Violet's 4th Litter
Mother: Violet's Info Page (Click Here)
Father: Zeus' Info Page (Click Here)
Birth date: August 20, 2014 Males: 3 black/rust and 3 red/rust Females: 2 red/rust
AVAILABILITY: Females = SOLD / Males = Several still Available TEXT inquiry: 940-300-8429
-- October 23, 2014 --

Black male tagged yellow - AVAILABLE

Red female tagged pink - SOLD

Red male tagged orange - SOLD

SOLD - Red male (orange) and red female (pink)

-- October 21, 2014 -- AVAILABLE - Black male tagged red

3 pups cropped today; Following pics taken when got home:

-- October 18, 2014 -- Preston and family drove in from New Mexico for their newest addition. Took home the red/rust male tagged blue.

-- October 17, 2014 -- 5 pups moved to the Garretts' home last night.

Sue from Dallas came by today to take home her girl (tagged purple):

-- October 5, 2014 --

October 3, 2014:
-- Red and Rust Females -- [BOTH SOLD]

(RIGHT: Tagged Purple)

(Tagged Pink)
-- Black and Rust Males --

(Tagged Blue)

(Tagged Red)

(Tagged Yellow)
-- Red and Rust Males --

(Tagged Blue)

(Tagged Green)

(Tagged Orange)
September 5, 2014:
-- Red and Rust Females --

(LEFT: Tagged Purple / RIGHT: Tagged Pink)
-- Black and Rust Males --

(Tagged Blue)

(Tagged Red)

(Tagged Yellow)
-- Red and Rust Males --

(Tagged Blue)

(Tagged Green)

(Tagged Orange)

-- August 20, 2014 --
