June 18, 2008 -
"I took the camera outside today when we were playing with the puppies in the yard. ((Pics are above)) Echo and Foxy were getting after it this morning as you will be able to tell.
Here is how crate training/house breaking is being encouraged right now ...
About 6am I get up for the day and let Xzus and Athena (the puppies parents) out of the house to run, stretch and eat breakfast. While they are doing that, I take the puppies outside in the yard and let them run, stretch and play in the puppy pen. I mainly do this because they are sleeping hard until Athena wakes up (when I wake up) and the first thing the pups need to do is use the restroom (just like us). This gets them used to going outside right away. They get to stay outside and play for about 3-4 hours and then I bring them in before it gets above 85 degrees.
By this time, the puppies are worn out and ready for another feeding and a nap. At about 4-5pm I take them outside again to let them stretch, play, and use the potty again, but only let them stay about 30-45 minutes because of the heat. They come in and eat/sleep some more. At about 7pm, we all go outside again for about 2-2.5 hours; since it is nice and cool again it gives them a good chance to get all that energy out again and get ready for the night. After that Xzus, Athena, and the puppies all come in for the night and the little ones get warm milk and snuggles.
I try to keep the puppies and Xzus/Athena inside when it is super hot. They are just as much part of my family as my kids, and I do not want anything bad to happen to them.
On a personal note; one of the first things that attracted me to Dobes was that they were short haired and very clean. Another bonus is they are excellent indoor/outdoor dogs ... unlike most boxers, pits, and other med-large dogs, they know when to relax. When I come inside from working; Xzus waits at the door ... I give him permission to come inside (he knows he has to be invited - this keeps him from knocking any of the kids down as they come in). After he has permission he walks straight to his corner and plops down on the cool tile beside his bed. He will stay there and rest/sleep until someone calls him or he hears the door handle jiggle. If someone is heading out he is right there beside them ready to go with them ... it is really nice. He will get up and play if you want him too, but he prefers to rest inside and play outside (this is my preference, too). Athena is like this as well.
As for crate training, them it's a good practice, and I highly recommend it. I had a crate for Xzus when he was a puppy and that was his 'safe place'. He went there to sleep or any time I had to leave the house. I never punished him and put him in his 'safe place' because I did not want him to associate it with punishment. When Xzus was in his crate he would not potty unless he just could not hold it any longer. As a young puppy, I alway took him outside before putting him in the crate and he went outside right after I got home. After his first couple of weeks, and as his bladder grew there were no accidents. The puppies are already picking up on this. They know they get plenty of chances to go outside. They always go outside for a restroom break before they eat or go to bed. Inside they have a 4'x8' pen with two large potty pads (2'x2'). During the night they use the potty pads the majority of the time ... there are still plenty of accidents, but each day more and more are landing on the pads or outside.
I cannot predict the future, but it will be in my best interest if they are potty trained by the time they are ready to travel. That would make my mornings a lot easier. I do recommend that the pups are crate trained when the go to their new homes ... after they are adults, it may not be necessary. I leave Xzus in the house when I have to go to town for a few hours simply because he enjoys to cool floor. I trust him and he is responsible.... I believe with attention and training any puppy can achieve that as well.--Jeremiah"
June 17, 2008 -
"Here is the shipping information. We will be shipping with Continental Airlines. They are the only airlines that have a temperature controlled cargo department. They also have special staff that ensure the puppy is the last 'person' on and the first 'person' off. If there are any layovers they will take the puppy inside the terminal and ensure the puppy has food and water. They have a special department that handles all the animals that ride on their planes and by speaking with them it seems to be a very detailed and organized program.
By shipping the puppy via Continental; he/she will arrive in a medium sized kennel that will allow enough room for him/her to move around and be comfortable. They will also have a collar and leash so that will be able to be walked and take care of 'business' if they need out. The puppy will have a certificate of health from their veterinarian and all shots up to that point. The shipping will cost $350.
Foxy, Little G, and Echo are all excellent puppies, and have a really good temperament. Foxy has a lot of character; she is my wife's favorite and reminds her of Xzus. She is active, alert, and was the first puppy to bark at someone that walked by ... she is absolutely adorable. Little G is another lively spirit! She enjoys to be close to people more than any other puppy and enjoys licking and nibbling on your chin. When Little G and Foxy get together it is something to see... Echo is more laid back and enjoys eating, sleep, and lay on the nice cool tile. Echo is more 'solid' and not as vocal as Little G or Foxy, but by the time he is a year old I don't think he will need to be. He is a lot like his Dad ... he seems to be laying there asleep without a care in the world, but when it is time to play he instantly jumps in the middle. All three are a joy and a blessing....
Their Dad is a wonderful Dobe and I would trust my life with him (Xzus). After my injury overseas, my wife and I brought him home. He is just as much part of the family as my 3 (soon to be 4) children.
Just to fill you in on Xzus' temperament; he escorts my 7 and 10 year old around the farm and always stays 1 step ahead to warn them of any dangers. On more than one occasion he has spotted a snake, skunk, or some other undesirable before anyone was in jeopardy. He loves to lay on the cool tile inside and escape the heat. Xzus' obedience training went very well; he was one of the top dogs in his class and I have run out of new things to teach him. Generally speaking he masters a new command in about 24 hours of working with him. He helps herd and separate cattle in the lots when necessary and is easily called off any chase. My 16 month old little girl tries to use Xzus as her 'horse'. She will lay on him, hug his neck, use her napkin to wipe his face, and other crazy things. I trust him with my children's lives and he has been a loyal guardian of the family; Xzus it truely my best friend. ---Jeremiah"
June 12, 2008 -
3 pups are currently available from this litter ...

Here they are outside in the grass --
Little G (fawn female), Echo (black male), Foxy Girl (red female)

Echo is showing off some moves he gets from dad

Just chilling

"choo choo"

Foxy (red female) and Little G (fawn female)


Checking out the tile

Sitting pretty here is Foxy Girl (red female)

Foxy getting loved

Look at those Little G's baby blues (fawn female)

Here comes Echo (black male)

Echo gets this from his dad!
June 9, 2008 -
"We only have 3 available now. The black/rust male(Echo), Blue/Rust Female(Little G), and a Red/rust(Foxy). As for the characters they are just as different as the colors. Foxy's name says it all she is vivacious alert and extremely responsive. She loves to listen to people and talks to you. She is the smallest one available but wasn't the runt, she was the 7th born. Little G is quite the opposite! She is the biggest of the litter and seems to need lots of reassurance. She cries when alone and loves to snuggle. She was the 6th born. Echo is a handsome little guy. Not too big at the moment, but his bone structure from his head and feet tell me he will be a haus like his daddy one day. He is extremely gentle and loving, quiet but observant. He watches everything at his distance and jumps into the action when he decides it is time. He was the 5th born.
May 22, 2008 -

The Group


Little G

Xzus (dad)

Athena (mom)
May 19, 2008 -

Proud Dad

Still Loves His Mom

Uncertain Dad
Ok, the puppies have had a hard first 6 days. With Mom being new and a decent sized litter, she had a few pups not getting a chance to nurse. So, we supplemented with colostrum and milk and alternated them ensuring the skinny minis could nurse without being pushed around by the big boys. Anyway, they are all nursing great now and we had our first night of not getting up with the puppies. Yesterday, we took them to the vet for tails/dew claws and he was quite impressed with how healthy they looked. That is always a relief for a new breeder and first litter. So, I am excited with the progress.
Our kiddos are pet quality, but I assure you that these come from the best temperamented parents you could find. Our Dobe's are also very useful in many areas on the farm. Xzus(daddy to pups) not only works cattle, but also has saved 2 members of our family from rattlesnakes. We never let the kids out of the yard without him for that very reason. Unfortunately, my minpin passed away from a snake bite last fall but she also was super at protecting the kids. She was bitten twice in a month and just couldn't make it through the 2nd one. Our Mom dobe was adopted at age 6 months and was never fully trainable as an indoor pet, but we still love and trust her. She is very passive and sweet and knows basic obedience but never progressed into any other type of training.
Talk with ya soon,
May 16, 2008 -

Echo (black/rust male)

Gulf (a.k.a. Little G)

Gulf (born before Foxy)

May 15, 2008 -

A Happy Mother

May 14, 2008 -
"Hi, My name is Lora and I am the proud Mom of 2 registered Dobes. After almost 4 years we have just had our first litter of puppies. Your site interests me a great deal as we believe in the family atmosphere and inclusion of our dogs in our home. I am not a breeder, but come from a family who showed many small/med breeds as a child and was a junior handler myself. We train, train, train our dogs and are completely confident in them to care and love our 3.5 children(ages 10, 7, 17 months and one due in Sept.).
Our male is red/rust and a bit large but the best temperament ever. Everyone who meets him falls in love with him not to mention he is quite awesome in appearance. Our Dam is black/rust and although she isn't the most beautiful to look at she is just a gem. We adopted her from family at 6 months because they were unable to properly care for her. Our litter consists of what appear to be 4 red, 2 black and 2 blue/fawn. We have 4 males and 4 females of each color. If you are interested in us as potential breeders, please let us know. We will not plan more than one litter a year as this is too hard on the females in my opinion and as I said we are not a puppy mill and refuse to treat our babies like that.
We are located about 2 hours from Dallas.