Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
This red and rust female is now living with Kelley in Houston, TX.
June 30, 2009 -

I love this picture. Hope all is well! :) Kelley
May 26, 2009 - Hi Laura! Here are some new pictures of Gracie from this weekend. Gracie and I spent the weekend at my sister's house with her cousin, Hailey. They had a good time. :) Hope all is well! Kelley
My silly girl ...
April 28, 2009 - Here's Gracie and Melanie's dog, Deuce, at the Dog Park a few months ago. Melanie says Gracie started it. Imagine that ;)
March 18, 2009 -- Here's the pretty girl!!
January 6, 2009 - "Hi Laura, I wanted to share these with you. My mom took these last week when Gracie went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to play (that's my nephew in the pictures). :) Her ears were just done. :( " --Kelley
Pics shared on December 15, 2008
December 13, 2008 - "Hi Laura, I've attached a some pictures from last weekend. She's precious. I just love her! Thanks again, Kelley"
Pics taken at 5 weeks old ...
Pics taken November 11, 2008 ..
November 8, 2008 - "Awwww!!! I just love her! Have you heard anything from Wendy about me picking her up on Saturday, 12/6? Also, she will have had her 1st set of shots when I get her, right? I'm going to talk to the vet this week, and I wanted to try and set up an appointment for her 2nd set while I was there. If there is anything else I am forgetting, please let me know. I'm counting down the days till I get her. :) Kelley"
"Kelley, I am not sure yet if Wendy will be able to do the 6th. If not, I will try to get out there and get the pups and you can get her from me on the 6th. She should have her first round of shots. I will remind Wendy and verify they are going to give at 6 weeks. You will need to start Gracie on heartworm prevention at 8 weeks old. Last thing is we need to find out what brand pup food Wendy has them on. I will let you know when I know :) Laura"
"Perfect. Sounds good!" --Kelley
October 28, 2008 - "I was just playing with Kelley's little sweetheart and she has developed a new little growl. It sounds adorable. She is so strong and has begun to get on all fours - still wobbly but determined." --Wendy
"Aww...that's my girl! I can't wait to meet her. ;) I have decided to name her Gracie, so if you want to start calling Her "Gracie," you can (I actually named her like 2 years ago...WAY before I knew when she was coming)." --Kelley
"Oh Gracie fits her perfectly! Thanks for letting us know so she can be called by "her" name." --Wendy
"You're welcome! Glad to hear it fits her! I just love that name." --Kelley
October 27, 2008 - "Kelley, I understand that the surprise of the Busters keeping a pup may worry you a bit. I feel 99% sure that you would be happy with either pup. The way the Busters are raising these pups ensures all pups are going to bond quickly with their new owners. Not all breeders handle the pups and care for them this closely. This is why my network of breeders is so small. I can guarantee not one of these pups will be skiddish, shy, or timid. Traits like that are due partly to genetics and a big part to how they are cared for in the first few weeks of life. Laura"
October 25, 2008 - "The puppies are really getting vocal. Their eyes are beginning to open. Your girl has a really soft coat, she is very strong and about the 3rd or 4th most vocal in the group. When she has found herself separated from the sleeping dog pile, she lets you know she wants some help. She immediately calms when placed back into the pile or picked up. She loves to cuddle and get as snug as she can.
Well, I hear a pup starting to yelp, must be the biggest guy. He has started the cutest little growl and bark. I better go see what's needed. More later, Wendy"
October 17, 2008 - "Is microchipping, and dew claw removal included in the price as well?" --Kelley
"Dew claw and tail, yes. Microchipping included for pups that fly." --Laura
October 14, 2008 - "Hi, Peppy's pups are here, born October 12, 2008. There are 2 red/rust females, 3 red/rust males, and 4 black/rust males. Please contact a.s.a.p. if interested. Deposits are now due to reserve picks. Pictures of pups pending. Here is the link to Peppy's page on the site: http://www.garrettsdobermans.com/breeding_dams.html Let me know if you have any questions! Laura"
"Hi! How much is the deposit, again? And, where should I mail it? I am so ready for my little girl! :) Thank you, Kelley"
"Pups are with Busters right now. I will be getting them around 7 weeks old. You'll need to decide if ears are going to be cropped on your end or our vet. Please confirm you want one and if you are sending deposit. Also, email me your contact info and method of receiving pup -- pick up or flying (give me two preferred airports). Let me know if you have any questions! Laura"
"Hi, I will be send you the deposit this week. I most definitely want a red female! :) I am planning on driving out to come pick up my pup, when she is ready. Thanks again! Kelley"
"Kelley -- Thanks! I will mark first pick sold. I love that you will come pick her up :) As soon as pics get sent to me, I will forward them to you! Talk soon, Laura"
RESPONSE: "YAY! I am so excited to see her! I would like the smaller girl (of the 2), if possible. This is my very first puppy (although I had 2 dobermans growing up; one black female, and one red). I will start looking for preferred vets in my area as soon as possible. :) Kelley"
July 28, 2008 - "Hi Laura, Thank you so much for keeping me updated! I've still got my heart set on a red female, so if you can keep me on the waiting list, that would be great! I can't believe there weren't any reds [in Pyro/Ellie's litter] ?!?! I can't wait to see the pictures though. I bet they are all so cute! I'm officially hooked on your website! hahaha Take care, Kelley"
RESPONSE: "Kelley -- I got a few pics up last night. Here's the link: http://www.garrettsdobermans.com/ell1st_1stdays.html I know, I was hoping for more of a mix in colors!"
REPLY BACK: "Precious! Ellie is so pretty. "
June 13, 2008 - "Hi Laura, Thank you so much for sending those pics! I love them! They are all so ADORABLE! As much as I would LOVE to have the red girl, now isn't a good time for me. I am looking to get one (or reserve one) sometime around September/October. Will you have any pups around then? Thanks again, Kelley"
May 22, 2008 - "Hello, I am interested in a red and rust female. I absolutely LOVE your web site, and am set on getting my little girl from you. :) Sincerely, Kelley"
March 16, 2009 - "Kelley -- How is Gracie doing? Have you learned anything since your last email?" --Laura
"Hi Laura! I've been meaning to email you. Gracie is doing well. She had one more seizure about 2 weeks after I emailed you, but hasn't had anymore since then. Hopefully she's grown out of them. I'll send you some pictures as soon as I get them uploaded. She's a big girl, and SO pretty. :) Her ears look beautiful, too!! They are long and standing very pretty." --Kelley
"I am glad to hear she is doing well. I have honestly thought of her more often than not .. life is just so busy and it is hard to remember to follow up when I sit down at the computer. Don't ever hesitate to keep in touch!" --Laura
January 26, 2009 - "Hi Laura, Hope all is well. Just wanted to give you an update on Gracie. I didn't take her to the neurologist last week because I decided to watch her, and the vet suggested I keep a log of her seizures. Well, she had her 4th seizure last night on our way home from my sister's house. It was very scary. I'm very concerned. So far, she's had a seizure on 1/1, 1/7, 1/16, and then last night (1/25). They've all happened after she's been playing hard. I called a couple neurologists, and it is going to cost 150.00 to see her, plus whatever the CT or MRI costs. They are able to do payment plans for the tests, which will help, but I think it is only fair that I at least get my deposit back to help pay for the costs. I really hate to ask that, but more than one person has suggested it to me, and I understand where they are coming from. Have you heard of any of the other puppies from her litter having this problem? Could it be hypoglycemia? I'm feeding her 3 times a day (Natural Ultramix puppy for large breed), plus all of the treats she gets in between meals. The vet said hypoglycemia is common in toy breeds, but could it be possible? I'm going to take her to the neurologist this week for sure. I will keep you posted." --Kelley
RESPONSE: I haven't had this issue before. I hate what you are both going through. I am willing to meet request. I haven't heard any other problems reported from any other owners - this litter or any other past litters related to any of the bloodlines represented in Gracie. Here is a link I found:
January 6, 2009 - "Kelley -- Just to check in on Gracie. How's she been since her little incident?"
RESPONSE: "Hi! Gracie seems to be doing well, like nothing ever happened. She hasn't had another incident, so I'm hoping it was a side effect of some of the medicine she was given after she had her ears cropped. She has an appointment next Monday for shots and another ear wrap, so I will ask him then. He may want to run tests, or hopefully say it was a side effect. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I will keep you updated." --Kelley