[All SOLD]
A Special Note From Darlene
(regarding the pups they currently have available):
"All of our pups are AKC registered. We have four females available that are 5 months old (born 2/10/2006). Three are black/rust females with natural ears. These five girls are from a litter of 12!
Honestly, any of our girls would be wonderful with a child and any pets. We do not have any children at home, but our nieces and nephews come over all of the time to help take care of them. We also, have our parent Dobies, a Sheltie, two Pomeranians and 3 cats. They all get along very well.
The girls have mainly, been raised in the house; however, we do have an outdoor dog run where they spend their exercise time. They are house broke, kennel trained and we are currently working on the leash training.
They are all, very intelligent and affectionate, although not overly so. By this, I mean they are not always jumping up or constantly trying to lick you in the face. They do like to give little kisses and they demand the love.
These girls are very alert and aware of their surroundings. We live in an older suburban area with a lot of seniors and not a lot of traffic. There are lots of other dogs in the neighborhood but these girls only bark when there is something very unfamiliar."
Next two pictures of the parents of this litter:

(Pedigree copies for both parents at bottom of this page.)

Sire: Nevel (red) - about 90 pounds; born June 15, 2004 Dam: Jadzia (black) - about 70 pounds; born January 7, 2004
Female #1: Eve [SOLD]

"Now let me introduce you to Eve. She was born #10 of 12, and along with the previous traits, she is the most agressive, towards her other littermates, meaning, that if she wants to play and no one will play, she will pick out one or more and bark and taunt them, non-stop until they get up and start playing with her. Another thing with her, she has to be in the crate by herself. We have oversized crate cages that we put them in at night. They are so large that we can double them up. This actually helps with the training because they get more comfortable faster with a littermate. Thus, the transition to a single kennel is smoother. However, with Eve, we are unable to do this. She always wants to show dominance in a double cage. However, she is not this way when they are playing in the house or the yard."