Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Cuda (BaraCUDA)
This black/rust male is now living with Ishmael and family in Southlake, Texas.
Pictures of "Uno/George" at 11 weeks old. Caught him at a "sleepy" time. Currently weighs 19 lbs.

Playing with family's new min-pin
------- October 12, 2008 - "Below is a copy of the email from the lady that returned "Uno/George" explaining her reasons for the return. We have had him in the house with us and under close watch. There have been no potty accidents so far. He is a very alert and secure pup. He is very interested in his environment. Very sweet pup. Price for Black and Rust pup from this litter is $850. [New prices for future litters as listed on Pricing page of site.] If pup needs to be shipped to you, that would be done from Dallas Airport. Price for shipping is $390.00. All arrangements would be made here and you would just have to pick up at your airport. --Debbie" ------ October 9, 2008: "Hi Debbie- I just want to tell you that George is an absolutely perfect, PERFECT Doberman - excellent temperament and very loving, kind and sweet. He loves to be held and give kisses - and licks everyone including the cats (though they don't like that very much).
But, I have decided that I just cannot keep him... I had gotten him to add to the family with my other Dobermen Betty... Betty's sister was sick and had to be put to sleep last Christmas - and I've been waiting to get her a playmate... but she is not getting along very well with him. I know that it is too soon to make the final decision and perhaps Betty is just laying down the rules of the house to the new puppy... but I am afraid for George's saftey. Betty does not have a good history, but I was not planning on her reacting this way. This is very sad for me and I really don't want to give him up - but I think it's the best... it's Betty's fault, not Georges - I got her when she was about 9 months old and I suspect she had been abused and/or neglected.. making her a difficult dog.
I am sorry for this trouble - please let me know how you would want me to proceed - he really is a wonderful dog and I don't see anyone having any trouble with him at all! He is brilliant -thank you Debbie... this is very sad for us but I am just happy that you are able to take him back and find a suitable home for him. He really is a terrific little guy. We've nick named him Dyson because of the way he picks up the floors without ever losing suction... he likes to eat!
Thank you again - I hope you will keep me posted to his new home. I am very sad to see him go! Bridget"
October 10, 2008 -- "Just got pup back @ 10:30 this a.m. I have been observing him since and he seems just as happy and secure as when he left. He immediately recognized us and our dogs and cat, started playing and romping around. We went on a long walk on our land, down to the creek and back pasture and he stayed right with me exploring the area the whole time. I feel good about him. We nicknamed him UNO when he was born because he was the first pup born. He was/is my children's favorite and still has a winning personality, he is very alert and curious about his surroundings. He is asleep in my bed right now with my daughter watching a movie :o) ! Very sweet pup. My male. Pyro, is from Laura's "Scarlett" and looks just like her. Our female Ellie is a Black and Rust. Both parents are our "babies". They sleep in the house and have proved to be great gaurdians. They welcome all my chldren's friends and stare down strangers WE don't know. We have a cat that sleeps with and eats with the dogs, so YES they are very good with kids and pets. --Debbie"

7 Weeks Old
Pictures at 5 weeks old ...

Personality Info: Very laid back and friendly. At anytime I can pick him up and he just lays back in my arms and relaxes. He is usually one of the first ones to approach me and loves to crawl up in my lap. He is just a little bit smaller than Waffle and seems very secure. He holds his own in the puppy wrestle matches, not a wimp, but not a bully either. Since day one he has been my children's favoite :o) .
4th Week Pictures ...
