Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Peppy's 2nd Litter --- 5th Week
Note: All pups on this page are sold. Availability status left as-is for time of reference.
November 10, 2008 -- The puppies love human interaction. Every time someone comes close to the pups, they all run up to say "Pick me up", No, me", "No, you want me." We are fortunate to have so many of us here. One person will walk through with a pup in hand and several others will decide to go get a pup to haul around and play with. This is a fun time for us.
November 14, 2008 -- Bath time was especially fun today. They all really needed one and really seemed to enjoy themselves. Several have learned to drink out of the running faucet and think that is pretty cool.
November 17, 2008 -- 5 weeks old today! The puppies are really eating a lot. They had 2 bowls of milk then playtime in a pile of leaves. A little bit messy - not the best thing to do before a picture session (see below), but they did sit still a little better with a full belly of milk.
NOTE: Below, each pup's availability is marked above its individual group of pics. Get in touch a.s.a.p. if you see a pup below that you want!!
The 4 Black Males...
Black Male with Blue Collar (1st three pics) : SOLD

The above male is the 2nd biggest guy. He's a favorite with our youngest son and getting lots of loving and handling. -------------------------------------------------------- Black male with Black collar (next two pics) : AVAILABLE

The above male is the most laid back puppy - Calm at bath time, cuddly and relaxed - with the exception of mealtime - then full of vigor and energy. He had just finished drinking a bunch of milk, played in the leaves and fallen to sleep before his picture turn. He seems to be saying, "And you woke me up for this. You've got to be kidding" -------------------------------------------------------- Black male with Black & White collar (next two pics) : AVAILABLE

This is a very handsome guy. He likes to chew on the other puppies and wrestle. -------------------------------------------------------- Black male with Red collar (next two pics) : AVAILABLE

This guy is very playful and curious, always checking out every new sound and smell. --------------------------------------------------------
The 3 Red Males ...
Red male with Blue collar (next two pics) : SOLD

This is still the most aggressive and largest puppy of the litter. He is still growling when you walk up to the litter then quickly rushes to you wanting to be picked up and held. MESSAGE FROM OWNER: "Thank you so much for the update and the pics!!! I can't wait to see the little guy! I am mailing the deposit and the contract today. I think we have decided to get his ears done here with our vet. Thanks!" --Cassie -------------------------------------------------------- Red male with Black collar (next two pics) : SOLD

This guy loves bath time. He likes any kind of human interaction.. naps, cuddling, grooming, playing. -------------------------------------------------------- Red male with Red collar (next three pics) : AVAILABLE

This guy likes to play and enjoys being as close as he can and is usually under foot. --------------------------------------------------------
The 2 Red Females ...
Red female with Pink collar (next three pics) : SOLD

--Gracie-- She has personality galore. Very energetic! MESSAGE FROM OWNER: "Awwww!!! I just love her! She will have had her 1st set of shots when I get her, right? I'm going to talk to the vet this week, and I wanted to try and set up an appointment for her 2nd set while I was there. If there is anything else I am forgetting, please let me know. I'm counting down the days till I get her. :)" --Kelley -------------------------------------------------------- Red female with no collar (next two pics) : AVAILABLE

She loves to cuddle and be held. Loves to pounce and chew on siblings.