Black & Rust Female out of Aggie's 3rd Litter (Born March 17, 2003 -- owned by The Luchsingers)

December 12, 2006 --
Hi Laura & Todd,
Wanting to wish you all a HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I'm begging mommy & daddy to go camping in our new camper that I helped with, or should say got in the way of. But mommy & daddy LOVES me anyway. I weigh 92.6 lbs. now. I have to have my eggs & bacon, like daddy does, but mommy only gives me a little eggs & bacon grease, daddy get more. We only had 3" of snow so far this year, but I had fun in it anyway.
Love, Rosie Luchsinger"
December 12, 2005 -
"Hi Todd & Laura,
Here are some pictures of me wearing my t-shirt that say FROM THE HEART OF TEXAS. And I have fun running in the snow too. Needless to say I’m BAD, but mom & dad LOVES me. We all wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR."
Rosie, Dick & Barb Luchsinger
RESPONSE: "Ahhh.... Thank You!!!!!!!!!!! I love the pictures and the shirt is great! Thank you so much for not forgetting us!! I have wondered how she was doing. She looks beautiful and well trained! I love the one where she is standing straight up. Can't get our girls to do that! Please feel free to update us whenever you feel like it. Merry Christmas to you as well!" Laura December 13, 2005 - "As of today it's only 9 degrees this morning and with about 8 inches of snow on the ground. She started standing up on her hind legs like that on her own one day when it was cold outside and she wanted to come inside and stood there barking, about a year ago now. And she likes to lay on her back so people can rub her belly. Needless to say she isn't spoiled any.
OH! She only weighs 83.5 pounds. She is a VICIOUS KILLER. She has killed hundreds of FLIES anything that is BIGGER she is afraid of and runs the other way. Our friend has a kitten and she ran for the bedroom of our camper, just to get away from it.
She wants to be friends with everybody. The way she sets up, she does that to everybody that she meets to get their attention, because she thinks she is a person. Anyway she is our little girl. If you like you can put my pictures on your web page."
Barb, Dick, Rosie Luchsinger
"That is so funny! And smart! I would want to have as little in the snow as possible, too! How does she go about killing the flies? First report of that I have received! I am trying to envision her running to hide from the cat. That has to be a sight!" Laura
May 22, 2004
This is Barbara Luchsinger. Rosie is a great dog. She is filling our lives with a lot of enjoyment. I'll have to send you some pictures. I need your web page again. There are some people up here that are interested in a Doberman puppy."
Thanks, Barbara
June 6, 2003 -
"Dear Laura & Todd, We finally got Rosie. Her plane was 1 hr. delayed and we had to wait all total 1-1/2 hr. BOY IT SURE WAS WORTH WAITING FOR. But at last we got her. Boy are we having a great time with her. I had fun with her on my lap coming home, at last she laid did lay down on the back seat. She took the flight real good. Everybody at the airport was watching me, getting her out of the cage. One little boy at the airport called her his Miss America."
"She is so full of life right now, that tells me one thing (SHE SLEPT ALL THE WAY). Richard wanted to know, what time did you give her the meds. in the morning? She took her pill real good tonight after we got her home. When do the bandages come off her ears? It seems funny to have a baby in the home again. I will keep in touch and e-mail you some pictures after she get a little bigger."
Thank you, Barbara Luchsinger
June 5, 2003: This pup sold to Barbara Luchsinger from New York today. Barbara is very anxious to get her baby.

June 5, 2003 - At 11 weeks, it was time for "the surgery". She got them done on the 4th and is showing off her new look below.
-- 10 weeks old --

She loves to play!

-- 8 weeks old --

-- 7 weeks old --

-- 6 weeks old --

-- 5 weeks old --

-- 4 Weeks old --
Click HERE to view Rosie's puppy page
Click HERE to view Rosie Mother
Click HERE to view Rosie's Father
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