wants to follow me. She is somewhat afraid of Savana. I am sure that will change! Savana just keeps trying to play with her and it scares Sasha. It has been an exciting and tiring day for her and she is now asleep in her kennel. She ate well and did her business outside. She will be going up to my daughters house with me for Thanksgiving dinner. I will keep you posted.
She has her vets appts on the 29th and on dec 19th. She will have her ears cropped on Dec 2nd. So far I am very pleased with Sasha. My Grandson Jayce loves her! I will try to send some pics tomorrow.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Thanks again, Shelley"
Sasha's Puppy Pictures

6 week old pictures

Posing pretty at 5 weeks old ... look at those paws!

4 weeks old

October 28, 2005 (about 3-1/2 weeks)

3 weeks old
December 28, 2005 - "Hi Laura, I hope that all is well and you had a Merry Christmas. I wanted to know if any of Sasha's sisters have reported back to you with any problems? I took her to the vet on the 17th because I suspected she had a bladder infection or was getting one. She had some vaginal discharge. She was given antibiotics.
I took her back yesterday because it had turned into a green snotty looking goop. Today they put her under and did some tests. No bladder infection and we won't have the culture results for several days. They also put a scope up there to look for any foreign objects. That was negative. But there were some inflamed patches.
I am very concerned. Any info you can give me???
Thanks, Shelley"
"How's she doing? Have the results come in? I am worried about her. None of the other owners have reported any problems. Let me know as soon as you know something! Laura"
December 30, 2005 - "No results yet. I am worried also. I will let you know as soon as I know anything. Shelley"
January 5, 2006 - "Hi Laura,
I just got back from the vet. Good news, it was some kind of yeast infection. She is continuing with antibiotics for 2 weeks. My vet did not want to give her the antibiotics that are suggested for this infection, due to all the problems they each cause when it is a puppy. She is taking a safe one she says won't have side effects.
The infection seens to be gone, or close to it. She is eating well, and VERY energetic! She weighs 28 lbs! So for now all looks well. If anything changes I will let you know. Shelley"
"Whew! Thanks for getting back to me. I am so happy to hear she is okay! Laura"
November 23, 2005 -
"Hi Laura,
Thanks for getting back to me. It is 6:16 a.m. here in California. I will be leaving here soon to go to Sacramento. My daughter and I will do some shopping before we pick her up. I am so excited I have been awake off and on since 2:00 a.m. this morning! I am so happy! Rest assured Sasha is coming to a very loving home! She will be well taken care of and loved dearly!
My 2 year old grandson will get to meet Sasha today, also. I am taking my camera. I will send pics in the next couple of days. I will also email you when I get home tonight to let you know how Sasha is.
Thanks Again!!! Shelley"
November 12, 2005 - "Hi Laura, I was just wondering if Sasha has had any shots yet, or is it too soon? I can't remember. I will be scheduling her first visit with my vet on the Monday following her arrival. I am so excited!! I put her newest picture on my computer desktop so I can see her everytime I sit at my computer!" Thanks Shelley
"Shelley -- I gave her the first series of puppy shots yesterday. Before she goes home to you, I will get a package to you which will include her shot record. Give that to your vet so he knows what she has had and when. Laura"
November 11, 2005 - "Hi Laura, I just got to look at Sashas 5 week photo! What a beauty!! I cant believe it is FINALLY almost time for Sasha to come home!! I looked at all her brothers and sisters and they too are really beautiful! I am just about ready, I have bought all kinds of new toys and bones for Sasha and Savana, new food and water dishes. I still need to pick out a collar for her. The new fencing will be done this weekend. Did I read somewhere on your website that she will come with a small blanket that smells like her mom and siblings?? I hope that will be with her when she flys home. I will worry about her." Take care, Shelley
"Shelley, Thanks for sharing the picture of your Kota girl. You can tell she was a sweetheart just looking at that picture. I know the loss hurts.
It sounds like you are pretty well prepared for Sasha to come home - that's great! I will have a towel in the crate with her for comfort and the scent on it should help once she is with you as well. I will be sure to rub the towel all over Scarlett so mom's scent is strong on the towel. If you think of anything else, let me know!" Laura
October 29, 2005 - "Hi Laura, Thanks for the update and taking time out to email me. I think every one of those puppies are adorable!! When I look at them I want more than one!! Its hard to tell them apart, one thing is for sure.... they are cute!! I can hardly wait!!!
I am going to call my new girl Scarlett's Sasha. Sasha being the everyday name!! So now it's my girls...Savana and Sasha! I have been teaching my grandson to say Sasha and he almost has it down!
Sasha will be going to puppy training classes in January 06. Both Kota and Vana have gone to Haven Humanes training classes. They have graduated with flying colors in all classes. They are taught by Carrie Bowe who is an awsome trainer. I can't wait for Sasha to come home!!!! I really cant wait until I can look at the pics and know which one will be my girl!!" Shelley
October 12, 2005 - "Hi Laura, thanks for the info. What great looking puppies! How exciting! I look at those 3 red girls and I think to of those pretty girls will soon be running around my living room playing! I wonder what she will be like? Will she snore like my Kota girl did? or will she love to lay on herback with her paws in the air like my Savana girl? What cute personality traits of her own will she have? I can't wait! I am going to go online and see if I can find a list of names of Texas cities and towns. Maybe one will make a perfect name for my new little girl. I am a waitress in a very busy restaurant in a small town. I have been there for 8 years. I have many, many regular customers that I talk to all the time. Of course, they all have heard about Garretts Dobermans and the new little girl. They too want to see what my new pet addition looks like. Most of them are dog lovers also. They also know how devastated I was to lose my Kota girl. Savana will be so pleased! She has been very lonely. She gets to play with my dauhgters beagle puppy and her german short hair about once a week. But its not the same as having a buddy to play with while mom is gone to work. :) I appreciate the new pics!!!!" Shelley
October 5, 2005 - "Laura, thanks for being so helpful! I would like to secure a red female puppy! I live in Cottonwood, CA. I cant tell you how excited I am! It will be a long wait. :) " Thanks Shelley