Red & Rust Male out of Aggie's 2nd Litter (Born November 24, 2001 -- owned by The Earls)
March 25, 2010 -
"Hi Laura,
I have some bad news. We had to put Dakota down. He had lung cancer. He was sick on Thurs. March 11th. I took him to the vet and they did all kinds of tests, everything seemed normal. They finally did x-rays and his lung looked like they were speckled with snowflakes, she told me either he had pneumonia or cancer. They gave me antibiotics and told me to come back in 5 days to have him x-rayed again. If it was pneumonia, his x-ray should clear up. We gave him his meds for 5 days and he was all but back to normal on the day we returned to the vet so I was optimistic. Unfortunately, his x-ray did not change. That was Weds. the 17th. I was off from work on Thurs. and Fri., so he got to run around with Cheyenne as the weather was very nice. He was not coughing at all, but Sat. he started to labor while breathing. Sunday he got worse. He did not want to lay down. I called the vet and she said that was probably easier for him to get oxygen in his lungs. He was having trouble when he laid down and was breathing rapid and heavy so we decided to do what was best for him. He was never really sick since we had him and we did not want him to be hurting. It broke our hearts to do that, but it was the best thing for Dakota. He went to sleep on Monday, March 22. I just wanted to let you know and say thank you for Dakota, he was my best friend and my ever constant shadow. He was deeply loved and will forever be missed. He was one very unique Pup." --Bob
"Oh, I am so sorry and saddened by this news. I wish I had words that were adequate, but I don't. I have never forgotten you or Dakota. I hope you are doing okay under the circumstances. My heart goes out to you. Absolute deepest regrets, Laura"
"We are doing okay. Cheyenne is confused. She keeps looking for him. I hope all is well with you.
Thanks again, Bob"
December 13, 2009 -
"Hi Laura, Just thought I would write you a little note to let you know Dakota is doing very well. It is hard to believe he is 8 years old already. Cheyenne will be 9 in January. I recently found your web page again and enjoyed looking at Dakota's siblings. Dakota is very devoted and has been my shadow since he came home to us in '01. He definitely has a unique personality. Happy holidays to you and your family." Bob & Kathy Earls
November 7, 2006 -
"Hi Laura, Been a while since I emailed you, just letting you know Dakota is doing very well. He is a great dog and my constant shadow. He weighs in at a lean 105 lbs. He is the dominant of my two dogs (If you remember we have a female red dobe, Cheyenne. She will be 6 in Jan). Well, I hope all is well with you and your family and your pups :-)."
"Hey!!!! Great to hear from you!! I am so happy that he is still doing well. Sounds like he is just a small guy - ha! How does he compare to Cheyenne? Hope she is doing well. I guess it is getting cold there now! I can't remember if I told you -- we ended up living in Ohio for 1-1/2 years. We have been back here for a little over a year now .. don't miss that snow one bit - ha! Guess it all has to do with where you were raised and what you are used to. We had a terribly hot, dry summer -- I would take that over the cold any day! Oh well, thanks for remembering us! Aggie is still in good health. She'll be nine April 2007. It is hard to believe she is really an old lady now, ha! She still plays like a pup, though. All the best! Laura"
February 2005 -
"Hi Laura, Dakota is doing very well, he is still about 110 lbs and is really receptive to training and very well behaved. Just a small note to let you know how he is doing."
Take care, Bob & Kathy Earls, Cheyenne and Dakota
"Great to hear from you! Dakota is a big boy!! What kind of training are you involved with now? Would love to hear more detail on that. Hope you, Kathy, and Cheyenne are also doing well."
Best regards, Laura
"Laura, No special training with Dakota, just obedience, he gets smarter as he gets older. Bob"

April 30, 2003 - "Dakota is doing very well, we just had him and Cheyenne to the vet last Saturday for their check up and booster shots. Dakota is a solid 100 lbs. We are taking both of them to obedience school, although they already had a good basic understanding we want to re-enforce the commands with distractions (other dogs, people etc.) He is a very smart pup:-)"
"Cheyenne is 65 lbs, been the same weight for the last year or so. I will send you two pics that show the size difference pretty well (above), and you can see the size of Dakota compared to Kathy."
"Everyone comments about the size difference and then look surprised to find out he is the baby :-), he does not have an ounce of fat on him, all muscle. We walked them between a mile or more everyday in addition to play time in the yard. If you ever get to PA you are more then welcome to come and visit :-). Bob"

August 22, 2002 - "Hi Laura, :-) , From talking to you before Dakota arrived I knew you were someone concerned about your pups when they left, that was one of the deciding factors on getting him from you. I do appreciate the updates, always nice to hear from you. Thanks, Bob"
July 30, 2002 - "I just weighed our two. Dakota is 87 lbs of all muscle and about 2-3 inches taller than Chey (63 lbs, 18 months old), they are both doing very well. Bob"
June 1, 2002 - "Both Cheyenne and Dakota are doing very well, they do have their own individual personalities. All is well with me and my family and it seems the same for you. I weigh Dakota by holding him in my arms and getting on the scale, I am 200 lbs and he is maxing out the scale when he is in my arms so I would say he is somewhere around 75 lbs right now and he is also a bit taller than Cheyenne, he is getting big and muscular but still a bit puppy clumsy. Well nice hearing from you. Take care, Bob Earls"

April 14, 2002 - "Dakota is doing great, here is the latest pic with his ears all healed and standing perfectly. He is over 50 lbs now, not sure exactly how much. Thanks, Bob"

February 17, 2002 - "Ears went very well, and he did have to stay overnight. Friday he goes back to have his stitches removed. Cheyenne seems to understand not to be rough housing with him right now and they are both being very well behaved. Dakota is also doing excellent with his house training, he seems to know the yard is the place. Here is a picture of his new look. Bob"

February 12, 2002 - "Here is a picture of Cheyenne's and Dakota's new friend Tessa, a black and tan female born on Nov 14th sporting the look Dakota will be wearing on Fri (the 15th)..... :-) Bob"
Dakota flew out of DFW airport to Philadelphia on February 10, 2002. He was picked up by Bob and Kathy (who had to drive 3 hours - one way).

Kathy holding Dakota on the way home.
Sold to Bob and Kathy Earls in Pennsylvania via e-mail and phone conversation on February 6, 2002. He will be flown out to meet his new owners on Sunday. Informed that his name will be Dakota.

Picture of Cheyenne (Dakota's new sis)

February 8, 2002
-- Pictures taken at 8 weeks old --

-- Pictures at 5 Weeks old --
