Red & Rust Female Doberman out of Scarlett's 2nd Litter (Born April 1, 2006 -- Owned by Kelley Satarino)
Emma went to live with Kelley in McKinney, Texas.
April 25, 2007 -
"Just wanted to let you know that Emmie and I are doing great!! She is still the cutest and most spoiled baby ever. She still wants me to hold her and yet she is protective of her area. If we are in the car and stopped at a light and she sees someone walking toward the car she starts barking (very loud in a closed area). :)
She is filling out more and is almost as tall as Natasha now, amazing!! How are your new little ones doing? They are looking good. The little red male tagged yellow reminds me of Emmie. I would love to come by in visit with or without Emmie. Take Care, Kelley"
"Thanks for the update on Emmie! Up to you on bringing her. The pups are in that crazy stage right now so might overwhelm her. Would like to see her -- your call!"

November 20, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
Here are some pictures of my babies, Natasha and Emmie. Emmie and Natasha get along so well it's just plain adorable! These pictures were taken Saturday night, 11-18-06! Emmie wasn't sure what I was doing and Natasha just knows to pose. But, I plan on taking lots of pictures this holiday so hopefully you can see her size compared to Natasha. Emmie doesn't know how big she is! She keeps trying to get in my lap, no matter what she is doing; playing, eating, sleeping, having her ears rubbed. She just likes contact.
Hope you all are doing good and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
"Hey -- Thanks for the pics! You know I love receiving them! The kids mention Emma every once in awhile. I think they really enjoyed having her around. How does she compare in height right now to Natasha? -- Laura"
I think Emmie is about 1 to 2 inches shorter. I think it is closer to the 1 inch range than the 2 inches. This week I am going to try to get pictures of both of them together and I am really interested in Emmie's actual height and weight.
I will send you more images when I can.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Happy Thanksgiving to you and family as well!!"
Click Here to go to Natasha's Page
October 5, 2006 -
"We have had Emma to Doggie Day Care 3 days now, and she’s with me today. Kelley’s taking Emma Friday for another Doggie Day and then Monday and Tuesday for all day Play & Train. We’ll see how she does with this lady.
We hope to make her a better mannered girl by the end of the year. She’s getting so much better.
August 9, 2006 -
"Here are some pictures. The outside images are from July 23. The one with them laying down with a red blanket behind them (break time) is last weekend.
I am going to bring Emmie out to Mom and Dad's this Friday. Let us know if there is a good time frame to bring her over for a visit this weekend.
Her left ear flops more than it should, but the vet said that sometimes the ears will fall when they are teething, have you heard of this? Do you think that it will stay floppy after the teething is over? This is why I plan on taking her back for an earwrap.
Talk to you soon, Kelley"

Emma watching Zeus

Emma and Zeus saying, "Hi"

Emma with newly found plaything

Grandpuppy visit -- Kelley's parents own Natasha (from Aggie's 1st litter) -- Click on pic fro Natasha's page
"Hey! Love the pics, especially those with Zeus! You put a neat touch to the pictures. I have no idea on the teething affecting the ear. Have you tried looking on the internet? I would definitely keep wrapping until the ear stands good.
Thanks for the pics! Laura"
May 19, 2006 - The big day finally arrived! Kelley got to bring Emmie home today ..

That smile says it all!

Leslie (Kelley's mom) pictured here with her baby holding her 1st baby!
May 20, 2006 -
"Emmie is adjusting very well I think. She woke me up when she knew she had to potty. We did have a few accidents but nothing major. She is in her crate now and just woke up without me there. She isn't very pleased, but she is okay and such a sweety!
I love watching her try to run and leap on her toys! Kelley"
"Kelley, Glad to hear things are going relatively well. The potty training is definitely the biggest challenge. Any improvement on crate training? Tomorrow is a big day .. good luck! [Getting ears cropped.] Laura"
May 22, 2006 -
"She is fine in the crate as long as she is sleepy when she goes in. Otherwise, it is a loud process of 30 minutes or so until she quites down and falls asleep. She doesn't like it when I am out of sight, whether in the crate or not.
Nearly panicked at the vet's office. They took her off so quickly! She weighs 11.7 lbs. As long as she was over 10 lbs, they would do surgery. She is so outgoing and friendly with strangers and very quickly took to my roommate Katye.
Will let you know how the surgery went asap.
Thanks, Kelley"
"I bet it feels weird not having her around right now! Hope you are doing okay! Sounds like it might be harder on you than on her!! Laura"
"It is weird, everytime I get up to move I check my feet for her and keep expecting her little pup feets following. I have to admit that after dropping her off I went down the road to have my oil changed and nearly stopped at the vet's and picked her up on the way back!
The vet said she is doing good and everything went well. I will pick her up tomorrow afternoon and return on Friday. Kelley"
May 18, 2006 -
"Laura, I think I am going to stick with the name Emmie, nickname for Emma. We had a great time last night, thanks again. Kelley"
The following pictures taken at 6 weeks ..

May 10, 2006 - Kelley and her mom came out to visit today. It was the first time she knew which girl was hers .. special moment. Here are some pictures Kelley took and shared with us:

Kisses with Scarlett

Sneaking some of mom's food!
Note: Kelley took several pictures of all the pups. The 5th week pics on the litter's page has quite a few pictures taken by Kelley. This is very much appreciated!!
May 9, 2006 -
"I was wondering if there is a good time to come out this week to visit my little cutie?! I am so excited! I came home Sunday and looked at the website and was like, "Look that's my baby!" How cool! I am showing everyone your pics on the web site and they all can't wait for me to bring her home so they can spoil it. I am gonna have to be the one to stop them...that will be hard. Hope you had a great weekend, Kelley"

Picture at 5 weeks old
April 27, 2006 - Kelley came out for a quick visit today to show her dad the pups .. her mom, Leslie, came along, too. Here are a couple of pictures of her holding the pup we suspect will be hers (pending Craig's decision):

April 30, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
Thanks for letting us come and visit. It truly made my day. They were so cute trying to tackle each other. I would like to bring my dad out to see them at some point.
I have included some attachments of the cuties (pictures) that I took, I know you have your own but I like sharing!
The pictures on the website look great, my Dad really likes the red female that is posing in the grass, showing off in front of your basket! [This ended up being Emmie, specific pic below.] He thinks they are all Great!
Talk to you later and have a great day, it is beautiful out!

Pictures at 4 weeks old ...
I don't know why but this girl is the easiest one to take pictures out of the whole litter!
April 4, 2006 - Here is something we don't usually allow .. visiting with the pups when they are only days old. But, Kelley's mom, Leslie, is a close friend .. thus, the exception!
Click Here to see Emma's mother
Click Here to see Emma's father
Click here to see Emma's puppy page
January 24, 2007 -
"Hi Laura, Everything is going great with Emmie, but I have a few questions that I was hoping you could help me answer. I was told by the vet that Emmie might be coming up close to being in heat. What should I buy to prepare for this? Any recommendations? I need something to clean the mess with, but I don't know what. Do I have to clean her as well or will Emmie take charge of that? I would appreciate any information on what is to come!
Have you heard from any of her siblings? Have any of the other girls gone in to heat?
Hope all is well with your family! Emmie is wonderful, so sweet and lovable to everyone. It is so funny to see how she still climbs into my lap to sleep, she loves comforting contact.
Hope to hear from you, Kelley"
I won't lie, it is going to be a messy two weeks. There first 2 to 3 days are not to bad, flow is light and easy to control with a "diaper" and pads. I like the ones you can get at either Petco or Petsmart -- denim color and velcro closure. Get some pads to line it and just change out as needed. When her flow is heavy, see if you can control like this. If not, since Emma stays in a crate during the day, her mess will be contained until you get home. It may then be easier for you to tolerate changing out her pads and diaper than it is for me. It will get lighter again and easy to control towards the end of her cycle. Not sure if this helps much!? Laura"
April 5, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
When would be a good time for you for us to come by and visit the little ones and mom again? Just let us know what will work best for you and we will be there. I know you are busy trafficing emails from potential customers and thank you so much for putting up with my mom and mine emails.
I am so excited about getting a puppy from Scarlett! I check your web site everyday and even look at the first day photos that I have seen already. They really are beautiful puppies!
If it would make it easier for you I could take the other red female, since I know you have more black females than red. I think a red puppy that looks like mom would be a beautiful choice.
Can't wait to take my pup home!!
April 9, 2006 -
"How are the little ones doing? How are you and mom doing?
Take care, Kelley"
"The pups are doing great, better than great! Scarlett is really recovering well. I am happy because I was a little worried having back-to-back pregnancies. Her appetite is back, about 95%. Canned food gets her stimulated and I was able to stop hand feeding her after a couple days! Our dogs never eat, rather get, canned food .. but it is the only way I have found to get moms eating after the pups are born. [I am doing fine, thanks!]
April 1, 2006 -
We are having pups on April Fool's Day! Scarlett went into labor this afternoon and is still going strong. We are at five right now. I will try to get pictures up sometime tomorrow. I am sitting in the laundry rooom with Scarlett and the pups as I type this - I love my laptop!
Later! Laura"
"Oh that is so wonderful!! I am so glad Scarlett is doing so good, I always worry!
Hope all is great,
Talk to ya soon, Kelley"
March 9, 2006 -
I'm thrilled to hear Scarlett is doing great. I'll be sure to tell Kelley when she calls today. She called last night asking about Scarlett to see if I had heard from you as to how she was. Kelley called from work to tell me she's searching for names - wants to be ready! Picking a name is always a "project". She was looking at a "baby name internet site"!
Chat later! Leslie"
>> NOTE: Leslie is Kelley's mom. Both Kelley and her mom came out when we had our very first litter of Dobe pups. At the time (back in 2000), they picked a black female and named her Natasha. She is living with Leslie and Sam, Kelley's parents. From that day, our friendship began and has developed through the years!
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