Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Litter Links - Born May 1, 2006:
Litter's Home Page
First Day
Tail Dock
1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
5th Week
7th Week
8th Week
9th Week
10th Week
Development Diary
Sire of this Litter
Litter's Mother
This red/tan female is now living with Dana and Brian in Colorado Springs, CO.
July 20, 2006 - "Laura, Here are some more pics of Sasha! She's now graduated into her big pup collar with her very first tag and all!
She is doing very well - I swear she would follow Kota to the ends of the earth. She won't give the poor guy a moments peace!
She is about 25 lbs now (bathroom scale!). We'll know for sure next week at the vet. Her nickname is "Sharky" - those little teeth can get ya! We are working on the not biting the ankles thing. At this size, though, I guess that's all she can reach unless we are on the floor with her! OK- let me run. Hope all is well! Laters- Dana"
July 10, 2006 - "Hey Laura! Looks like you have been busy! If I hear of anyone who is interested in either the pups or Sasha (PS- that's what we decided to name our girl too!) I will let you know.
Almost wish we had waited- an older pup from Scarlett's litter would have been great!! (Yes- can you tell the crate training is getting to me??)
Our little one is doing well though- Learning that being a puppy is hard work and not all things are tolerated (ie: chewing flip flops when dad is not looking, etc...) haha! She actually went all night last night (ok- only 6 hours) without a single whine to go out. Thank goodness! :-)
She is constantly testing the boundaries with Kota. He has been very tolerant though and is pretty much letting her be a pup for now. I am sure when she gets a little bigger there will be more than a few scraps for the dominant doggie position in the house! :-)
Ok- Hope all is well - Thanks again for your help getting our Sasha here. Chat soon! P.S. When we got her on the 23rd, she was 14.9 pounds. At the vet last week she was 20.6. Fatty puppy!!! ha, ha!
June 24, 2006 - She is doing great- torturing Kota as much as she can!
Here are a few pics from today.
We are starting to figure out the crate training thing- I just cuddle with her until she is unconscious and then put her in there on a teddy bear and she is out. :-) So far so good- we'll see about tonite though! I have the shampoo and will give her a bath in the morning- didn't want to traumatize her any more than she already was today!
Chat later! Dana
June 23, 2006 - This pups flies home today!
OK! We are home. She is tired but otherwise everything went so well! Kota loves her! I will send some pics tonight. We are going to take a nap!! Dana
Pictures taken at 7 weeks old ..

The following pictures are at 4 week old ..

June 21, 2006 -
"I have to say that I actually have decided (can you believe it?) We are going to go with Miss Purple pup! She keeps grabbing my attention in all the pics, I can't look away! There is just something about her that I am drawn to. OK! How's the knot on her head? You think it was just a bump from playing? Will friday be ok for her to fly (I am glad it's only a little over an hour!) Dana"
"Dana, Got the flight booked. And, congrats on claiming your pup! I am taking her to the vet today for her health certificate. He'll be able to double check the knot for you. I do think it was from play and seems to be getting better. I am going to go look at it in a minute. Guess that covers everything. Have you put a name to her yet? Just curious! Let me know if anything else comes to mind! Laura"
"Here are our name picks for her... Shiraz Keira Sienna Do any of the above seem to fit her? :-) I think we are leaning towards Shiraz (a fine red wine, too, I might add). Hope the knot looks good- doesn't look to bad in the pics! Let me know what else you need! THANKS!!! Dana"
"Sheez! I couldn't pick from those three names .. all good ones! Looking at the knot, well, I am curious to see what the vet says. When she first got here, I definitely thought it looked like a bump on the head. That appearance has changed. You can move it around. Anyway, if it is not just a bump on the head and something needs to be done, you can opt to do it on your end and I will help out with it. I dare say this before talking to the vet but it almost feels like a cystic lump. That would not be a life threatening thing, just something that would probably need to be removed. I have to tell you all this since you can't actually see her before accepting her into your home! And, one thing about her that is very noticable .. she's a good bit larger than the other female. Not sure if that is something you care about? In regards to personality, this is one of the best natured litter of pups we have had around. We have always had pups with good temperaments. But, there is just something a little different about these pups that I really can't explain. They are so GOOD! Just happy, go lucky! Some of the "attitude" that I have seen in some of our pups is not present in these. But, they are far from shy. Something I have never been able to do in the past is let a pup with fresh cropped ears hang out with the rest of the litter without close supervision. I tried putting Dexter with them yesterday. No problem whatsoever. I don't know if it is because he's the biggest .. usually doesn't matter .. but they just aren't "attacking" him like I have had trouble with before. So, as far as personality goes, they are all really sweet pups! I think the purple girl is probably more of a leader than the pink one. Okay, I will be leaving in about an hour. I will let you know what the vet says!
"Hope everything goes well at the vet's office- let me know what he says. We can definitely take care of it here- especially since I'll be off of work until surgery next week .. so I can watch out for her. She is a bit bigger, huh? No prob. There's just something about her that I just knew when I saw the pics! :-) Dana"
"Good news! The vet says it looks like a puncture wound and the knot is just scar tissue that will go away. Now, that's his best educated guess. But, he seemed pretty confident that's what was going on. He said surgery wouldn't be necessary which is what I was worried about. But, he did say to watch it and if it does increase in size, then something would need to be done. Whew! There was a scab on Sunday that is healed now. There are actually two spots (the hair will grow back) .. and the spots are little. Her body has just reacted to the puncture. Other thing to note, she has a slight puppy skin condition .. forgot what he called it. It is around her inner, back thighs. The type of shampoo that is good to use is an antiseptic formula. The brand I have used is Maximum ChlorhexiDerm (TM) with 4% chlorhexidine. You can get that from your vet. I have just a little remaining and have been using it for the past couple of days. You just get her wet and lather the affected area with this shampoo. Let it stay on for about 10 to 15 minutes then rinse it off. I am going to do it tonight and again in the morning. I also did it earlier. It really did the trick with the other pup we had. I feel much better with everything now! I am a worrier!
I would like you to do me a favor .. as mentioned, I am a worrier so please call once you are settled in your car and have a chance. I would just like to know she made it with no problems. Thanks! Laura"
"Great! Glad that its not a big deal. We will make sure to take care of her little rash! It's just a puppy thing, right? Nothing crazy like demodectic mange? (our first fawn dobie had that one- not fun at all!!) Sorry- I am a true worrier like you are also! :-) I will definitely call you once we are driving home tomorrow! I can't wait! Thanks! Dana"
"The skin thing is a puppy thing, no big deal. If you could have seen how the vet was so non-challant about it, it would surely make you more comfortable. That shampoo should do the trick. I will be looking forward to your call! -- Laura"
"Awesome! Thanks!!!! I am so excited (like I'm giving birth or something....well- maybe adopting, less painful?) HA, HA! I will call in the morning. Have a good night!!! Dana"
June 17, 2006 - "Hey there Laura! How was the vacation?? I hope you guys had a wonderful time! I figured you guys are on your way back anytime now, so we can start talking puppies again! :-)
This upcoming week looks like it is going to be pretty bad at work- we mobilize/demobilize reserve soldiers coming and going from overseas, and we have a BIG group returning this week (they weren't scheduled to come back until July originally) so I am going to be super busy making sure these guys are taken care of. They've been deployed for over a year now, so we have a bunch of ceremonies and family events planned for them.
ANYWAY- would shipping her out on friday be any imposition to you guys? Wednesday I am going to be slammed. Let me know! That way you have plenty of time for everything and also when I pick her up I can spend pretty much every day with her for the next month or so, no work involved! Let me know what you think. Again- hope all went well! You know that you have had a great vacation when you are exhausted when you get back, right? :-)
Chat soon! Dana"
June 18, 2006 - "Dana - We're back! Definitely exhausting .. and, yes, FUN!! Friday is fine. Take care of those reserves!! Are you sure Friday works for you? I will try to get some more pictures up for you to better help you decide which is your girl. Karah got the pups to me tonight. I gave them all shots and dewormed them. They look good. The only thing to note is the red female tagged purple has a knot on her head. I am going to be watching it. Karah thinks she bumped it. That is what it looks like. I don't want to ship her until that goes down. She also seems to be a little bigger than the girl tagged pink. Anyway, probably a good thing you are waiting a few extra days. Gives me more time with them. I will need to check on flights for Friday and book it. Talk later! Laura"
June 20, 2006 - "I am so excited! Thanks again for everything! I can't wait to see pics! Chat soon, Dana"
June 21, 2006 - Dana, I finally have the updated pictures up -- both individual and 7 week litter pics. I don't know if you will be able to pick by looking at the pictures. I suspect you will. Let me know if you can and I will mark the girl you choose as yours. Laura"
June 11, 2006 -
"Dana, I haven't been online since you last heard from me. Here is what Karah had to say about the red girls: Both females are extremely playful and love to be held. However, the girl with the pink ribbon is mischevious. She likes to lay on her belly with her bottom up in the air and then when one of her sibblings is least expecting it... She Pounces! It is hilarious. Both are very loveable. Hope this helps a little. If you need anything else let me know. --Karah
Let me know if that pushes you one way or the other!
"Hope you are having a great time! I know all of us "expectant" parents must drive you nuts. Thanks again! I can't wait to see updated pics! Chat soon- Dana"
"You have been a pleasure to deal with. Stop worrying everytime you send an email!! The more I hear from you, the more comfortable I am in you owning one of our pups -- honest!! Thanks! Laura"
June 8, 2006 -
Has Karah let you in on what personalities are looking like yet? We are not going to have her ears cropped- we pay attention to the pups ears on our weekly groomin' so she'll be fine. Have I ever told you what we do? My husband and I are Army types. I am a Captain in the Army reserves, but I am currently on active duty for 2 years (I cannot deploy, don't worry!!) and my hubby is an active duty soldier (he does deploy though!). I am a reserve soldier for another few years, but since I have a few deployments under my belt already in the past few years (Iraq, Kuwait and Bosnia), I am not elegible to be sent anywhere again. Just thought you might be interested in where the little one will be going!
We are constantly hiking and camping and stuff- she will definitely be an outdoorsey type of girl!! We never sit still- she will be the new running partner once she gets old enough and grows into her legs! OK- I know I talked your ear off, yet again. Hope all is well- I know you'll be gone next week so I won't keep sending you emails and clogging up your inbox! :-) Have fun on vacation!
Thanks again for everything! Dana"
"Dana, Thanks for the background info .. better yet, THANK YOU for your service to our country. I fully support our troops and you have just gone up another 10 rungs on my ladder, so to speak! I will get Karah to give me some info on the two females soon. I think it is great that you do have one you are sort of drawn to. A lot of people will simply go off the pictures. I think the personalities can be captured and shown through the pictures so it doesn't surprise me too much when this happens. And, you can email all you want. Later! Laura"
You're so sweet- thank you so much! We really appreciate it!
Well, I want her here as soon as you have time to get her here, how's that? :-) Don't kill yourself after vacation though. I am ready for her NOW! HAHA! We've got food, toys (which our big malamute is enjoying very much- it's funny to watch a 152 lb. dog playing with a squeaky bear, I don't care who you are!!) He's been sleeping with it every night. Anyway- Thanks again- Do you need me to do anything on this end? Chat soon- Dana"
"Dana, When it comes time to book the flight, I will need your address (physical) and phone number. That's it other than payment. You can send check if you like or wire transfer when it is about time to receive her. We are on the road right now but I've got my laptop and its not my turn to drive right now! Later! Laura"
"Nice! laptop on the road- I'll have to remember that one! We then are on leave after Friday until the end of July (thank goodness!).
If you want to give me a call early the week you get back then we can arrange the wire transfer- That's probably easier. Have fun! Again- I am jealous of your vacation! Let me know what Karah says! Talk soon! Dana"
May 29, 2006 -
"OK- I promise I won't bother you everyday until we get her home. :-) Random Question- did the pups get their dew claws removed when they got their tails docked? Looks like it from the pictures, but it is hard to tell.
"Yes, dew claws removed. I don't mind questions!! Laura"
May 29, 2006 -
"The 3 week pics are great! They are getting so big!"
"Glad you liked the pictures. Karah has been such a joy to work with and has been doing a wonderful job of mirroring everything we do on the site to keep owners updated. And, yes, the pups grow up quick!! Just wait and see how much they change over the next few weeks. It still amazes me! Thanks! Laura"
May 28, 2006 -
"We have decided to go ahead and take one of your adorable pups...If you'll let us at this point!! I will be able to be home with the pup for the first month or so after surgery, and my husband is going to take some leave so we can make the first few months work. SO it should be pretty perfect! Do you usually place your guys at 8 weeks? Well, we can figure it all out later. We are still interested in a red/rust female pup. Thanks again- I hope that the pups are doing well- how's the situation coming along after they have been wormed? Thanks again...Have a great day!!! Dana"
"Dana, The deworming has kicked the problem and the pups are doing great. The pups will continue to be treated every 2 weeks just to be on the safe side. I want to make sure we are absolutely clear on this .. the pups are not with us right now. Karah will bring the pups here after we get back from our vacation .. so sometime after the 17th of June. I actually let the pups go home at 7 weeks. When she gets them here, they will be ready to go home. When you come pick your pup up will be entirely up to you at that point. Well, I guess just get back with me confirming this is what you want to do and I will mark a red female sold on the site. Thanks! Laura"
"Laura, Yep- I got it that they are with Karah. No problem! We positively want one of your red female pups from Karah's litter. Thank you so much for helping us out! We just went out to dinner to celebrate while we can! haha! It's been 2 years since our last pup, so we have a bunch of re-learning to do.
I attached a picture of our malamute and our 2 Dobermans that passed- he is going to have fun with a new little one in the house. He's been missing his buds lately, no matter how busy I try to keep him. OK! We should be good- I will keep checking in with you for updates (if you don't mind!) Just FYI- we are trying for a middle of the line pup- we had a SUPER dominant Alpha girl and though sweet, she was a lot to handle. We are so excited, we can't wait! Thanks again for your help! Can't wait to see pics!
PS- Have fun on vacation- I am jealous! :-)"
Thanks for sharing the picture .. it is so cute! --Laura
May 21, 2006 -
"Good afternoon! I was lucky enough this afternoon to come across your site. It is great! The pics of the pups and the detailed information you give automatically put me at ease. Although there is a breeder around the corner from us here, the temperament of your dobie's seems to be wonderful, and well worth the trip!! We are interested in a female red/rust dobie. Some background on us...In December, we lost our 8 year old fawn Dobie, Sable, to a heart attack. She had cardiomyopathy. Then, just last week, we lost our 6 year old fawn male, Logan, to an apparent stroke. It was so sad, but he is much happier now in puppy heaven with our girl. We also have a 2 year old Alaskan Malamute, Kota, who is really missing his pals here. So, I started looking online at breeders, and here we are! We are in Colorado Springs, CO, and are very interested in buying a pup this summer sometime. If you could, please let me know how this usually works. I would appreciate it greatly!
Thanks so much, Dana"
"Dana, Thank you for taking the time to email us and to fill out the application. I am deeply sorry for your losses. That is something that's terribly hard to go through. As for how thIS works, we have five females that are bred. We only own one of them, Scarlett. The others are owned by other families that provide the same kind of love to their dogs and pups that we do. Scarlett will not be having another litter until next spring. The only pups currently available are from Maggie. There are two red females available in that litter. Let me know what other questions are coming to mind and we will try to do what is best in your situation. All the best! Laura"
"Hey Laura- Thanks so much! Yes- it's a been a rough year so far for us- but we are just thankful that we had such wonderful pups. I have gone through your web site and Maggie's litter looks wonderful. We are looking for a good family pup that will be able to grow into a household with kids. How are the 2 girls? As rowdy as their brothers? :-)Believe it or not- the timing will be great for us. We are still talking it over, but I imagine that by tomorrow we should be able to give you a definite answer/deposit on one of the girls. Thank you so much for responding so quickly- I was checking the computer every 5 minutes- getting laughed at by my husband! I will email you tomorrow and let you know what we decide. Have a great evening!! Dana"
"Glad to hear it! When you have decided, I will give details on the deposit. At this point, you would get first pick of the two and we'll try to match the one that meets your specifications the best. It is too early to tell too much on personality .. they're 3 weeks. That starts coming out a bit more around 4-1/2 weeks. I will have Karah report anything she notices to me. Get back to me when you decide - thanks!