Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
This black female is now living with Jon, Caren & family in the Dallas, Texas area.
October 21 - 28, 2008: Garretts got to puppy sit while family went on vacation in Paris, France!

October 23, 2008 - "Just wanted to update you on Chelsea. She is doing great. The first day, she took to this big stuffed bunny we have, cuddling with it. Yesterday, she worked on winning over the big dogs. I also wrapped her ears. Today, she has made a best buddy -- our Boxer, Brindie. They are laying together in the sun right now -- way too cute. I will send some pics shortly. Hope you are having a great time! -- Laura"
REPLY BACK: "Thank you so much for the update! You are so sweet to let us know about Chelsea. Sounds like she is really enjoying her stay with you! Thanks so much again for taking care of our baby girl. -- Caren"

October 29, 2008 -- "It feels so WEIRD not having Chelsea! Miss her ;) The first day after I took the wrap off, both of her ears stood and did so for several hours. That is a good sign. By the time I wrapped again, they were down which is normal. Even though they were standing when I took off the wrap, there was a good bit of "flop" to them. The muscles aren't real strong yet. The kids told me they told you the story about the donkey. BTW: It is the neighbor's and on the other side of the fence. It was funny. She was warming up to our dogs and kind of wanted to do what they were doing. She finally got enough nerve to trail behind them out of the fenced area around the pool, didn't get maybe 3 feet out and started hollaring and ran back to the porch. She caught sight of those donkeys and apparently didn't like them! Scared her. It was the only time we witnessed her scared. She is very confident and sure of herself. She is also extremely smart. The pool was never a problem. I watched her closely the first few days when we were outside. She had such a definite respect for the water hole that I never worried. We would let her run a lot, so she got plenty of exercise. She only had 3 accidents in the house. Tried to keep commands Jon showed me -- come, sit, out or outside. FYI: Yesterday, before I got her ready to leave (bathed, wrap), she was at the fence with the big dogs and visiting with the donkeys -- she overcame her fear! Hope you all had fun on your trip! -- Laura"
October 15, 2008 - "Dear Laura, Hi, just wanted to give you an update on Chelsea. She is doing great! She is so sweet and loving. We are absolutely loving this pup! She has the sweetest personality and is so calm. She is even sleeping through the night now! So easy!! Question -- We had this trip planned and still need to find a place to board Chelsea from Oct. 21-28, the only place I have found since Chelsea cannot yet get her rabies shot since she is too young, is the vet up in Frisco that did her ears. I feel so sad leaving her there! Do you know anyone that I could pay that could watch Chelsea for us? She is such a sweetie and I just hate the thought of her cooped up in a crate at the vet!! Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Caren and Jon"
REPLY BACK: "Jon, I just asked my husband if he would let me "board" her. Whatever the fee is you are finding is standard to board, would that be acceptable pay to keep her for you? I promise she won't be in a crate the whole time, ugh! Just write out the schedule you have her on and I will follow as close as I can. Kids would absolutely love it! Also, if you can bring the supplies for the ear wrap, I can keep up with that. I don't have the tape and posting, but am definitely able to wrap. -- Laura"
"Laura, You are so sweet to do this for us! Would $40 a day be okay? And, of course, we would send her with food. She is up-to-date on all her shots. Is Tuesday morning convenient for us to drop her off to you? What would be a good time? This is great news. Thanks, Caren & Jon"
September 27, 2008

Jon and his daughter met Laura at son's game location to pick up Chelsea and bring her home. Sweet moment ..

"Hi laura, We love this pup. She is so adorable!! -- Jon"
September 23, 2008 - "Hi Laura, Any pictures of Chelsea postop? Want to coordinate pickup time for the pup on Saturday. -- Jon"
September 20, 2008 - "Sorry so late - Hurricane Ike's fault! Laura said all went well with ears. You will be getting your little girl soon!!! I enjoyed meeting your lovely family. Chelsea is a lucky pup! Enjoy!!!!! -- Debbie"

September 13, 2008 - Jon and family came out and visited with the pups, Debbie, and make their official pick. This is the lucky little girl!
Pictures at 6 weeks old ...

Playing with brother, Brutus

About to "attack" brother, Waffle

Chelsea on right with brother, "Uno", and Taterbug

Group shot with mom
Pictures at 5 weeks old ...

4th Week Pictures

September 9, 2008 - "Hi Laura, Is there a good night this week we can come pick out our girl? We are looking for a black female with a wonderful personality for kids. We have 2 young daughters and always lots of kids around so we really want to make sure the dog is not skittish. We are excited! Let us know.... Caren"
RESPONSE: "Caren, I don't have the pups until Friday evening and it will probably be late. Debbie is driving from Nacogdoches with the pups I need to crop and/or ship. Saturday morning we have games. Maybe later Saturday? I don't think Debbie would mind bringing all four females. She only has 1 person driving to Nac to get their pup. Then there are the 3 that are not sold yet -- black female (Sheri) and 2 blues. No problem with kids -- not a skittish pup in the bunch and they have been handled so much, the only problem you are going to have is when she starts getting too big for your lap and still wants to be in it :) Let me know what you think about Saturday. Laura"
REPLY BACK: "The pups sound great! They are so cute, too! From the pictures, they have already grown. Excited about the pup with the hot pink ribbon and the pup wuth the green ribbon, but we will see!! -- Caren"
August 16, 2008 - "Laura -- I've been educating myself on the art of ear cropping. I prefer a medium length crop rather than the longer crop that the mom and dad have. Is there flexibility for me to request medium length or does a particular vet specialize in only one style or length? I acknowledge my request is somewhat obsessive... Thanks, Jon"
"Jon, Dr. Schaffer can do different styles. Just find a picture along with a description of what you like about the ears in the picture(s). I will bring that with me when I take your girl in. (Not obsessive, you just want the best!) -- Laura"
REPLY BACK: "I like the medium length style: spear-barkennels.com/Styles_Cropping.php -- Jon"
March 3, 2007 - "Hi, We live in Dallas and are interested in getting one of your Doberman puppies, female black. We would really like a female since we have a male Boston Terrier already and we think the female would do better with our male. Thanks, Caren & Jon"
May 4, 2007 - "If you are still looking/wanting/needing a doberman pup, let me know. Scarlett had her litter on 3/13. The litter sold out fast. Well, I got a surprise cancellation on a red female from a family in Mississippi. They thought their move would be farther along at this point and decided it best to wait. So, I have a red female now available. Again, if you are interested, let me know -- a.s.a.p. I am contacting everyone on my list as I do not have time to wait out answers being that she is currently 7 weeks old. Let me know if you have any questions .. or if you want to be removed from my list. Best regards -- Laura
"When is your next litter available. We are looking for a kid-friendly black dobie pup. -- Thanks, Caren"
September 1, 2007 -- "Hi! We are back in town from being in and out all summer and are still interested in a black female dobie. Do you have any or when do you expect some? Thanks, Caren"
RESPONSE: "I do have one pick available. I am waiting for a decision to be made before I can tell for sure which one I have available. -- Laura"
REPLY BACK: "Well, let us know. We have had 2 Dobermans in the past. One was a wonderful family dog, but the other one was very skittish. We are looking for a dobie the is going to be calm and relaxed around lots of people and children. We have 2 young kiddos with lots of friends always coming over. We really need a dobie with the right personality for our family. Let us know!! Thanks, Caren"