Red & Rust Male Doberman out of Scarlett's 2nd Litter (Born April 1, 2006)

April 1, 2006 - April 21, 2008
This red/rust male lived in Salinas, California with Cody, Amanda and Ember
December 27, 2008 -
"Hi Laura, Thanks for the e-card! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about Kindle, and miss him with all my heart. I hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year :) Cody"
April 23, 2008 -
"Hi Laura, It seems my joy in keeping Kindle that came through in my last e-mail to you was short lived. It's with my deepest regrets that I inform you that Kindle died two days ago on Monday, April 21st.
He was staying out of town with some family members who live on 5 acres near Yosemite National Park. Kindle had been there for about a week and absolutely loved the freedom of running around the property. He was happy and healthy. I received a call on Monday because they had to rush Kindle to an emergency vet after Kindle ran back home after he suffered a puncture wound to his chest. We all thought he had accidentally impaled himself on a branch while running down a hill.
I jumped in my car and was driving to meet them at the Vet clinic when I received the call that Kindle had died while in transit to the hospital. They continued to the clinic where I later was able to talk to the Dr. and say goodbye to Kindle. I asked the Dr. if there was anyway Kindle had been shot because even she was in disbelief that such a small puncture wound could have such an affect on such a large dog. She agreed to run an X-ray and was able to determine that indeed a bullet had punctured one of his lungs.
The next morning the Sheriff and I followed Kindle's blood trail up to the front porch of an adjacent neighbor who's property bordered the property of my family member. The Sheriff told me that the neighbor denied shooting Kindle, but that it was extremely incriminating and obvious what had happened.
Kindle was wearing his collar, he was a beautiful dog, and it had to have been obvious that someone loved and cared for him. There was no reason to shoot him, even if trying to scare him away. I know in my heart that Kindle posed no threat to this guy, if anything he was just being his curious friendly self, and was only out of his caretakers sight for a matter of minutes.
I fully intend to peruse the matter, whether or not a criminal case is filed or I have to take him to civil court. I won't let him get away with killing my baby. Needless to say, the last couple days have been surreal and difficult. In my eyes, Kindle was the perfect dog, and I loved him like my own child. Thank you so much for allowing me to have shared a part of my life with that beautiful boy. For that I will always be thankful. Cody"
"Cody, I am sorry for such a long delay in my response. Have to admit, I was pretty shook up by the news when I first read it. I kept playing it over in my head. I hope you are holding up. The pain you felt had to be horrible and then you have had to deal with the loss. I am really hoping you can give me some news in regards to legally holding that idiot responsible. Just want some sort of justice served. For your sake and for our dear Kindle, wish this tragedy had not happened. Deepest regrets, Laura"
June 14, 2008 -
"Laura, Thanks for the response; I was really worried that you must think of me as a horrible owner of what was once one of yours and Scarlett's babies, too. The truth is, Amanda and I were always so protective over the puppies. We fed them the most expensive food, walked them everyday, took them to the vet for the smallest worries, let them sleep in our own bed much of the time. We loved Kindle more than most people can understand. It still doesn't seem real. Amanda and I think about Kindle every single day. We still keep in touch, and he comes up every time we talk. We both dream about him as if we can still hug him, and feel the thickness of his body and the way his fur was thicker on his back and softer under his neck. I still see him running in my dreams, and I'm in awe of him just like I always was on a daily basis. We're hurt and we're angry. Kindle was the kind of dog that touched everyone who met him... people literally fell in love with his beauty and his playful personality. Everyone who knew him is so angry about what happened because we all know he didn't deserve it. To update you, I was wrong about the bullet puncturing his lungs. It was a pellet, and it punctured and settled in his heart. Kindle ran home to his caretaker's house (about 100 yards from the location where he was shot) and he lived another 45 minutes or so while in transit, with a pellet in is heart! That tells you how strong of a dog he was. I just wish I could have been there to be with him in his last moments. My brother was there with him and even tried giving him mouth to mouth when he stopped breathing. The neighbor who shot him must have known he was going to get caught once the Sheriff saw that the blood trail led straight to his front door. He initially denied even seeing Kindle on his property, said that he did indeed own a pellet gun, but that it was in storage. However, I found out a couple weeks ago from the Sheriff that the neighbor changed his story and said that Kindle attacked one of his dogs and then went to attack one of his family members. It gets worse. Because of this guy's outrageous claim the Sheriff deemed the shooting justifiable.
Everyone who knew Kindle knows the guy is lying. We raised him in one of the most dog friendly town's in America. Kindle was very well socialized, he had met thousands of dogs and their owners off leash and had never, ever behaved in that way. The guy simply wanted to avoid getting caught for killing my dog for no reason, so he made up a story. I'm currently trying to get a copy of the case report to make sure it includes all relevant info, such as the inconsistencies in the neighbor's story, and any proof of an attack. I know there won't be any proof of an attack (bite marks, vet bills, photos, etc.) because I know there wasn't an attack. Kindle was huge and extremely fast! If he had attacked another dog, he would have left marks on that dog. Furthermore, if he went to attack a person, he would have reached that person and left marks on that person before anyone would have had the chance to shoot him. Kindle could easily gain on a deer while giving chase, that's how fast he was.
Furthermore, for the sake of argument, if someone simply perceived Kindle to be a threat because he was barking at them, his caretaker would have heard him barking. If Scarlett's bark is anything like Kindle's was, you know that Kindle had a LOUD bark! But, Kindle didn't bark that day, and he didn't threaten anyone or any dog in the few minutes that he was out of sight. I do know that the case was sent to the D.A. and I'm waiting to hear back from the prosecutor who reviewed the case. If the prosecutor doesn't pursue criminal charges against the guy, I plan to pursue civil charges against him. And, if the Sheriff's department botched the investigation by failing to include relevant facts in the report (the fact that the guy changed his story and lied to an officer; the fact that there was no proof of an attack) then I'll sue them, too.
I want justice. Someone has to pay for Kindle's death. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't justified. Kindle took such good care of me and Amanda, I owe it to Kindle to make sure this guy doesn't just get away with it. According to the Sheriff, the guy has at least one family member as a witness to the attack, but she initially denied ever seeing Kindle, also. These people are liars!
I can procure testimony from more than two dozen people who knew Kindle who can attest to the fact that he was superbly behaved and friendly with both dogs and strangers. I won't give up, Laura. I promise. I'll keep you updated.
"Please do keep in touch -- the whole incident sickens me. I know you gave him the best of care. No worries there! --Laura"
April 1, 2008 -
"Hi Laura, Thanks for the B-day card for Kindle! I'm happy to say I have some good news. It looks like I'll be able to keep the puppies after all, at least for the time being. Amanda and I were each able to find places where we can each keep one of the dogs, so I'll be keeping Kindle and Ember will stay with Amanda. This way, the dogs will be able to see each other every once in awhile, and while it's not a 100% ideal situation, we can still keep the dogs in our lives as opposed to wondering how they're doing somewhere. Thanks very much for your help, hopefully things work out so that I won't have to ask for your help again. I'll be sure to send you some updated photos of Kindle at 2 years when I have the chance. Take care, Cody"
March 8, 2008 -
"Hi Laura, I know it has been a while since I've e-mailed you, but life gets hectic sometimes as I'm sure you know. As we approach Kindle's second birthday, you inevitably would have been receiving an e-mail from me anyway. I wish this update could be as positive and bright as my past updates, but unfortunately my life has changed in several big ways in the past few months.
In October, Amanda and I broke up after 10+ years. Since then, I've been trying to come up with a plan so that I could keep Ember and Kindle. They're like my kids and the last thing I ever wanted was for them to be impacted negatively by decisions that either I or Amanda have made.
Please let me know if there as anything you can recommend, or if you need any additional information. Thanks, Cody"
"Wow! I really don't know what to say other than I am so sorry. I really hate this for you! You are such a good owner. I am willing to help in what small way I can! --Laura"
April 7, 2007 -
"Hi Laura,
Kindle thanks you for the birthday wish :) His birthday fell on his first backpacking trip with us and he had a lot of fun. Interestingly enough, for the first time ever, his guard dog came out during the trip. He has always been good at warning us when he felt something wasn't right, but he took it to a whole other level on this trip that I can only describe as "guard dog." For example, out in public he always gets along with everyone he meets, but during our backpacking trip, he met a few people he wasn't comfortable with and he let them know it. We were really proud of him.
Anyway, thanks again for the Birthday e-mail. Take care! --Cody"
"It is a cool feeling to know you can trust your dobe to look out for you! I don't think I could go out on a trip like that without one! That is awesome -- I am proud, too ;-) --Laura"
January 30, 2007 -
"Hi Laura,
Here are those pics as promised. Hope you enjoy!
Take care, Cody"
January 29, 2007 -
"Hi Laura,
I told you I would update you when Kindle reached 90 pounds and according to the scale at last weigh in he was 95 pounds. He outgrew his sister, Ember, who weighed in at 77 pounds. The two of them are still doing well, getting along great, and love each other's company. It's funny to think how Kindle has changed since we first brought him home. When he and Ember are playing rough, it's now Kindle who we tell to be easy because he tends to overpower her now. She is still very alpha, however; so she always let's him know when she's done playing. In fact, despite the fact that Kindle is bigger, Ember still takes on the role of his protector when other dogs play too rough with Kindle. It's really interesting.
Kindle is protective in certain situations, but Ember is much more protective overall. In fact, while I sometimes am cautious about who I let Ember interact with, I have never seen Kindle not get along with anyone. He loves to socialize! While 95% of the people we encounter tell us how beautiful he and Ember are, some people automatically assume he's a mean dog based on his appearance, and very rarely another dog will have a problem with him, but I have never seen Kindle show an ounce of aggression, and I have to lauph at myself for using that word in the first week or so that we had him when he would growl at Ember for playing too hard. He's a big baby with a very sensitive side, if anything, LOL.
We love him so much, and the best thing about it is that he shows us how much he loves us. I'll send some photos your way soon.
Take care, Cody"
"Too sweet! I love this email update. It sounds like all is going very well. I will certainly look forward to those pics! Funny, I just thought about you all this weekend. Take care! Laura"
September 28, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
Kindle has now caught up with Ember in weight. They are both now in the 65 pound range!
I'm extremely proud to own these two (big) pups and on a daily basis realize how lucky we are to have brought Kindle home. Being that you're the one I have to thank for that, I'm more than happy to share his development with you. Take care, Cody"
September 3, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I finally got around to loading some more pictures of the pups onto my computer. All these pictures were taken over a month ago, with the exception of the pictures of them laying on the bed.
The bed pictures were taken about a week ago, so they should give you a better idea of just how much Kindle has grown in comparison to Ember.
The playing field has definitely leveled out between the two of them now. The beach that you see them on is their daily playground, only about 5 minutes from our house, and because we live in Big Sur the pups have had their fair share of hikes as well.
Amanda, who is with the pups in one picture, is my girlfriend of 9 years, so welcoming Ember and Kindle into our lives really has been like raising children. They're part of the family, and we love them very much.
Hope you enjoy, and now that I've replaced my memory card reader it should be easier to send you the next update.
Take care, Cody and Amanda"
August 17, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I've been meaning to e-mail you some updated pictures of Kindle, but he actually devoured my memory card reader that I used to use to transfer the pictures from my digital camera to my computer and I still haven't had the chance to pick up another one. Haha.
He sure does love to chew on things... boy have I got some stories! Pictures aside, I was just visiting your web site and thought I would let you know that you were right when you said that Kindle's size would continue to surprise us. Amanda and I took him to get his rabies vaccination last week and we had both Kindle and Ember weighed. Ember weighed 60 pounds (she's almost 7 months now) and Kindle weighed 50 pounds at just 4-1/2 months! I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it. At his age, I think Ember was in the 35 pound range. Kindle's catching up to her fast! Just thought you would find that interesting. We love this guy sooo much and could never forget how fortunate we are to have him with us. It was fate :)
I'll work on getting you some pics when I get the chance.
Take care, Cody"
"Cody, Great to hear from you! Wow! I don't know why but our pups get big! With him catching up to Ember in size, I guess things are pretty evenly matched when the two of them play now? Sorry to hear he is chewing so much. It seems like some of the pups are good to stick to their toys .. and others think everything is fair game! Have you tried using Bitter Apple? It's a bitter spray that you can apply on stuff he is drawn to chew on (and not suppose to!). I will certainly look forward to pictures of your "little ones", ha! But, the email update is very much appreciated. Thanks! Laura"
July 9, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I just thought I would mention to you that we took Kindle's wraps off a few days ago and his ears were standing perfectly. It took less than a month from the time they were cropped! They turned out great. I'll send pics your way soon.
"Congrats! It is a great moment when you realize you are done wrapping .. and the results sound great. Glad that experience went well for you! Look forward to the pictures! -- Laura"
June 15, 2006 -
Hi Laura,

I wanted to take a minute to update you on Kindle. He's doing great!

That topical ointment that the vet gave us did the trick. Ever since we started applying it to his skin, we haven't seen any new bumps forming.

We had his ears cropped last Tuesday and he is going through the whole process surprising well.

I'm actually surprised at how little his ears have bothered him. He's sporting his second wrap in these pictures. What a cutie!
As you may notice, Kindle isn't such a little guy anymore-- he is growing at an impressive rate. Just a few days ago he weighed in at 24 pounds while Ember weighed in at 43 pounds. Evidently, Ember's days of twice outweighing Kindle are over. I took the opportunity to snap some pictures of them today while they enjoyed some sunshine out on our deck. I hope you enjoy! Cody
May 26, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I was finally able to capture some moments of Kindle and Ember together.
As you can imagine, some of these pictures were pretty difficult to get-- puppies like to move around a lot! So a couple of the pictures turned out slightly blurry, but clear enough to convey the moment.
As for their interactions together, they have already much improved. The two of them are starting to get a better sense of where they stand in relation to one another. Ember seems to have finally realized that her little brother is smaller than her and is not yet capable of the same intensity of play that she is, and so she has toned down quite a bit and is much gentler with him.
Similarly, Kindle's growls are now growls that invite play from Ember and are no longer warning her to back off. The two really seem to enjoy each other's company as much as we enjoy theirs, although it's necessary to separate them when Kindle is obviously done playing and ready for another nap.
Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures. We had both of them weighed a couple of days ago with Ember coming in at 37 pounds and Kindle weighing a healthy 15 pounds even.
These are easily the two cutest puppies in the world, but I suppose my opinion is a little biased :) Best, Cody"
June 21, 2006 -
Well, it looks like I may have spoken too soon. Indeed, some fresh bumps have appeared on Kindle. I think the antibiotics that the doctor gave us for Kindle's ears may have partially helped keep the bumps at bay for awhile in addition to the topical application we've been using. What's really strange is that Ember is also now starting to develop these bumps which leads me to believe that the bumps must be contageous and form after an incubation period. Looks like it's back to the vet...
"Please let me know what the vet says. No one else is reporting this! You have no idea how much this bothers me! Let me hear back as soon as you know something. -- Laura"
June 27, 2006 -
Well, after bringing them both to the vet, I think we all can hopefully stop worrying about the bumps. Just as the first Doctor was unconcerned with the bumps on Kindle, so was the second Doctor (it's always a good idea to get a second opinion).
To be honest, by the time the Doctor could look at them, there were very few bumps prevalent on Kindle. She seemed to think it is a mere case of "puppy acne" which is completely normal amongst growing puppies just as a growing adolescent might develop acne. Furthermore, the news which I found to be very reassuring was that she didn't think the bumps between Kindle and Ember were linked. She attributed Ember's bumps to hives brought on by some allergic reaction. So there it is. Sorry to get you worried. Looks like everything is ok after all.
Take care, Cody"
"You did have me worried ;-) But, very glad to hear that all is fine! -- Laura"
May 23, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
Well, the first day or so has been pretty interesting. We were surprised to see the major differences between Kindle and Ember as puppies. When I first removed Kindle from the crate, I noticed how soft and velvety his coat was, whereas Ember's coat has always been more sleek and silky. His coat is also much lighter in color than hers ever was, in fact; next to her he almost appears fawn.
The most obvious thing was the size between Kindle at 7 weeks and Ember when she was 7 weeks. Kindle is a lot thicker around the midsection and huskier than she was, which most likely attributes to his weight. On the other hand, when Ember was Kindle's age she had longer legs and huge feet (noticeably disproportionate to her body) and was much taller and lanky than he is. This is pretty interesting considering she was the second to smallest puppy in her litter and Kindle was the second to largest in his, and that Scarlett out weighs Ember's Mom by 30 pounds. Perhaps Ember's larger size was the contribution of her Dad who was 100 pounds, a bit heavier than Harley if I'm not mistaken. Kindle does seem to be a much more avid eater than Ember was at his age, so hopefully this will help him catch up with her in growth at some point, although I suspect she will be the taller of the two at full adult size.
At four months, Ember's getting really big and strong, and we have to keep reminding ourselves that she's still just a puppy in a large body. This is especially true when she is having her hyper excited moments and it is difficult keeping her attentive and obedient. This leads me to Ember's interactions thus far with Kindle. Right now, she more than twice outweighs him, at between 35 and 40 pounds. Her current size advantage combined with her puppy excitement may be to the detriment of her social interactions so far with Kindle. In her excitement and eagerness to play with him, she easily overwhelms him. I think this really frustrates him because he responds with what seems like, dare I say, aggression. He actually bares his teeth while he growls and snaps at her, and will nip her without hesitation, this surprised us a bit. Needless to say, he does not back down from Ember, and is not one to submit. It could be because he was one of the big boys in his litter and is already used to throwing his weight around. In any case, I'm not sure what this implies about their future relationship. Hopefully, as the two of them get used to each other with time, this dominance struggle (if that's what it is) will cease to be an issue. If not, I can foresee it being a problem as Kindle's bravery is matched by his size when he is older.
On a more positive note, it is only during this "play" time that this seems to be an issue. Whenever the two of them are focused on something other than each other, they have no problem making direct contact in a friendly, affectionate manner. Because I couldn't find my digital camera, I already missed a couple opportunities to capture some really cute moments of them sleeping together, snuggling close as if they had done so a million times. We're hopeful that these affectionate moments will serve as the true forecast of their relationship to come. I'll try to send you pictures soon and update you on further developments.
"Cody, Thanks so much for sharing. Truly interesting observations. As for how he is responding to Ember, I have never known any of our pups to turn out aggressive and it totally shocks me that he responded that way! There are a couple in the litter that were a little "spunkier" in attitude than him, but he never showed me anything like that. Obviously, he is frustrated with Ember's eagerness to play. I would suggest not letting her be quite so rambunctious with him. He'll learn overtime how to better handle himself with her. Another thing you will have to keep in mind is that he has become her younger "sibling". You are going to have to interact on his behalf to give him the back up support he needs. One thing he never deomonstrated to me here was him being an alpha type. But, in reading your message, it almost sounded like he was. Being a male paired with a female, he will definitely submit to her later on. As for size, I really expect him to get to be a minimum of 100 pounds. Except for Romeo, Kindle was so much bigger/thicker than the others. The two biggest in past litters end up in the 100 pound plus range. So, watch out .. I think you will be surprised! I look forward to seeing pictures of the two together when you get the chance! All the best, Laura"
I think you are exactly right-- I have no doubt that Ember's intensity in her playfulness is what's provoking Kindle's reaction to her. Rambunctious is the perfect word! Rest assured though, when she is in this rambunctious state, we are always there to monitor the situation to make sure she does not become overly rough with Kindle. The funny thing is, even after her bursts of energy with him, whether Kindle has given her a warning growl or not (he's actually really cute when he does so), once Ember runs off Kindle always follows close behind as if he is actually wanting to play more. It's a really interesting dynamic and we're extremely happy to have the little-big-guy around. I'm taking him in for a consultation tomorrow morning regarding the cropping of his ears. I'll let you know if/when we decide to move forward with that. Thanks again. I appreciate all your input.
The following pictures taken at 6 weeks old ..

Kindle playing with Aggie, his grandmother

When it was Kindle's turn to take pictures, he really was not in the mood for it! I figured whatever I could get was better than nothing!

The following pictures are at 5 weeks old ..

Pictures at 4 weeks old ..

He was not in the mood for taking pictures! Best I could get.

This red male is smaller than the other one but is by no means a little guy!
Click Here to see Kindle's puppy page
Click Here to see Kindle's mother
Click Here to see Kindle's father
May 31, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
We are having Kindle's ears cropped this coming week and I wanted to go with a shape similar to Scarlett's, although we're not sure about the length yet. I'm going to bring a bunch of pictures to show the vet what shape/length I want to go for. Scarlett has a pretty unique shape to her ears, and I was wondering-- would they be considered a medium crop or a show crop?
Thanks, Cody"
"Scarlett's ears are a longer medium crop. Definitely not show. The "unique" shape is due to I had the vet leave more of the base of the ear, not a straight cut. I helps the ear stand quicker and I like the way it looks ;-) Show crops are long and have the base more "cleaned" out. It appears as more of a straight line from the tip to the base of the ear .. much harder to get to stand (show people always like to make things difficult!) Hope that helps!? Laura"
May 28, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
I've been meaning to ask you about this. Did you ever notice any bumps on Kindle's skin in his first few weeks, or anything similar on any of the other puppies in this litter or past litters?
The day we picked him up from the airport, we noticed one bump on his upper chest near his neck and a few smaller bumps on the top of his head behind his ears. At that time, we assumed they were probably just nicks caused from the teeth of the other puppies while they were playing. That may have likely been the case for the smaller bumps on his head, but we're not sure about the bump that was on his chest. In the past week we have noticed more bumps forming on his skin, similar to that one on his chest. The new bumps are forming in random places: a couple more on his chest, a couple on his belly, and a few on his back.
As far as I can see, they don't seem to be discolored, but rather, are the same color as his skin. They also don't seem to be fluid filled, but rather, firm and solid. I was thinking they might be due to the fact that his coat is soft and velvety-- perhaps his growing hair might have more trouble poking through his skin. But the bumps on his belly where there is no fur now gives me reason to believe otherwise.
We're really clueless as to whether it might be an allergic reaction, an infection, or a potential skin disorder, as we have never seen anything like this on Ember, our only real basis of comparison. We're going to try to get Kindle into the vet on Tuesday, but I wanted to ask you first to see if you could shed any light on the subject. I want to be able to give the vet all the information I can.
Thanks! Cody"
"Cody, Look at the 7 week pictures on the site. I noted there that the pups started hanging out under the building. That is when I started noticing some bumps on their skin .. we then boarded it up on all sides to keep them out. They were playing there and sleeping there (even though I had the large crate with blankets up on the porch!?) I didn't remember Kindle's being that bad. My husband thinks it might be chiggers .. there is a pasture behind our back fence. The building is located in the back of the yard. I think it might be ant bites. Some food got spilled back in that part of the yard (my son thought he needed to put some there) and ants covered the food. There are no mounds which is curious to me. We pay a pest service to treat the yard. I actually had him come out Friday. He only treated up near the porch. The food incident happened today so I will be calling him back out again. (He didn't want to treat the entire yard at the time.) I took Carmie to the vet Saturday. Reb and she have the worst of the bumps. He wanted to possibly do a skin culture thinking it might be some type of mange. But, when he said it wasn't contagious (with the other pups having similar bumps didn't make sense) and after I explained to him what I just explained to you above, he agreed it was probably insect bites. He even mentioned spider bites. I have some medicated shampoo that I have been using on the pups that seems to be helping. Unfortunately, as the bumps heal and you can flake them off, some hair is lost with it. The shampoo contains 4% Chlorhexidine and says its an antispetic cleansing formula. Actually name of the shampoo is ChlorhexiDerm. I hope that helps you. If you take him to the vet, please let me know what he says. I have never had any problems with skin, mange, etc. This is so frustrating to me!! Laura"
Thanks for the info. Hopefully the vet will find it helpful. I would probably count out the possibility of insect bites since more bumps are still appearing and neither Ember or us, who have all been in close proximity with Kindle, are showing any signs of bites. When you brought up the term mange, I did some research, and think that is a more likely scenario. From what I read, it is caused by mites, and while mites are found on most dogs and humans they have no effect on most of us, but may have an effect on some young puppies with weak immune systems. So that might explain why neither us or Ember have shown signs of "bites" but why some of the other puppies are. The mites are actually transmitted from mother to puppy in the first few days of life (this is normal), but again only puppies with weaker immune systems will be effected. I'll try to push for the vet to do a skin culture so that we might be able to confirm mange or count it out. I'll let you know what we find out.
I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures by the way. I'll certainly be sure to send more as I take more. It's all a matter of good timing.
May 30, 2006 -
"Hi Laura,
We took Kindle to the vet today so that he could take a look at the bumps that have formed. I inquired about mange, but he didn't think that was the case. He thought it more likely some sort of bacterial infection or something that (I think) he called "dermatitis." I pushed for a skin culture, but he was reluctant to do any invasive tests at this stage. Needless to say, he was not too concerned, which really eased my mind, and I hope that it eases yours with the other pups. He gave us a topical application to try called "Schreiner's Herbal Solution." We're going to try it for a couple weeks to see if the bumps subside. He said if new bumps keep popping up, and if these ones don't heal, then it's probably something to worry about and he would do a culture in that case. Anyway, hope that helps a little. If you do decide to take any of the other puppies to your vet and you find out any additional news that could be relevant to Kindle, please let us know. Thanks! Cody"
"Cody, Glad to hear it! As I told you, I have been treating the pups with the Chlorhexiderm (sp?) shampoo. Carmie was much better by the time I shipped her and Reb looked so much better today. (Those two had it the worst.) All the pups were going under that building. We put a stop to it after a few days .. when I started noticing bumps. Whose to say what it was exactly but I am certain that something under there was the cause. The pups still with us did the same thing as Kindle .. bumps kept slowly showing up even though they were no longer going under the building. And, it honestly wasn't until they started hanging out under it that the problem showed up. I think what your vet has given you will do the trick. If not, you might want to ask him about the shampoo I have been using on them. I noticed improvement after about 4 days of using it. Also, the three adult dogs we have show no signs. Not sure if that matters or not. Anyway, my gut feeling was that it was not mange. Glad to hear it's not. Please keep me posted on his condition. All the best! Laura"
May 19, 2006 -
We can't wait to pick up our new little friend and welcome him into our home and lives. We feel so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to bring home a puppy from Scarlett's litter, raised in such a great atmosphere. I still can't believe how slim the chances are that a red/rust male became available-- exactly what we wanted-- and that you chose us out of all those people on the waiting list.
I can't wait to see how excited Ember will be when she meets him for the first time. I know they're going to be great for each other. In fact, on that note, we have finally decided on our own name for him. When we named Ember, she was just a tiny little red thing-- bright and glowing in so many ways, much like the red embers of a fire, so "Ember" just seemed like the obvious choice!
Well, I have a feeling that when he arrives, and as time progresses, the two of them are going to compliment each other in so many ways that we felt it was only fitting that his name also compliment hers. We decided to call him Kindle! The various definitions of the name are just too appropriate: To cause to glow, light up; to become bright; to build or fuel (a fire); to arouse an emotion. We think the latter definition will be especially true as the pair begins to form an emotional attachment. Haha. Ember and Kindle. Who would have guessed?
"Cody, I am so happy to hear how excited you both are to bring Kindle into your lives - thank you! Very cute with the names! I really appreciate receiving this email! Best wishes, Laura
May 16, 2007 -
I emailed my waiting list to inform them of Stefani's decision (see box below this one). In what seemed like no time at all, Cody got back to me with the following three messages:
"Hi Laura,
Beau is such a cute little guy! Any idea how much he's currently weighing? BTW, thanks so much for the updates!
Wow! I just noticed the unique marking on Beau's chest. The rust goes all the way across from shoulder to shoulder. As you may remember, a few months ago I was looking for a red/rust female. Well, I DID find her! She's almost four months now and growing fast. Her rust markings on her chest don't quite connect in the middle like Beau's there. If there's one thing I've realized after bringing home our little female dobe (Ember is her name) it's that she is truly a unique little character, as I'm sure all dobes are, and raising her really is like parenting.
Laura, I can truly appreciate all that you have on your plate with this new litter. It was your Scarlett that first inspired us to seek out a red/rust dobe, and we truly love her and feel lucky to have found her. However, we ARE still looking for a red/rust male to keep her company. The pups that Scarlett yields are beautiful, and your dedication to raising them in their first few weeks makes them truly special. We would be so fortunate to be considered as adoptive parents to a pup from your litters.
I'm sure there's a long list for Beau, but if by chance we're very close to the top of the list, he would have a loving home here with us and a red/rust sister just a few months older than him who loves to play. Thanks for your consideration!
"Hi Laura,
Attached is a picture of my red/rust female, Ember, at about 10 weeks. She's giving the camera "the look." Ha, ha! Maybe I'm trying too hard, but you have to admit, she and Beau would look really cute together! Think about it :)

"Okay, okay mercy!! If you want Beau, he's yours. Guess now we need to discuss when you want to bring him home and, btw, where are you located? Lots to talk about, huh? Your female is beautiful .. and they would make a great pair. If you want to talk: 940-300-8429 Call in the next hour or so is fine. Laura"
>> And, Cody did call!
This boy was going to go to Stefani who lives in California. She had to back out which was heartbreaking for her. It did not take long for Cody to step in and say he would take him! I forwarded Cody's emails and a couple others from people also interested in him to Stefani and here is what she wrote back:
"That sounds wonderful!!! Thank you so made me so happy to see all the interest in him! I now know that he is going to find a wonderful family and that means the world to me."
February 24, 2006 -
Can you please place us on the waiting list for a Red and Rust Female for the upcoming litter? We're basically looking for a female exactly like Scarlett (beautiful!). After much research, my girlfriend and I were browsing your site and are really excited about finding the right Doberman for us.
Thanks much, Cody"
I sent you an e-mail last night, but I'll elaborate here. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 9 years and are finally serious about buying a dog together. We've researched it quite a bit and came across your website.
After seeing pictures of Scarlett as she grew from a puppy to an adult, we just about fell in love. We hope to welcome a similar Doberman into our lives. We're looking for a Red and Rust female primarily, although we haven't ruled out the possibility of a male. We plan to keep the ears uncropped.
Do you still have plans for an April litter? If so, please put us on the waiting list. Although we live in California, we are inquiring with you partially because of the beauty of Scarlett, but mostly because of your concept of raising and socializing the puppies. We would really appreciate the oppurtunity to acquire a puppy from one of Scarlett's litters. Please keep us informed and updated.
Thanks very much! Cody"
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