Rebel of Ebony Storm "Reb"
Black & Rust Male Doberman out of Scarlett's 2nd Litter (Born April 1, 2006)
This black & rust male Doberman went to live with David, Key and Amanda in Hempstead, Texas.
November 17, 2006 -
"Hello Ms. Garrett,
I thought of you the other day and knew I needed to write you and let you know how Reb is doing. Well, he's about 7 months old now and still growing like a weed. My Little girl loves that pup totally now. They play together out back daily. He eats like a little horse which explains his weight. He is 73 pounds right now. I can't thank you enough for him.
Happy Holidays to you and yours, David, Key, and our daughter"
"Thanks so much for remembering us!! I am glad he and your little girl are good buddies. Wow! He is going to be a big boy, guess he already is - ha! You all have a great holiday season as well! Take care - Laura"
June 17, 2006 -
Hi Ms. Garrett: Just wanted to send you some pictures of how our boy is growing.
He claimed his Kingdom the night we got home and took control over the other dogs (except our female, Missy). He is getting bigger and stronger every day. He is one of the best puppies we have ever had when it comes to being inside of the house. As you can see from the picture of Rebel and Zeus they are best buds.
He is becoming a ladies boy, as he sleeps between my legs or at the foot of Amanda every night. He is and will be a great protector. He barks and raises cane when he feels like any of us are in trouble. He plays like he is 10 feet tall and bullet proof. As you can tell he became part of the family the moment we picked him up. He will have a very long and happy life here with us. Thank you for providing a great member of our family to us. David, Key & Amanda
P.S. He is growing like a weed weighing 23.7 lbs!
June 9, 2006 -
"Rebel's doing fine. Took him to the vet today for his third booster shot and getting chipped. His ears are looking very good. They healed up very well and got retaped Thursday morning. He sleeps with Amanda in her bed.
Regarding referral I sent -- we used to work together at a car dealer. When he called me asking about a Doberman, I told him to call you and gave him your phone number. He called me back and said his wife spoke to you and bought one. I also told him that your vet was very good for ears and not as expensive as here local.
Well, you and yours take care --David"
June 5, 2006 -
"Well, everything went well on the trip home. He curled up in Amanda's lap and slept like a baby. He took to our other dogs very well and is already running the roost at home. He loves to curl up and sleep with Amanda. It's really quite funny to see -- when she goes to bed, he runs into her room and wants up on her bed with her. I promise we will take some pictures and send them to you. He goes to the vet Wednesday a.m. for his check up. Once again, thank you for everything you did and know it was a pleasure to finally meet you. -- David, Key,and Amanda"
Pictures at 8 weeks ...

Pictures at 7 weeks old ...

Pictures at 6 weeks ..
Pictures at 5 weeks ..
Pictures at 4 weeks old ...
To me he looks like he is smiling in these pictures and that is fitting to his personality .. he is just a happy little guy!
Click Here to see Reb's mother
Click Here to see Reb's father
Click Here to see Reb's puppy page
June 19, 2006 -
In the future, if you ever need a reference of any kind as to how your dogs are raised .. or if someone wants to hear from one who has one of your puppies besides what you can tell or they can read on your site, please feel free to have them contact me. David
>>If you would like to email David, email us at and I will send you his email address.
May 31, 2006 -
"We will be there to pick up Reb on Saturday. Looking forward to meeting you in person. Once again, for all you've done --thank you, David"
"Sounds good! I took him to the the vet today for his ear cropping. I will let you know how everything went. --Laura"
June 2, 2006 -
"David, Well, everything went great with Reb's ears. He is wound up from lack of playtime after being at the vet's overnight, but other than that, doing great! I am definitely looking forward to meeting you all, too! Later! Laura"
May 8, 2006 -
We would like to express our gratitude to you for getting the ear cropping done on Reb for us. Especially, since I know that you are probably swamped with puppy requests. Also, trying to keep up with your own litter and the arrival of Maggie's litter. Not to mention the expected arrival of 3 other litters. So, from us to you, thank you very much!
Sincerely, David, Key and Amanda"
"You are so sweet!!!!!!! Thanks, I needed that! Laura"
"Well, You've kind of gone out of your way for us and I just wanted you to know it was appreciated."
May 4, 2006 -
"I have a question for you: Do you have a good vet there that does ear cropping? If so are they reasonable?
The reason for my question is that most vet's say that ears should be done around 8 to 9 weeks or not above 25 lbs. I don't know or understand why. So, thought maybe it would be easier there. If so, I do not want show ears, just regular ears, medium length. David"
Our vet does an excellent job. She did Scarlett's and many of our pups in the past plus she does lots of show dogs (that just says that even those picky people trust her!)
I don't recommend a show cut for a pet anyway. It is too hard to get to stand. The age range is 8 to 13 weeks. However, I had her do two pups at 7 weeks and there was no problem (Brandi and Vader).
P.S. They are all doing great!!"
"Yes Ma'am, Mrs. Garrett, if you could arrange for his ears to be done, I would gladly pay for it. Just about medium length is great. And, thank you greatly, David"
May 1, 2006 -
"My daughter has decided that the pup's name will be Rebel of Ebony Storm. She will call him Reb. And, yes, his ears will be cropped. David"
"Awesome! Thanks for sharing!! I like the strong name!"
"Well, we're thrilled that you approve of our name choice. Our other two are named AMANDA'S MIDNIGHT ZEUS and MAJESTIK'S RED DAWN is our red female's name.
I will bring a couple of pictures with us when we come to pick him up and show you a male that passed away on New Year's day. He was a red male named Baron. He weighed 140 lbs, solid muscle. He looked just like your female, Scarlett, in the face. Remarkable how close they look. I know you would have loved to have bred to Baron. He stood, head from ground, 41 inches tall. He is being replaced by the two black males."
April 4, 2006 -
"Well, congrats on your new litter. Looks like lovely pups. If contacted, I will want a black and tan female. David and Kennetha"
>>After talking on the phone, David was open to getting a male.
I think I have given people enough time to get back to me. The black male is yours if you want him. I have been in correspondence with a couple of people on the black females. Decisions are still pending. So, there is a slight possibility you could have a girl as an option if that is what you would prefer. Please confirm you received this and what you would like me to do. If you for sure want to hold a pick (keeping in mind that right now you are committing to the black male), now is the time for the deposit.
"Yes ma'am, I will take the black male puppy . I will mail out a check tomorrow to you for deposit. Thank you very much. David"
March 1, 2006 -
"I see you are expecting another litter of pups in April. Are they all spoken for yet? Or, are there still picks open? I thought that I had found one here in the Houston area but it was so in bred that it was not funny. Three generations, all related .. so still searching. David"
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