Aggie's Third Litter
[Links to each individual puppy at the bottom of this page]
Featured Dobermans from this litter:
(Scarlett was used in Garretts' Breeding program)
(Peppy was used in Busters' Breeding program)
(Click on the respective puppy's name to view his/her page)
Born: March 17, 2003
Size of Litter: 10 (7 Females / 3 Males)
-- Color -- Black & Rust: 5 Females / 1 Male Red & Rust: 3 Females / 1 Male
Scroll down this page to view the pups from day of birth to the day they left us to go into their new homes. At the bottom of the page are links to each pup's individual page as well as the Development Diary and links to the pups' parents.

-- March 19, 2003 -- Today taking care of that extra long growth coming out of pups' back end as well as the useless toe.

Pups loaded and ready to go - does everyone approve?

Pup with the new look

Back from the vet: The pups were ready for some "comfort" food from mom. Mom was just glad to be back home.

-- 1 week old --

Pups' bodies are getting stronger - able to lift up heads

-- 2 weeks old --

Cuddled up after 1st bath
-- April 4, 2003 --
Puppies have been put in the grass a couple of times before today, but today was the first time (of many to come) where pups got to lay in the grass and play in the grass. Initial responses - What is this stuff?!

Mom laid with pups for awhile

Fun in the sun!

Nap time
-- 3 weeks old --
Lots of playful moments!
-- 4 weeks old --

We've had lots of questions about how the mother is with children. So, I tried to capture her good nature in a few pictures. Keep in mind, a lot of females will not let their adult owner around the litter. From day one, our female (Aggie) has had no problem with the kids being in the pen with her and the pups. I think this is one of the biggest tests of her temperament. Well, it says it all.
Another test is the fact that she also does not mind our female Boxer around the pups. She actually welcomes her being around them because our Boxer loves to play. Aggie then sits back and watches!

Mom is standing to the right

Peppy (black female tagged red)
-- April 13, 2003 -- Pups have been very curious about Mom's food. Today they got to try it.

First few pups to give food a try

Inspecting ...

Hmm... that smells pretty good

All 10 pups join in. Look closely ...some going at it, others still checking it out.

There is a food dish in there somewhere! They finally figured out this is yummy stuff!
-- 5 weeks old -- A few individual pictures of pups. Not all wanted to cooperate and pose.

Peppy (black female tagged red)

Scarlett (red female tagged yellow)
-- 6 weeks old -- Play Time:

Pups & Brindie "helping" clean up
-- May 1, 2003 -- Last day all 10 pups together. First pup left later this day.

Pups love playing with our Boxer, Brindie

Pups make escaping to the other side of the fence a game
In these 7 week pictures, I wanted to show where the pups are kept when we are not giving them grass/play time. They love to get out in the mornings for a few hours and evenings for another couple hours. Otherwise, this is where they wish to be. In the pictures below, note how the floor has their bed in one spot, food and water in another, and paper in the remainder. These pups have been doing so well with keeping MOST of their mess on the paper. Owners of those that have gone home have reported good success with potty training. That is a plus!

Enjoying a little playtime

Pups love to cuddle even when it's most inconvenient

The bedding also serves as a chew toy!

At 8 weeks old, pups are having a blast!! They love to play and have several opportunities throughout the day to do so. The puppies especially love the mornings and evenings just hours before the sun comes up or goes down as it is not so hot during these hours - remember, we are in Texas :-)

Pups go into complete submission for the adults, especially when it's mom

Cooling down after an active play session

After a hard play session, it's nap time
-- 10 weeks old --
The remaining pups play like crazy. They entice one another into a game of chase using objects in mouth.

Garretts are keeping the pup with the purple collar
Chosen name: Scarlett

Scarlett playing with remaining two sisters

Click HERE to visit Scarlett's page (used in breeding program)
Click HERE to see Mother of this Litter
Click HERE to see Sire of this Litter
That concludes the diary entries. For future updates for this litter (sent in by the owners themselves), check the individual puppy links listed after the diary at bottom of this page. The order is oldest date to newest date. Recommend reading from the bottom up.
June 11, 2003 - The last puppy on site left today with Linda and Jeff from Illinois. The two of them drove 16 hours on the 10th just to come pick up this precious pup. Along with them, they brought their lab, Mocha. Problem is, now they have to drive 16 hours back! But, they said it was not too bad.
June 6, 2003 - The last black female flew home today. Her name is Rosie. Barbara reported that everything went fine - except for the flight being delayed 1-1/2 hours. But, she said she was worth the wait and is very happy to get her.
June 5, 2003 - Sold last black female who is also the last available pup from this litter today to Barbara from New York. Barbara is anxious to get her new baby home!
June 4, 2003 - Sold last red female today to Linda and Jeff from Illinois who have a chocolate lab they are eager to have play with her.
June 4, 2003 - The two unsold pups went in today to have their ears cropped along with our pup, Scarlett.
May 30, 2003 - Started remaining pups on heart worm prevention program.
May 21, 2003 - The three pups on site received their second round of shots. All did just fine putting up no fuss whatsoever!
May 12, 2003 - The black female with the purple tag flew home to Dr. Peter Fulton in North Carolina today. She seemed the most nervous about the flight but when Peter called to report on how things went, she was just fine. Peter said he was surprised when he walked up to get her as the employees had her out and were playing with her - cute! She was already making friends with those with which she came in contact. Peter said he was amazed at how bold she was and how little the whole flying ordeal seemed to affect her. He also noted how the pictures did not do her justice. All-in-all, a very happy and exciting time for both of them!
May 11, 2003 - Happy to report that the remaining pups have finally learned not to slip through the wrought iron fence - Yeah! That makes my life easier and theirs happier as they get much more playtime in the grass without being in the little "kiddie pin". Before, they would go about 20 minutes loose and then get mischievous. Well, with the larger body size making it harder to get through and a little correction with the water hose, we are successful! It is fun because they are now following me around the yard as I do yard work, wash car, play with kids, etc.
May 10, 2003 - The red female with the purple tag flew home to the England's in Ohio today. Kelly called after they got home with her and reported that everything went wonderfully. She was surprised that the pup did not seem nervous or scared. Kelly also expressed how beautiful she is and how happy the whole family is to have her join them. Apparently, the pup was wise to form an immediate bond with Rob who got this whole thing started ;-)
May 5, 2003 - Spoke with Amy today regarding how the motion sick pup is doing. All is well. Amy reports that everything is going wonderfully.
May 3, 2003 - The black female with the yellow tag went home today to her new owners in Plano, Texas. Amy called and said the pup got a little car sick. It was meant to be for sure. She is the closest pup to us that has sold. The ones that have flown have had no problem with motion sickness!
May 3, 2003 - The black female with the green tag flew home this morning to her new home with the Curran's in New Hampshire. Kathy called and said they had a little scare at the airport because they were initially told she was not on the plane - Yikes! But, that was quickly resolved and the pup was delivered to them with no problems - Whew! Kathy later e-mailed us on her progress at home. Everything is going well, even doing her "business" in the designated spot in the yard! They even have her name picked - "Tex", yes for Texas - Cute!
May 2, 2003 - Bismark went home today. His owner, Wes, drove up from San Antonio, visited a bit, then drove back with his little pal. Wes reported to us that Bismark slept all the way home in his lap - awwww!
May 2, 2003- Koda flew home this morning. We received a call after the Johnson's picked him up. Everything went very well but Koda was a bit nervous - happy to be back in some loving arms, no doubt!
May 1, 2003 - Eighth puppy sold today to the Buster family from Forney, Texas. The puppy was for their son's birthday. Mom and Dad managed to pull off the surprise! The two bonded quickly. With four older children, horses, chickens, and other dogs, this will be a fun, loving home for this pup!
May 1, 2003 - Took the black female with the green tag to the vet for her health certificate. She weighed 12 lb 6 oz. She will be flying out May 3 to her new home in New Hampshire.
April 30, 2003 - Took Koda (red male and largest pup from this litter) to vet today to get his health certificate. He weighed 13.5 pounds. The vet guessed he was 10 weeks when he saw him - he was actually 6-1/2 wk! Koda will be flying out May 2 to his new home in Connecticut.
April 29, 2003 - Pups given their 1st round of shots. Everyone did just fine without displaying any protesting towards the situation :-)
April 28, 2003 - Pick made on red females. Red female with the purple tag will go to the England's in Ohio. The red female with the yellow tag will be kept by the Garrett's.
April 27, 2003 - Tried the puppies with hard food - same food just not soaked in water to soften. The pups did just fine.
April 26, 2003 - Sixth puppy sold today to Dr. Peter Fulton. Spent quite a long time on the phone talking. He and the puppy will spend the summer training preparing for classes Dr. Fulton teaches in the fall - both will attend!
April 26, 2003 - Fifth puppy sold today to Kathy Curan and family from New Hampshire. It took a few days for Kathy to decide on which one to choose. It is hard when you are distant and unable to see the pup in person. Nonetheless, based off what Kathy has told us about her and her family, this pup is a perfect match!
April 20, 2003 - Fourth puppy sold today - BTW, Happy Easter - to Jack and Amy Dempsey from Plano, Texas. The chosen pup is a black female (yellow tag). They were looking for a big girl without a hyper personality. This pup is the bigger of the black females and quite a sweetheart!
April 18, 2003 - Third puppy sold today to Tim Johnson from Connecticut. He and his wife chose the red male which has demonstrated a very calm demeanor.
April 14, 2003 - Noticing a wonderful thing -- this litter is already starting to "potty train" on newspaper. They are walking away from their bedding and doing their business on the newspaper laid around the perimeter, for the most part. It is making it easy to keep clean - yeah! It also shows potential for easy potty training when they go home to their new owners, gotta love that!
April 13, 2003 - We get to eat REAL food! This was fun.
April 13, 2003 - Removed the barrier that was keeping the pups in a more confined space. They are moving around well enough for this to be safe.
April 12, 2003 - Second puppy sold today. Spoke with Rob England from Ohio who was very excited to have found a red female. Pick is pending (3 to choose from) - temperament is being watched. Rob desires the one that is the calmest.
April 10, 2003 - The teeth have fully erupted - don't worry mom, we will introduce food in a few days!
April 8, 2003 - Pups are able to play now!
April 5, 2003 - Future owner who got to make the first pick (our only black male) came and visited from San Antonio, Texas.
April 4, 2003 - First real playtime in the grass - gorgeous day for it, too!
April 3, 2003 - Bad news mom, they are cutting teeth!
April 2, 2003 - Got wet for the first time today - a.k.a. first bath. All pups did really well. No one protested. Very pleased with how they acted.
April 1, 2003 - Pups are turning into "toddlers". They are actually getting up on all fours and wobbling around - very cute!
March 30, 2003 - We can hear you. Ears are mostly open at this point. Loud noises cause them to "jump" so they can definitely hear.
March 28, 2003 - We are starting to "act" like real pups. Every once in awhile one will lose its balance as it tries to lunge and "growl".
March 27, 2003 - Hello world! We can see now. The pups eyes are about halfway open today. Ears are not quite open.
March 23, 2003 - Trimmed the pups nails for first time - mom will appreciate that when it is feeding time. What I learned from that experience is 3 of the 5 black females are more laid back where the other 2 are more lively. The black male is somewhere in between the two attitudes displayed by the previously mentioned females. As for the reds, one female seemed about like the black males where the other 3 reds (1 female and 1 male) were in the "lively" category. NOTE: One thing I really try to do as a breeder is get to know the personality of each individual puppy. This way I can help a new owner find exactly what he or she is looking for in a pup.
March 19, 2003 - Fun day for the pups. Well, not really. Took them in to get their tails docked and dew claws removed. Everyone is recovering from that ordeal just fine. Probably the worst part of it was being away from mom.
March 17, 2003 - This litter was born. It was a 12 hour ordeal. All 10 pups came out healthy and ready to eat!! There are 3 red females, 1 red male, 5 black females, and 1 black male.
The following links are for each individual puppy. As owners send in pictures or share fun information, this is where we post it. To view the page, just click on the underlined name.
1st Puppy Sold: Bismark
[Great reference! San Antonio, Texas] -- Black male, Ears not cropped --
2nd Puppy Sold: Hannah
[Great reference! Ohio] -- Red female --
3rd Puppy Sold: Koda
[Great reference! Connecticut] -- Red male, Ears not cropped --
4th Puppy Sold: Lola
[Great reference! Plano, Texas] -- Black female, Ears cropped --
5th Puppy Sold: Tex
[Great reference! New Hampshire] -- Black Female --
6th Puppy Sold: Bridgett
[Great reference! North Carolina] -- Black Female, Ears cropped --
7th Puppy Sold: Scarlett
[The Garretts' girl -- Texas] -- Red female, Ears cropped --
8th Puppy Sold: Peppy
[Great reference! Forney, Texas] -- Black female, Ears not cropped --
9th Puppy Sold: Blaze
[Great reference! Illinois] -- Red female, Ears cropped --
10th Puppy Sold: Rosie
[Great reference! New York] -- Black female, Ears cropped --
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