Ella's 1st Litter's 1st Day
Date of birth: July 3, 2011 Number in Litter: 4 Male(s): 1 red/rust Females: 3 black/rust
All very healthy at birth and all ate within minutes!

Mom in labor - fun! She went into labor right before we left for grandmother's house to celebrate 4th of July. Stopped at store on trip over and got a kiddie pool. Above shown at location and awaiting arrival of pups.

1st born at 6:20 p.m. - Red/rust male; nicknamed "Boomer"

2nd born at 6:58 p.m. - Black/rust female; nicknamed "Emma"

3rd born at 10:02 p.m. - Black/rust female; nicknamed "Jessie"

Emma resting on Jessie who's nursing

4th born at 12:18 a.m. - Black/rust female; nicknamed "Lexi" (above, she is nursing to the left of Boomer)

Tired momma gets to sleep. Labor subsided. Just 4 in this litter.

July 4, 2011 -- Kids wake up and rush in to see pups

July 7, 2011 -- Tail dock/dew claw removal

All pups loaded in van.

Mom handled pup transport better than expected.

Mom did stress a bit when separated from pups for procedure. Back home and time to relax!

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