Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Rocky (Red Male)
This red and rust male is now living with Michelle & family in Austin, TX .
April 30, 2009 --
"Hi Laura, Just wanted to let you know what a sweetheart our Rocky is:) Of course, he is getting HUGE! Eats like a horse, but very gentle with all the kids. The worst he has done is played tug of war with their shirts... which was expected and he is very affectionate. He is very laid back, kinda strange for a puppy, but I kinda like it :) He has fit in with the group great, I have never worried about him and all the kids including the many neighbor kids that flow thru the house he loves all the attention. Also, Rocky thinks the couch is his bed... and he is smart enough to know how to sneak up there!!! (It is not allowed and he knows it.) I catch him every morning climbing down. Thank you so much for a great dog, and let you son know that he has been very spoiled and loved :) --Michelle Lynch and family"
December 7, 2008 -- Puppy pick up!

Michelle holding her newest addition

Garrett boy says good-bye to his favorite pup

5 Week Old Pictures

December 8, 2008 -- "Hi Laura, We made it home somewhat sane:) Rocky did great, especially when food was around. He did cry thru the night, but hopefully in few days he will adjust. We are planning another trip to PetSmart this afternoon so the kids can pick out more toys. Thanks so much for our new baby.. he is being well spoiled! --Michelle"
RESPONSE: "Thanks so much for updating me. With so many helpers, I have no doubt he'll be spoiled rotten -- LOVE IT!
Are you trying to crate him at night? What has worked for me with pups in past is to put crate in a bathroom with the vent fan on (to drown out noise = white noise) and light off with door closed. Be consistent and it shouldn't take longer than three nights for him to adjust. --Laura"
December 3, 2008 -- "Hi, We are inquiring on your puppies. I love all the pictures but am especially fond of the red male with the black collar. Are any of the puppies available? Color is not the most important, we really want a good family dog that is great with kids. I have 6 children ranging from 2 to12 so I can promise the puppy would be well loved :) We also have a little yorkie (the emergency backup dog). I look forward to talking to you. Sincerely, Michelle"
RESPONSE: "Oh, good! I love it when pups go into homes with children! Yes, the red male with black collar is still available. Let me know what questions you have. --Laura (I am familiar with Yorkies as my parents have them, too = warning system. They also have Dobes who are wonderful with the little ones.)"
REPLY BACK: "I am so glad to hear the puppy is still available, I am interested. How old are these puppies? We love your posted pictures, the puppies are all adorable. Thanks, Michelle"
RESPONSE: "The pups were born on October 12 -- will be 8 weeks on Monday. They can go home this weekend. I want to make sure you understand who these pups are coming from. The mother is our Aggies's daughter. She is owned by another family (the Busters) with 5 children who have been heavily involved with raising this litter. The family owns a ranch and they all work it. From what I understand, these pups have gotten lots of attention. I am going out to the Busters today to pick up the pups. So, if and when you come to pick them up, the parents will not be at my house. You will, however, be able to meet the 10-1/2 year grandmother who still plays like a pup and, Scarlett (full-blood sister of litter's mom). --Laura"