Aggie's Second Litter
Featured Dobermans from this litter:
Click on the respective pupppy's name to view his/her page
Born: November 24, 2001 10 puppies (2 Females / 8 Males)
-- November 26, 2001 (3 Days Old) -- Tail Dock & Dew Claw Removal

Showing off Tails for Last Time

Loaded Up and Ready to Go

Mom is not too crazy about all this!

Back Home and Recovering
-- 1 week old --
-- 2 weeks old --

-- 3 weeks old --

-- 4 weeks old --

This is how Mom makes us eat now!
-- December 26, 2001 -- Today we received "real" food - Yeah!

-- 5 weeks old --



Milo (red male/green tag)

Baron (black male/red tag)

Harley (red male/white tag)



Jagger (red male/red tag)

-- 6 weeks old --
A day of fun in the sun!
We get the pups out at least one time a day to play in the yard with Mom, our Boxer, and our 4 year old son depending on the weather.

-- 7 weeks old --
More play time - by the way, besides eating and sleeping, playing is all we want to do, except when there is a warm lap to lay in!

Pups are going home:

Laura's brother came out to make his pick and to bring him home. Brindie, the Boxer almost looks like she wanted him to take her home. Below is who he picked. Name will be Jagger.

Maximus with his new owner
-- 8 weeks old --
Fresh and Clean after bath time

-- February 8, 2002 --

Milo & Dakota (last two pups)

Too funny!
Click HERE to see Mother of this Litter
Click HERE to see Sire of this Litter
Be sure to view Featured Dobermans from the litter. Links in box at the top of this page.
The order of the diary entries is oldest date to newest date. Recommend reading from the bottom up.
The next 3 dates detail relocation of two pups that came back to us as living arrangements changed and owners could no longer accommodate.
August 25, 2002 - Arcas was taken home by Susan Downing to be loved by her and her husband Joe in Tyler, Texas. A perfect match as Susan and Arcas bonded almost immediately.
August 21, 2002 - Red male, Arcas, brought to us as the owner is no longer able to keep him.
August 22, 2002 - After searching long and hard for a good home for a female returned to us, we flew her to Carol King and Jim Kosvanec in California where she will join their other female Doberman Cocoa. ____________________________________________
[LITTER SOLD OUT] That's it folks, no more puppies until the end of the year.
February 10, 2002 - Drove Dakota to the DFW airport. He flew to Philadelphia where he was picked up by Bob and Kathy Earls and then taken home (3 hour drive). After taking Dakota to the airport, the Garrett family (the breeder's) drove to Waco with the red male we tagged green. This was a half way point for Stephen and Ida who named the puppy Milo.
February 7, 2002 - Colin Brauss and his brother, David Brauss, came out and chose from one of the two pups still available. With lots of help from his brother, Colin chose the red male tagged red white and blue. He was the smallest of the red males in the litter, but not by that much. Lillian and her son Donny came out and picked up their chosen pup. Took Dakota to vet's office to obtain health certificate for big trip on Sunday.
February 6, 2002 - Sold two pups today. Both through e-mail exchanges and a couple of phone conversations. Lillian Bruce came out from Gunter, Texas to make sure the pups were as beautiful as the site made them look. She approved and will pick up the pup tagged red male with white collar (largest of the four still available) tomorrow. Bob Earls is in Pennsylvania. Since Lillian beat him to the largest male, he chose the next largest in size identified as red male with no tag - very close in size. He will be joining Bob, his wife Kathy, and their 1 year old female Cheyenne. We will fly him out on Sunday. Informed his chosen name is Dakota.
January 31, 2002 - Second round of shots given.
Began potty training pups on the grass this week and they are doing very well.
January 25-27, 2002 - Stayed at "grandma's" in Rockwall while caretakers went to Beaumont to meet new niece.
January 17, 2002 - Sold sixth puppy today to Brian and Shanta from Corinth, Texas.
Tried the puppies on dry food today (not mixed with water) and they did just fine.
January 13, 2002 - "Lost" two of the puppies today as two new (separate owners came by to take them to their new homes.
January 12, 2002 - Sold Fifth puppy through e-mail correspondence and phone conversation. Pictures and information on site helped Bill from Arkansas make his decision to travel long distance to pick up his pup.
January 10, 2002 - First round of shots given - they did so good!
January 6, 2002 - First sold puppy taken home today with Ryan - surprising girlfriend, Tina, by taking a week early than the two of them agreed on (she has been anxious to get the puppy home).
January 1, 2002 - Fourth puppy sold and taken home today with Jim.
December 30, 2001 - Third puppy taken home to Odesa, Texas.
December 29, 2001 - Second ad started today. Sold third puppy trough phone conversation and information/pictures on this site.
December 27, 2001 - First pick of litter made by Ryan.
December 26, 2001 - Introduced to food (soaked).
December 24, 2001 - Second puppy deposit received for male.
December 20, 2001 - Clipped puppies' toe nails for first time. Mommy is very happy about that!
December 12, 2001 - Able to walk, still kind of unstable! Ears open - noticed they were aware of me tending to things around them by sounds they heard.
December 11, 2001 - First sign of playfulness. Actually trying to play with each other, clumsily. Teeth cut through - Look out Mom!
December 10, 2001 - Able to stand up on all fours but wobbly. Received first deposit for male puppy.
December 9, 2001 - First day of new routine of bathing of the puppies. [ * 1st bath]
December 8, 2001 - Pups two weeks old. Witnessed a "growl" as I was moving pups around to clean out kennel - too cute!
December 6, 2001 - Everybody's eyes are open. Very curious looks on the pups faces as our eyes meet for the first time.
November 26, 2001 - Dew claws removed and tails docked.
November 24, 2001 - Born - EARLY this morning!
Size of Litter: 10 Gender: 2 Females / 8 Males
Color: Black & Rust - 2 Females and 3 Males; Red & Rust - 5 Males
- Excellent markings - One runt(supplemental feeding for this pup once per day) - All very healthy
Order puppies sold --
1st Puppy Sold: Baron [Black male located in Corinth, Texas; Ears cropped]
2nd Puppy Sold: Jagger [Red male located in Rockwall, Texas; Ears cropped]
3rd Puppy Sold: Maximus [Black male]
4th Puppy Sold: Daphne [Black female located in California; Ears not cropped]
5th Puppy Sold: Kala [Black female located in Arkansas; Ears cropped]
6th Puppy Sold: Major [Black male located in Texas]
7th Puppy Sold: Harley Red male located in Texas; Ears cropped]
8th Puppy Sold: Dakota [Red male located in Pennsylvania; Ears cropped]
9th Puppy Sold: Marcas [Red male]
10th Puppy Sold: Milo [Red male]
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