Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Litter Links - Born May 1, 2006:
Litter's Home Page
First Day
Tail Dock
1st Week
2nd Week
3rd Week
4th Week
5th Week
7th Week
8th Week
9th Week
10th Week
Development Diary
Sire of this Litter
Litter's Mother
This Red Male is located in Baltimore, Maryland with Larry and Donna.

Dexter and his Aunt Paula

June 28, 2006 - Dexter flies home today! Paula got the honor of picking him up from the airport.
Pictures at 9 weeks old ..

Ears after crown removed ..

Pictures taken at 7 weeks old ..

The following pictures are at 4 week old ..
June 28, 2006 - "Hey, that Dexter is something. He is so cute and the ladies love him. Thank you for every thing. Love pig ears! Larry"
"Larry, Yesterday was nuts for me! I am so glad Paula got him .. REALLY appreciated her calling .. and thanks for sending pictures. Sounds like everyone is happy with him. How did he do last night? A couple of things I forgot to mention - He finished 2 of his meds. The one that was in the envelope is the last one. Also, the wrapping on his ears needs to come off sometime tomorrow. Let them air out through the weekend. Have an appointment scheduled on Monday to get them wrapped again. Ask the vet for his opinion but stitches should be ready to come out that day, too .. all three areas. And, on Monday, get him started on heartworm prevention. I think that covers everything! Laura"
"That Dexter is the man. The other dog I have .. she tries to show him it's her house. He will only take so much now. They get along. She can do her thing with him but if other dogs come to him, they are in for a real bad time, LOL! How long to wrap the ears?"
"You are going to have to keep wrapping the ears for about 4 to 6 weeks. Just get on the schedule of wrapping on Monday and unwrap on Friday until healed. After the ears are healed, leave the wrap on 7 to 10 days, remove, let air for 1 day, and wrap another 7 to 10 days. You will know when to stop."
"Got you. That my boy .. He follows me everywhere I go. I take him to work .. give him a job, LOL! He's got all kind of stuff that people give me. They never give me a card!?"
"I am so glad he has an owner like you! Thanks! Laura"
"Hey, thank you! I must say you and your husband are first class with your dogs. The money for one's dogs should never come up because the joy and the smile and the way that they give love of themselves. I never had kids and have always looked at my dogs as kids. But this time with this dog .. you always love all your kids .. but there's always one that you can say that this one will take care of you .. will be there and is just special. We're not trying to do the tear in the eye thing .. but on the other side, having long hair is a problem. He loves that, LOL! -- Larry"
"Ha! I know what you mean with the hair thing .. kind of a nuisance! Too funny! That's sweet. I can really tell you love your dogs. He's got it good ;-) Laura"
June 26, 2006 - "Paula is going to pick him up. I can't wait. I made a place in the store for my son. I'm going to bring him to work with me every day. I did that with Miles and Jazzy until they were 6 months and too big. It's like having a kid. Maybe I need some but dogs will do just fine, LOL! -- Larry"
June 26, 2006 - "I took Dexter to the vet this morning to get his ears wrapped. He wasn't crazy about having his "flappers" up again but really didn't protest it! He is so sweet .. he just cuddled in my lap on the way over again. And, while we were waiting at the vet's, he just cuddled and even took a 20 minute or so nap. You are going to be crazy over him! Two more days! -- Laura"
"I can't wait to get him. I know I will love him. I love that picture of this sister with her new mother. Thank you for all the care you have been giving him. Larry"
"I appreciate the thanks .. it's what I owe the pups!"
June 22, 2006 - "I must say you're on top of things. Got to take my hat of to you. You put a lot into what you do. Thank you! Hey, it's crazy .. I miss the kid. I think I'm going out and buy him some toys and some cookies .. and maybe an outfit, LOL! -- Larry"
"Now, if you go and get an outfit, you have to share pictures!!"
"Yea, if you see in the picture, my dogs have a dog coat line out. I put them in business. The one that passed away had on a leather coat and the girl a fur. Now with Dexter, he will have a line .. one leather, a fur in brown and a rain coat. We sell them. All coats are made special for that dog -- the leather 175.00; the fur 145.00; the rain coat 75.00. Hey, with all the toys and the best food they eat and the cost to go to school for a year, they got to have a job, LOL!"
June 19, 2006 - "Karah brought the pups to us last night. And, I took Dexter to the vet this morning for his ear crop. There is one thing I opted to do for him that I don't think you will have a problem with. He had a herniated umbilical cord. This is very common and no big deal for him right now. But, later in life, the intestines could slip into that area and cause death .. small chance, but still a risk. So, I had the vet include that in his surgical procedure today. And, the main reason I am telling you is because I don't want you to be surprised when you pick him up and notice an incision has been made on his belly! I haven't heard anything back yet but he is probably recovering from the surgery right now. I will pick him up tomorrow afternoon after 4:00. When we get back home later that evening, I will take some pictures and get them on his page for you. I have to tell you, he is definitely the largest in the litter. His weight today was 13.6 pounds. Compared to the other pups, his bone structure is noticably bigger. I think you are going to be very pleased!! And, boy is he sweet. I held him in my lap on the way to the vet's .. while driving. He just hugged into my body. He did that until they finally had to take him from me at the vet's office. I am about to check on flight info. Later! Laura"
"I got a tear in my eye when you were talking about how sweet Dexter is. It's nice the way you are with your dogs. Larry"
"He really is a sweetie! Dr. Schaffer called me yesterday afternoon. He did fine with the surgery. She told me she threw in another "extra" - a freebie. His tail had a lot of scar tissue on the end (Maggie was an overly clean mom and licked it too much when there was a stitch in it. Our Aggie use to do the same thing.) Anyway, this vet is so funny. She told me it was just driving her nuts so she removed the scar tissue and stitched that up, too. So, he will have three areas on his body with stitches! He is going to be perfect ;-) Laura"
"Glad I'm getting some freebies, LOL! Hey, sounds like you have a very nice team you are working with.
In the picture below, the big one is the one that passed away and the little one is living one that is his sister. She's one year old."
June 8, 2006 - "Everyone loves those pictures of him!"
May 30, 2006 - "Hey! Hope all is well. How's the kid? I saw a picture of them at 3 weeks. The red one with him looks like a very big dog. Is that a male also? It could be the picture because at one point they looked about the same size. Yes, or no, or maybe so - LOL!"
"I asked Karah about the size and she said the red males were definitely the two biggest in the litter .. so what you noticed in the pictures was very accurate!"
"So, the red male is bigger than the black one? Is he more in control? If so, has someone picked him?"
"Karah told me today that her husband thinks that the black male is a little more dominant. Karah wasn't sure .. she was leaning more towards the red males. It is a little harder to tell at this age .. but the traits are definitely starting to show."
"Let's try the red. In the picture, the red is the one that appears to make his way. This is fun! I'm pretty sure I love them both .. let's go with red."
"Okay, the Weavers are really trying to keep a close eye on the boys for you. At this point, both husband and wife agree that the red male tagged black and the black male are more dominant than the red male tagged blue. If you have no idea what I am talking about in regards to tags, go to the new 4 week page. You will then understand! Laura "
"See, I told you they were (smile), LOL! In the picture, I could see that they were. When they get 8 weeks old, they are going to get it on with each other -- it's a boy thing, LOL! So, OK, let's go with big red. I am still going to call him LTD for "Long Tall Dexter".
May 20, 2006 - "Everyone loves his pictures. I have never seen one at 2 weeks. His name will be Dexter, after one of the greatest sax players - Dexter Gordon. All my dogs have a jazz name. Larry"
"Dexter is a good name! I like it! Thanks for sharing! They look a lot different that little, huh? At about 4 weeks, he'll start looking more like a Dobe. Glad to hear you have been sharing his pictures. There should be some more pictures to put up for you in the next few days - take care! Laura"
May 16, 2006 - "Hey -- hope all is well how my kid"
"Your boy is doing fine. Two of his littermates passed away. It was very sudden and all preventive measures have been taken to protect your boy. Karah is suppose to be getting me pictures later today. If she does, I will have them up for you by tomorrow. Hope all is well with you! -- Laura"
"Wow! Sorry to hear that. My dog that passed away, I have his little sister. She was the only one that lived out of 8 pups. She was at the vet's for 2 weeks and had to get it from a baby bottle until she was 10 months. She is very special .. my jazzy girl with one ear up and one down, her little slim self, LOL!"
RESPONSE: " I talked again with Karah and they are all doing great. I can't believe your girl was the only one to make it in the litter. Wow! Laura"
May 4, 2006 -
"Thanks for the info. If I can get both the size and alpha, that would be cool, LOL! The black one is cool. I have him a little sister .. she's black.
Did I ever tell you what i do?
"That would be pretty cool if it turned out that the black male was the whole package for you! Let me know if you are wanting to commit to a pick.
So, what is it that you do?
"Go to
I am a jazz musician .. play the drums. I have played everything. In the 60s I played a lot of rock .. was in the hippie movement (LOL!) in the 70s .. played with some disco bands. It is interesting because of the different types of people that buy CDs and the DJs that buy records .. from police, to people you see in the movies and on TV, or just kids.
And, yes, I would like to get the pup if you think it would be the right one for me. I am pretty sure you will do the right thing. Also, I will want the ears done so hook me up with a good price, LOL! and tell me what to send as a down payment. Larry"
"Love it! I always admire people who have artistic talents!
Okay, I just spoke with Karah and she said that her pups definitely tend to be on the larger side. I really think that it has something to do with the Kimbertal bloodline. So, I am going to mark the black male as being sold. Now, when it comes time to get him to you and I don't think he fits your requirements, our back up plan can be to wait for another litter due this summer.
To have our vet do the ears, it costs about $300. She does an awesome job! Lots of people who show dogs trust her. She did Scarlett's hers and has done several of our pups from past litters.
Okay, guess that makes things "official". Whenever you have questions along the way, let me know!
Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend! Laura"
"Cool .. That's fine. It all sounds good to me. I will send you a money order today. Take care of the kid, Larry"
(Note send with payment)
April 24, 2006 -
"You have very nice dogs and the pups are, also. I lost my dog now 5 weeks ago and the other last year. Here are their pictures:
So, I will be looking for a male, red or black, that will get to 28-29 inch. As you can see with my dogs, I like them big .. like your dogs are. I would like to get one! Larry"
May 3, 2006 -
Thanks for the kind words of the loss of my dogs. Yes, I'm still looking for a dog. Also, do you crop the ears? I'm in Baltimore.
What I am looking for would be one that you think will be an alpha male. How much does it cost to fly him here?
I like the way you are with dogs .. the best that I have been talking to. Larry"
Thank you for getting back to me. Shipping would be $290 which includes everything neccesary to get a pup to you (crate, required health certificate, etc.)
We could definitely watch the males for you and see which one seemed to be the leader, not a problem. At this point, you would have first pick for the litter born May 1st. Does color matter to you?
One thing I need to make sure you are aware of, we do not have the May litter here. It is owned by another family that is raising them with their family just as we do ours. She is a good distance from me but has promised pictures will be sent regularly so we can all watch them grow. At 7 weeks old, Karah will be bringing the pups to us. At that point, I will be placing them in homes and working with the owners.
Let me know what questions you have! Laura"
"I'm okay with any color .. like the black because of the price, LOL! And, you know I like them tall after seeing my kids. So, do you do the ears? Larry"