Scarlett's 2nd Litter
[Links to each individual puppy at the bottom of this page]
This litter was born on: April 1, 2006
Size of Litter: 8 (5 Females / 3 Males)
-- Color -- Black & Rust: 3 Females / 1 Male Red & Rust: 2 Females / 2 Males
All healthy pups
-- Order of birth -- Red and black males first and second Black and red females third and fourth Black females fifth and sixth Red male seventh Red female eighth
Scroll down this page to view the pups from day of birth to the day they left us to go into their new homes. At the bottom of the page are links to each pup's individual page as well as the Development Diary and links to the pups' parents.
Now how did those get here??
Keep in mind when looking at these pictures, mom is still in labor and has no problem with the kids watching. Her temperament is awesome!
Scarlett is so happy to have puppies around again
Yes, she is the greatest mom ever
Our son is so proud of Scarlett
Mom is officially pooped out
Tail dock and dew claw removal time: This day is never much fun but necessary. Honestly, I have never witnessed that it is stressful on the pups - I just feel guilty for being the bad guy! Everything went beautifully today. The pups were perfect on the way to the vet and back. Something about being cuddled up together in a basket, they love it! Very calming. And, mom handled the whole ordeal quite well. However, after about 30 minutes, she very much wanted her babies back!
Pups in the basket and ready to go .. Mom gives me that "look"!
Last picture of the "rat" look
All loaded in the car
Back home and resting
Mom's worrying is over and now she rests.
Week 1 ...
The puppies are getting stronger every day. All pups are eating well. If they are not eating, they're sleeping. As soon as the puppies wake up .. or get woken up, they demand that mom feed them. All-in-all, not a very eventful week developmentally. It is kind of like the calm before the storm. In about two more weeks, they are going to be active, curious little "mini" Dobermans!
All eight puppies positioning themselves for naptime
In this photo, you can kind of get an idea of how the pups might be getting around at this stage. Imagine the pup pulling itself along with those front paws and trying to push with the back ones. The position of its body to the floor remains about the same as what you see here. Now, look at the picture above this one again .. notice the red pup in the bottom left corner moving itself towards the others. That is how they scoot along, eyes still closed at this point.
The pups just want to get as close to mom as possible!
Mom is counting heads .. yep, there's eight, now mom can settle down
Pups huddle after first bath They weren't too crazy about the experience and are truly acting quite pitiful in this picture!
Week 2 ...
This is a big week -- lots of developmental changes. Pups' eyes are now open and they have begun to hear noise. They are able to walk and then splat .. and then walk and then splat, you get the picture. However, the pups get better at walking every single day. Playfulness is another new change this week. They are growling and trying to chew on each other, even lunge .. which, of course, turns into a roll.
The day before Easter which was also the day the pups turned two weeks old, we loaded kids, pups and dogs all into the SUV taking them on an 1 hour and 15 minute trip to the grandparents' house in Rockwall, Texas. It honestly went very well!
Notice how the pups are now sitting up. You may also observe a pup on the far left walking.
It is hard to even express how fun this experience is for our children!
Week 3 ...
The puppies continue to get stronger and are getting much better at playing with each other. Sudden noises like the door opening causes at least a couple at the time to "growl" then bark. It is really cute! Teeth have cut. Their nails were trimmed for the first time. And, probably one of the biggest changes this week was the big move from the laundry room to the pen in the garage. Mom was really needing to have access to her own space as the pups got to moving around more.
The puppies love to play!
Notice how much stronger the pups are and how well they are getting around now
In some of the pictures, it is hard to really put into perspective the actual size of the pups. This puppy picture should help you to better visualize their size.
Pups are able to climb out of the basket .. especially when mom shows up!
This was after the puppies' bath and mom's helpers moved pups back to the pen
This photo of the puppies and the next two pictures show the new set up for the pups. Mom can come and go as she pleases. She is much happier and doing an awesome job of taking care of these little ones.
April 27, 2006 - Beautiful day today, so we decided to introduce the puppies to the grass. Surprisingly, this litter was not too taken back by the green stuff. The pups were just fine with it! And, had fun playing in the new surroundings.
First instinct to the new surface was a bit of confusion. That ceased pretty quick and the fun began!
In this picture, you see one checking out the grass ... and some others checking out mom who is actually trying to play!
In the pictures above and below you see mom and grandmother with the pups. This just goes to show how much attention they are getting not only from us but also their canine caretakers!
Sniffing out the green stuff
Sitting pretty!
This pup is barking, somewhat of a growl. She is trying to get another to play!
This is one of my favorite poses - she's showing off!
The pups have reached the age our oldest child loves. They are "real" pups now and this red girl has won his heart.
Week 4 ...
This was another eventful week for the pups. Mom has started weaning the puppies, so we introduced real puppy food for the first time. The pups always love this experience. Scarlett really has a desire to still get in there and take care of them .. it's just starting to hurt too much (the claws mostly)!! Most of the puppies took to eating puppy food very quickly. A couple pups had to inspect the puppy food a little before going at it. But, it didn't take long before all 8 puppies were diving in, nose first!
All the pups were scattered .. these were the first two to check things out.
This little red girl (tagged purple) was the first to give the new stuff a try.
I think she likes it!
More pups come over to check out this stuff. Notice the black girl (tagged blue) .. same one from first picture. She just wasn't sure about it!
Boy on left (tagged purple) and two girls (tagged red and green)
Black girl (tagged blue) finally decides to join in! And, Reb comes over to give it a try.
On right .. in middle, little black girl (tagged green) checks out what's going on.
On right, from bottom, 1st black is girl tagged purple .. she's taking a sniff.
The funniest thing about this picture is that the largest pup is the only one missing! My son found him asleep under the picnic table .. he's also the laziest right now!
Okay, now they're all here .. big boy is 2nd going from top, right. He took to the food immediately!
They tend to suck their belly in when eating .. that is why some look a little "ribby".
Starting to get full
All done! A small group fell asleep by the trampoline. Others wandered around a bit.
We have also been able to give them lots of playtime outside. As you will see in the pictures below, we took one of the kids' new yard additions and made it serve two purposes. The trampoline now serves as a puppy pen .. who knew! I was really worried about the hawks seen flying over the pasture behind us so I was wanting to come up with something to protect them when out in the yard without us present. Then a light bulb went off .. wrap chicken wire around the legs of the trampoline! Now, the pups have a large area of yard that is covered. They love it, Mom is happy (important, believe me!), the kids just love it and my mind is at ease. When we are outside, we will let the pups out if they seem to want out, but right now they mostly seem to like the shade it provides. And, the kids prefer it under there, too, as a major portion of their day is spent right there hanging out with the puppies! The pups' balance has improved greatly this week. Rarely do we witness a pup tumbling over anymore. Now, they try to charge .. at us and each other. And, they are really proud of their little growls demonstrating they are ready to play. It's been a fun week!
Mom and Grandma in with the pups at their own will .. able to get in and out as they please!
Mom is still willing to feed the pups as shown here. Feeding sessions are shorter, though, and mostly while standing!
Another shot of the new set up. This is the side from which Mom, Grandma, and the kids enter.
These little rascals wanted to be on the "free" side .. yet they mostly stayed in the shade of the trampoline!
See the toy on the left? That is where the other pups are .. all piled in it and a couple on the other side!!
When it is time for us to leave the house or the sun starts going down, it is back the the cozy pen in the garage.
After a hard day of play, they like to make one big puppy pile!
Week 5 ...
This week has been all about having fun! The pups are very playful at this point in their development. They kind of have three areas of the yard that are considered their "comfort zones". There is a section between the wrought iron fence and stone wall that I have set up for them. They also like the patio and under the trampoline (as seen in the 4th week pics). That last area is kind of being phased out. They seem to be wanting more freedom at this point and the kids love to run around the yard with them. Evenings and bad weather days are still spent in the pen in the garage .. and you wouldn't believe the fuss they make in the mornings to get out of there! They don't mind going in the pen at night. But in the morning, they want out!!
This is by far their absolute favorite toy! Quite often three of them are found sleeping under it.
Romeo is about to get Rose
Kindle sleeping
Romeo (top) and Kindle (bottom)
Rose in front; Betty to her left
The puppies are drinking like the big dogs now
Romeo is the one "attacking", Cleo is front and center
Cleo "attacking" Kindle
Reb is chewing on one of his sleeping sisters .. and Kindle is about to join in!
Our son is enjoying some "playtime" with Romeo
Our evenings are now spent on the patio with the pups .. and as you can see, it's lots of fun
A few pups settle down while others still wanting to play
They all finally give it up!
Week 6 ...
Fun, fun, fun! These pups just like to play! The puppies' favorite toys have been rope bones and old hand towels .. both easy to carry around. They literally strut their stuff when in the playful mood. It's really funny to watch! And, they love to pounce at each other. The side of our patio has a slope down into the yard. The pups love to get on the edge of the patio there and wait for an unsuspecting sibling to come walking by .. the pup on the patio looks like a well skilled lion pouncing on its prey .. and then they both just go rolling down the slope! This week started off spending most of the day running around the yard if we were out and then over on the side part of the yard. But, as always happens, they figured their way out of that and are now up on the patio with full access to the yard whenever they want. It is interesting to witness, but once the puppies are able to "get out" on their own, they are developmentally ready to roam the yard as they please. The patio is their favorite spot, I am guessing, because it is where they see us coming and going. Then, at night the puppies have been put in the garage pen set up. They are always willing to go in AT NIGHT ONLY. (We had a really hot day this week and they didn't like going in during the day, not one bit!) In the mornings, around 7:00 or 8:00 the pups start hollering for me to put them out. They definitely have a routine and like it!
Carmie coming up to our daughter; Reb's in her lap
Carmie begging for Grandmother's attention Reb is in the back
Grandmother LOVES this age because they can play with her now! Kelley's girl (top) is attacking Kindle (bottom)
On her back is Carmie, Reb is on the attack!
Reb upfront; Emmie to the right with Romeo behind her (Our Boxer's in the background)
Kindle checking out Grandmother & Betty up against box; Emmie upfront
Pups feel "big" now. Their drinking water is kept next to mom's. Of course, there is not much depth to mom's water level .. just in case. Yes, the pups have attempted to climb in. That is, until their water was put next to mom's.
Kindle attacking Reb
Reb demonstrating how the pups "stalk" each other before the "pounce"
Kindle getting back Reb after getting pounced by him!
Kindle and Carmie
Reb and Kindle at play; Emmie is observing
At night, the pups get put in the garage pen. They know the routine and know what to expect. Pictured Kindle (left) and Rose (right)
Before the pups settle down for the night, they have about a half hour of rough play! Here, Rose and Betty horse around.
Left to right: Betty, Rose, Carmie Romeo is in the back
The pups like to tear up the newspaper, pull the hanging rags, chew on each other .. everything is fair game! Betty (L), Rose (middle), Romeo & Carmie tugging the rag
Left to right: Carmie, Betty, Romeo & Rose
Front: Kindle, Reb, Betty; Back: Carmie, Rose, Romeo
This is the picture I see every night before I say goodnight to the little rascals!
Week 7 ...
Four pups went home this past weekend .. just as soon as they turned 7 weeks. The remaining four have had lots of fun this week. However, to my disliking, they started hanging out and sleeping under our shed in the corner of the yard. They started sleeping under it. It would seem fine except they started showing signs of ant bites. Well, we have boarded it up now and no more of that "fun". Other than that, the remaining four have been eating in the morning then playing hard until the heat hits late afternoon. They eat again in the evening and have another really good play session. We go to bed late so the pups are able to enjoy the cool evening for quite awhile before they have to go to "bed".
Hangin' out with mom! Left: Reb; Right: Rose
Carmie belly up
Carmie (L) and Rose (R)
Carmie (front) and Romeo (back)
Reb (L) and Carmie (R)
Romeo (L) and Reb (R)
Left to Right: Romeo, Reb, Carmie
Carmie and Romeo attacking our son!
The following pictures show the pups playing around the building. They have full run of the yard .. and this is the area they want to be in. It is now boarded up around the entire building .. and we have them back to hanging out more around the patio again.
Left to right: Carmie, Reb, Romeo, Rose
Left to right: Reb, Rose, Romeo, Aggie
Reb is sleeping. Carmie in front, right. Romeo is about to be tackled by Rose.
Reb peeking out
Carmie (R) is slipping in and out teasing Rose (L)
Week 8 ...
This week we had two pups go home just after turning 8 weeks old -- first Romeo and then Carmie. We are now down to just two being with us. I am happy to report we got the pups to stop hanging out around the building so much. There were definitely ants back there. My son proved this when he spilled some food! But, the bumps and bites are still there. I have been bathing the pups with a medicated shampoo which seems to help. Mom is really starting to act like she is missing the pups as they leave now. It almost seems like she is trying to savor the time she still has with the two pups we still have. She is such a good mom! The first set of pictures shows Carmie (black) and Romeo (red) playing together. After the ear cropping, they could only be together under close watch.
The stuffed toy seemed to help keep them off each other's ears!
Mom is not real crazy about what we did to their ears!
This is a good view of the funny ear contraptions!
Mom and Romeo
Mom and Reb are getting Rose (bottom)
Reb on top; Rose on bottom pushing all fours on him!
Rose (back, left); Reb (front, right)
Reb in front; Mom and Rose in back
Mom and Rose
Click Here to see Mother of this Litter
Click Here to see Father of this Litter
The order is oldest date to newest date. Recommend reading from the bottom up.
May 25, 2006 - Romeo and Carmie were soooo.. happy to see me when I went to pick them up today. They were full of energy and wanting to play.
May 24, 2006 - I took Romeo and Carmie today to get their ears cropped.
May 21, 2006 - The fourth pup left today by plane .. Kindle flew home to be with his new family in Salinas, California.
May 20, 2006 - Well, I think I have a winner as far as expressing how excited he was to be taking his pup home!! Jay and family came by to pick up Cleo today. Jay was smiling from ear to ear, literally! His enthusiasm was great. It seemed he couldn't wait to get out the door and bring his girl home. At one point, Marjorie had to finally ask for a chance to hold Cleo. I really enjoyed them!
May 19, 2006 - Kelley's big day finally arrived! She and her mom came by this evening to pick up Emmie .. and FINALLY bring her home! This will be one spoiled pup!
A couple hours after Kelley left, Craig and his crew came by to pick up Betty. They have been pretty anxious for this day to arrive as well. They all seemed very happy to be taking Betty home to start her new life with them.
Cody emailed me to let me know the pup we have known as "Beau" would now be called Kindle.
May 17, 2006 - Cody called today to notify me of his decision .. he's taking "Beau" and is very excited about bringing this little guy into their lives!
Kelley came by this evening .. brought her roommate. She is getting especially anxious to bring her home. The big day will be Friday.
May 16, 2006 - Notified the waiting list of the new pup being available. In less than an hour, I heard back from Cody in California. We spoke on the phone. Decision would need to be made tomorrow.
May 15, 2006 - Susan from Hardwick, Vermont gave the final word .. she is going to claim the black female tagged purple and she will call her Carmie, short for Carmen the Doberman. Susan said she likes Karma but it is too close to Sheba, her 8 year old Shiba Inu.
I was notified this evening that Stefani was not going to be able to take "Beau". Due to circumstances in her life, she didn't think it would be fair to bring him into the craziness in this time of her life. She was deeply saddened by the decision but knew it was the right one to make.
May 10, 2006 - Kelley came by again to get another puppy "fix"! I think she is getting anxious for her little girl to come home!!
May 7, 2006 - Gave the pups shots today. Not one of them gave me any trouble about it! We also set them up in another part of the yard. Wanted to give them another area of the yard to play in when we can't be outside.
Based off specifications given to me through a phone conversation with Bob, I recommended to him which pup to pick. He confirmed that the pick was fine and gave her a name .. the black female tagged green is now known as Rose.
New development with one of the black females .. family had to back out (was going to be known as Karma). So, currently working through list again to find a good owner!
May 6, 2006 - Craig and his wife came out for a second visit today. He wanted to make sure they were making the right decision .. they made their pick on a pup. This means we know who to call Betty now! It also means that Kelley gets to put a face to her pup as she gets the second red female.
May 5, 2006 - Tried pups on completely dry puppy food today. They have been eating it soaked .. but not that well. I wanted to see how they would do with the dried. They seemed to take to it quickly and in the coarse of a day or so, they are eating the dried food REALLY well!!
May 2, 2006 - This evening we introduced them to food. They loved it! Mom has started the weaning process, primarily because it is just becoming too painful!
Kelley brought her dad out for the first time to see the pups. Her mom was sure to tag along, too!
May 1, 2006 - Made a new set up for the pups outside .. the trampoline is now serving as a protective pen! See 4 week pictures to check out how well this is working.
David (owner of black male) sent this message: "My daughter has decided that the pup's name will be Rebel of Ebony Storm. She will call him Reb."
April 29, 2006 - The pups had two different sets of visitors today: (1) Jay, Marjorie and children and (2) Craig and his family including his father from Phoenix.
It was fun getting to meet two sets of owners today face-to-face! Also, since we had owners coming out to see the pups, we went ahead and put tags on the pups today. Individual pages for the pups will be up later this week.
April 27, 2006 - It was a beautiful day and we decided to introduce the pups to grass. This is one of the first litters to not be that taken back by the green stuff. They were just fine with it! And, had fun playing in the new surroundings.
Pups' had visitors today .. Kelley and her mom came by to see how much they have grown. This is a fun age to see them because they are very much giving their best effort at playing, including little growls, but they do not have full control over their little bodies and often go tumbling away from the sibling they were trying to "attack".
April 26, 2006 - I trimmed the puppies' toenails for the first time today. They were getting a little sharp and mom's getting some raw spots on her belly (from nursing). All did fine on the first paw but once they realized I was doing something to them, they protested!
April 22, 2006 - The little ones are really starting to play cute now - too fun!
April 21, 2006 - The pups' teeth have cut through the gums.
April 20, 2006 - The pups officially outgrew the laundry room! We moved them out to our garage today which is just down the hall from the office where we spend a good portion of our day. Scarlett is much happier. The pups got to where they were moving around so much that she really needed to be able to have her own space, too. Now, she can get to the pups when they need her but she can also take a break when she needs it!!
April 19, 2006 - The pups are getting better at walking everyday. And, they are able to sit up the normal way that a dog would sit. Also, their wobbly way of playing is getting much better. It is funny because they will actually try to somewhat lunge at one another which results in a roll to the floor. The control factor is still a little off!
Teresa notified us that their red male will be called Romeo because "they know he will be a lover!"
April 18, 2006 - Okay, it is official .. the pups can hear. Their ears are not fully open but they are definitely hearing sounds. We were spending time with the pups and our two youngest children were a little noisy. I noticed the same curious look in the pups' faces as I noticed when their eyes were first opening.
Pups' are getting use to bath time and finding it more relaxing than stressful .. not that is was a lot of stress for them before, they just liked to put up a little protest when the water first touched their coats.
April 17, 2006 - It appears that the pups are starting to be able to hear. My daughter was singing a song this evening before saying goodnight to the pups and Scarlett and a couple of the pups seemed to respond.
April 16, 2006 - The pups are able to get up on all fours now and take a few steps. It ends with a splat to the floor! They are wobbly when up but really are quite strong.
April 15, 2006 - The pups took a trip with us out to Rockwall, Texas to spend the Easter weekend with the grandparents. We also brought Aggie (pups' grandmother) and Brindie (our Boxer), and, of course, Scarlett. Scarlett has no problem with Aggie and Brindie being around so all rode in back of our SUV .. 1 hour and 15 minutes and they all did great! Once we got to my parents', we got mom and pups set up in their laundry room.
This is always a fun moment to witness .. the pups started trying to "play" this evening. Right before bedtime, I checked on them and noticed a pup "growl". To my amazement, it was actually TRYING to chew on another's body parts. As I sat with them awhile, I noticed a few others doing the same thing. It is really funny because their attempts to play just causes them to lose balance and tumble over.
April 13, 2006 - Eyes are completely open! It is fun having them look at us with such curiosity.
Stefani notified us that she is going to be naming her red male Beau.
April 12, 2006 - Eighth and last pup sold today .. Jay and his family will be the proud owners of a black/rust female.
April 11, 2006 - The eyes are started to peep through. They are certainly not able to see yet but definitely starting to become more and more aware of things. And, finally my touch seems to be about as comforting to them as mom's. At first, if they are awake, all they want is mom's milk!
Angela notified me that their black female's name will be Karma. Here is what she wrote, "We've decided on a name ---- *Karma* We think it's perfect!! You can post it on the site, it's official. It fits --a sweet little pup we weren't sure we'd get. We are so excited! Angela"
Bob from Phoenix, Arizona confirmed today that he wants a black/rust female. That makes the seventh pick for the litter. (My head is spinning .. this is happening too fast!)
April 10, 2006 - Pups got their first bath today. Most of them protested .. but not too bad. It was a very quick process so they were soon back with mom and happy.
Kelly wrote today to let us know she has narrowed the name selection for her red female down to Ruby or Sammy. She will go with what feels right at the right time.
Angela from Merriam, KS confirmed today that she and her family would like to claim a black/rust female. This would be the sixth pick of the litter. That means there are only two pups who have unconfirmed owners .. but I hate to break the news, we are waiting on one decision to be made. Once made, that will make for a sold out litter.
Craig informed me that his family has decided on a name for their red female .. she will be known as Betty.
April 9, 2006 - Fifth pick was confirmed today. A red male will be living in Austin, Texas with Richard.
April 7, 2006 - The pups are 1 week old today. They are one of the strongest litters we have ever had! They can scoot around halfway across our laundry room and find mom. I am just amazed!
April 6, 2006 - The pups had visitors today - Kelley and Leslie came out today. Kelley was getting first pick on the black females. After falling in love with Scarlett, she has now decided on a red female.
Third pick was confirmed today. The black male will be living with David and his family in Texas.
Fourth pick was also confirmed. A red male will be living in Mt. Shasta, California with Stefani.
April 5, 2006 - The pups are noticeably stronger today. I am truly amazed, actually. They are able to push and scoot themselves around really well considering they are not even a week old.
April 3, 2006 - Today the pups go to get their tails docked and dew claws removed. All did fine.
April 2, 2006 - First pick is confirmed and the person (Kelley) making the pick lives close by (McKinney) and came out to take a peek at the pups.
Second pick is also confirmed. A red female will be living in Dallas, Texas with Craig.
April 1, 2006 - Happy Fool's Day! Scarlett pulled a good one on us. She started acting really funny today. And, being Saturday, we were busy with soccer games. We had one early game and one late game. It was between games that I noticed her behavior altered. Before leaving for the second game, I made sure she was in the room she and the pups would be later occupying.
Well, sure enough, when we got back, she had already had two pups - 1 red and 1 black male. She had done a beautiful job. I just felt bad because I wasn't there for her! But, the whole rest of the evening on into the wee morning hours, I was there helping Scarlett 100%. She is such a good mom!
Unfortunately, the third pup born was still born. This was a first for us and I didn't want to accept it at first. A sad loss but every pup after that was born healthy and full of feisty life.
Not dwelling on that, let's count the next as the third -- a black female, fourth a red female, fifth and sixth both black females, seventh a red male, and to finish it off - eighth was a red female.
The last pup was born around 1:15 a.m. I wasn't completely convinced she was done at that point but around 3:30 a.m., Scarlett's breathing had slowed down and she fell fast asleep! I went to bed, too. All in all, a good experience.
[SOLD OUT] Below are links to each pup's individual page (8 pups). Pups are identified individually allowing eager owners to watch their pups' as they grow ... and later update us. Pictures and letters sent in by owners are posted on the respective pup's page.
1st Puppy Sold: Emma or "Emmie"
[McKinney, Texas] -- Red Female, Ears cropped --
2nd Puppy Sold: Betty
[Dallas, Texas] -- Red Female, Ears not cropped --
3rd Puppy Sold: Reb
[Texas] -- Black Male, Ears cropped --
4th Puppy Sold: Romeo
[Austin, Texas] --Red Male, Ears cropped --
5th Puppy Sold: Cleo
[Lewisville, Texas] -- Black Female --
6th Puppy: Carmie
[Hardwick, Vermont] -- Black Female, Ears cropped --
7th Puppy Sold: Kindle
[California] -- Red Male, Ears cropped --
8th Puppy Sold: Athena
[Quartz Hill, California] -- Black Female, Ears cropped --
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