Shadow & Ranger's 2nd Litter
(Born January 15, 2008)
[Click Here to see 1st Litter]
Pictures shared by Jordana -- Red male (tag blue as pup): Cain

Ranger and Shadow (parents) are owned by Vickie Blair (breeder). >>>> AKC registered <<<<
[Read letters sent in by owners for the sold pups at bottom of this page. We have some great owners!!]
Below is a list of the owners for this litter along with location, chosen pup, and date they committed to a pup:
Jan. 15 -- Vickie's daughter, Keli in Texas -- Red male, Orange collar --- Name: Red Baron
Jan. 30 -- Donna & Jason in Irving, Texas -- Red Female, Camo Pink collar ---- Name: Echo
Jan. 30 -- Tamsen in Cushing, OK -- Red female, Aqua collar ---- Name: Stanza
Feb. 11 -- Meg in Dallas, Texas (her mom) -- Red female, Green collar
Feb. 11 -- Tracy in Rhode Island -- Red Female, Light Pink collar ---- Name: Cynnia
Feb. 15 -- Claudia in Nacogdoches, TX -- Red male, Maroon collar
Feb. 16 -- Meg in Dallas, Texas -- Red male, Red collar -- Meg's mom is getting a female
Feb. 19 -- Chanlor & Sean -- Red male, Black collar
Feb. 20 -- Jim & Jordana -- Red male, Blue collar -- Name: Cain
Feb. 21 -- Mary in Lawton, Oklahoma (gift from daughter Kimberly in Austin, Texas) -- Red male, Purple collar
February 27, 2008 -
Tracy, Here's my last attempt to get some photos. I will be delivering Cynnia to Laura next Sunday morning. Finally got a good one of her looking at me:
All of their eyes are beginning to change color. They went from the 'deep baby blue' to a light green - but I'm sure they will turn golden / brown.
OK, this is not her best side...
Group shot -- They all like to snuggle with Pooh Bear!
To view Cynnia's page with owners, growing up -
February 21, 2008 -
I had to share these; sometimes I get lucky with the camera!

This is Claudia's Maroon boy sitting next to my daughter's "Red Baron"

This is Meg's Red Boy

This is Donna's Echo

This is the whole group with my four year old grandson

Here's Tamsens Stanza (Aqua Girl)

Here's Tracy's Cynnia. I was trying to get her eyes. Tracy wanted to know how old the puppies are before they get their permanent eye color. They are five weeks old and still have the dark grey puppy eye color.

Here's Chanlors Black Boy
February 21, 2008 -
Laura, I just sold Purple Boy to Mary who lives in Lawton, Oklahoma. Her six year old red male Doberman passed away on Valentine's Day from a cardio problem. Her daughter Kimberly who lives in Austin is buying this little guy for her. They loved your website and all the photos! Mary Smith doesn't have email, but I'm sure her daughter Kimberly might be interested to stay in touch via your website. I will let you know if for whatever reason any of my puppies become available again. Thanks so much, Vickie
February 20, 2008 -
Unless someone backs out (and everyone has said their deposit check is in the mail); I only have PURPLE boy left. He is adorable and one of the larger males. If I could keep him I would!
I plan to take more photos today and send to everyone. I weighed the puppies yesterday and from week four to week five the average weight gain was 2.4 lbs! Babies weigh from 6 to 8 lbs (smallest to largest)! I feed the puppies twice a day a combo of high protein Purina puppy chow - mixed with Pedigree Little Champions chicken morsels in sauce - mixed with Hartz milk replacement for puppies; with a couple puppy vitamins crushed and mixed in (once a day). However, as of next Tuesday, they should not need the milk replacement. I'm only adding the Pedigree morsels to help soften and flavor the food. The puppies go nuts for this stuff! Also, I'm taking them all to my vet on Monday, February 25th for a check up and to receive their first puppy shot and six weeks wormer. I want the vet to weigh them and make sure they get the correct dose.
Thanks, Vickie
Morning of February 19, 2008 -
I will reserve Black collar boy for you! The puppies won't be six weeks old until Tuesday, February 26th and have a vet appointment on that day; where they will be checked by my vet, receive their first puppy shot and six weeks wormer medication. I am asking everyone to pickup their puppy anytime from after 5:00 pm on Wednesday, February 27th through Saturday, March 1st. I will be home all day on the 28th, 29th and March 1st (Thursday, Friday and Saturday); just let me know when to expect you. [The morning of February 27th I am making a puppy delivery to south Tyler and on Sunday, March 2nd I will be driving to Ardmore, Oklahoma to make a puppy delivery.]
See you soon, Vickie
February 18, 2008 - Purple boy sold tonight; thus I only have red males labeled black and blue remaining. Both are adorable; Blue is larger - but Black is feistier! Here are some more photos of Black and Blue that I took this morning:
NOTE: Owner for Purple collar Red Male had to back out making him still available as of Feb. 19.

Black is very alert and curious

Here is Black with my four year old grandson
 Here is Blue with my four year old grandson

Blue attacking my grandson's leg! [That is Black leaving at the bottom.]
February 17, 2008 - Photos of the three remaining males ...

Black collar boy

Blue collar boy
 Blue collar boy with my grandson

Purple collar boy

Another cute purple boy picture
February 12, 2008 - Laura -- I will wait to take individual photos until my new collars arrive (hopefully today or tomorrow). The puppies are very alert and running everywhere! I just weighed them for week#4 wormer: > Males: one at 4.6 lb/2 @ 5.2 lbs/one at 5.6 lb/2 @ 5.8 lbs > Females: one at 4.0 lb/2 @ 4.2 lbs/one at 4.4 lb/one at 4.6 lb Here are some photos I took today:

Group photo

The large boy on the left is the one I think Keli will choose; the other one is a little girl
 Man I love this puppy food!

Here's the group chowing down this morning

I wish they would all sit this still!

Isn't he adorable!

... ok, I know you have enough photos - but I took this last night! (February 8, 2008) -- Red Male with Purple Collar --
February 5, 2008 - Pups are 3 weeks old today! Below are some more photos that I took today. Keli is now rethinking whether she wants a male or female. This means I may have TWO females and FIVE males available. I will keep you updated. I individually weighed each puppy today; in order to give them week#3 wormer medication: > Males were one at 3.2 (smallest), one at 3.8, 2 @ 4.0 and 2 @ 4.2 lbs. > Females were 2 @ 2.8 and 3 @ 3.2 lbs.

Here is one of the boys (weight 3.8 lbs)

Here is one of the girls (weight 3.2 lbs.)
 Group photo -- The reflective collars blur the photos!

Here's mom (Shadow) -- She is ready to get back in shape!
February 4, 2008 - Here's the photos I took this weekend. {Wanted you to see how Shadow loves being around my grandson.}

... snuggling with Shadow on the couch

... holding one of the boys
 Keli's new little girl (Sydney?)

Another cute baby girl

Grandson playing with his spiderman toy next to Shadow and her puppies
January 31, 2008 - The following are some pictures I took this morning:

Mom with all her babies

Here are all FIVE of the girls in a basket
 Here's a few of the boys ... I can't seem to coral them all at the same time!

At one week old ... just like his dad!

Ranger (the father) He refuses to get off the couch -- Labor was hard on him as well!
From Vickie-- I would like to emphasize what a tremendous dog Ranger is. He loves to run, jump over the deck, play and is very protective of "his backyard". I also believe Ranger would love to be trained to perform obstacle courses. My deck has various benches, openings and different heights - and he has created his own obstacle course and loves to run and jump! I really want to place my puppies in homes with yards - Dobermans love to run and play and because their coats are so short - really need to stay inside in bad weather. Thus, they truly need to become a part of the family!

Shadow (mom) with puppies
Shadow loves children and has the most beautiful coloring. Whenever several adults and children are in my backyard - she goes straight to the children, licks them in the face and follows them around like a puppy. When she lays down, she crosses her front legs - definitely a diva! However, she is also very protective of "her backyard".
*** The puppies will be exposed to Vickie's three grand children (6, 4 and 3 years old) when they get a couple of weeks older and will live inside until they go to their new home! ***
From Vickie's daughter, Keli: "Thanks for helping my mom out! I took my son (the 3 year old) to grandma's house when the pups were 3 days old. My son held each and every puppy. He is so excited about getting one! Shadow and Ranger were both excellent sports about all of us being around and holding the puppies. Special note about Shadow (to follow up on mom's note about Ranger) ...Shadow loves children! She tends to gravitate toward children more so than adults. Don't get me wrong though, Ranger is great with the kiddos, too. There is just something a little special about Shadow and the kids."

On 01/15/08, Shadow had SIX males and SIX females, all red/rust; however, the last puppy born - which was a female - did not make it. My daughter will get one of these babies; therefore, I will have 10 puppies for sale; they will be six weeks old on February 26, 2008. The puppies were examined by my vet in Emory and had their tails and dew claws removed on 01/18/08. As of today all eleven are doing great!

1 day old
Special Note From Laura:
Regarding Vickie's character -- She is a very honest, good person that LOVES her animals and will do everything in her power to see that they are properly cared for. These pups are being raised right!!
Special Information from Vickie:
The puppies will be ready to go to their new homes after 02/26/08, at six weeks. However, I think Saturday, March 1st would be the better date. The following chart shows how the puppies will have been cared for prior to going home and what type of medications given.
Litter Born:
Week 1
3 days old = tails/dew claws removed
Week 2
Wormer #1 "Strongid T"
Week 3
Wormer #2 "Strongid T"
Week 4
Wormer #3 "Strongid T"
Week 5
Week 6
Wormer #4 "Strongid T"
Week 7
Puppy shots at ~6 to 7 weeks
Week 8
Wormer #5 "Strongid T"
Week 9
Week 10
Ear crop ~10 weeks - as desired by the new owner (not included in price and I really do not want to be responsible for this procedure).
Both parents are AKC registered and registration papers for your puppy will be provided.
"That Echo is a beautiful girl! Stef, Zeb and I can't wait to come get her! ... Thanks for the pics! " --Donna
Diesel --Donna's Dobe that passed away
Jan. 30: Laura -- Sent my deposit today and Vickie is going to take pictures of her girls this week and send to me later. I am so excited! 2008 will be a good year for us after all. I will talk to you later - again thanks so much! --Donna
RESPONSE: Wonderful! I am so glad this litter worked for you. You will have to keep me posted in the future, too - will be fun to watch your girl grow up :) -- Laura
Jan. 30: Donna -- Thanks for your interest. I still have both males and females available. I understand your feelings about replacing Diesel. I lost my first male Doberman "Dirk" over 25 years ago and still think about him when I look at Ranger. The good news is, Ranger reminds me of why I loved Dirk so much.-- Vickie
RESPONSE: I appreciate you writing me back so quickly. I am looking forward to a new one around the house it will help ease the loneliness and my lab will be happy to have a new playmate. I have a nice size backyard and a doggie door for the girls to go back and forth as they please. She will be a house dog just like Diesel was. Diesel hated the cold and had a blanket to cover up with at night. I want you to know that she will be loved and cared for very well and will be a part of our family - not just a "dog". Thanks again and I will wait to here from you. --Donna
REPLY BACK: Donna -- Thanks you for your message. I know that one of my girls will be lucky to have you for their mom. And, Yes, you can visit the puppies! I would prefer they be at least four weeks old. So the weekend of February 15th would probably be a good time. I have had tremendous response from people all over the country - so it looks as though the majority of the potential buyers will not get to visit their puppies. However, it is absolutely my preference that the owners have an opportunity to visit. Thanks -- Vickie
Jan. 29: Laura-- I have been looking at Shadow and Rangers pups and I think I am ready to have a new one in my life. Can you please foward my name to Vickie for the waiting list for one of her pups. I really love the coloring of Shadow and Ranger! I think this time around I would like to have a female because it would be to hard to replace Diesel and having a male would remind me that I am "trying" to replace him and I cannot do that ever. If all the females are taken then I will consider a male. Thanks for all your help - my heart is starting to mend and I look foward to a new little one around. Let me know what I need to do - Thanks again. --Donna
RESPONSE: Donna-- I am going to forward your email to Vickie. I feel like sooner than later will help you in the long run. Let me know how it goes! Best wishes! --Laura
Jan. 11: My name is Donna and I live in Irving, TX. My son Jason and I had a wonderful black and tan dobie that we loved and now miss terribly. His name was Diesel. Diesel had a hard time with life, but we fought the fight hard.
Diesel was born on August 7, 2003. We got him at 12 weeks of age from a breeder that sold pups out at Canton Flea Market (my first and last mistake). Diesel was diagnosed with osteomyelitis of C3 thru C7 of his cervical spine and the cause of the osteomyelitis was a bacterial infection called Brucellosis. He had dorsal laminatomy around Nov. of 2006 and did very well with the surgery (he was partially paralyized, but regained all movement in his limbs after the surgery). He was placed on Baytril and Doxycycline - both antibotics and a major cocktail at that.
Diesel was checked every 3 months for the Brucella titer, but it continued to come back positive for the infection. The problem with the medicines is that it killed Diesel's liver (the Neurologist was asked if a liver function test should be run for these drugs but they said no - they were wrong).
Diesel was put to sleep Jan. 3rd of this year (we buried him a week ago today) and it has been a very hard week on all of us. Diesel had a playmate - we have a chocolate lab named Sidney that cried for two days lost without Diesel. We brought my nephew's dog (pitt bull boxer mix) up to be with Sidney and that has helped her cope. She still looks for Diesel, but doesn't whine or cry anymore.
My son and I want to get another dobie pup when our grieving is complete and have a relationship with a family such as yours. I have done some research on some breeders and your information on your web site has me feeling good about how you treat your dogs and family.
Have you had any medical problems with your dobies? The infection that Diesel had is only passed to the dog through breeding, but Diesel was neutered at 8 months of age and could not possibly have contracted the infection so, it was decided that he contracted the infection in the womb. Have you ever heard of this infection? Do you test for Brucellosis? I would like to keep a dialogue with you and your family and once Jason and I are ready, come visit and see your dogs, if that is possible. Our pain right now is unbearable, but to know that one day we will have a new dobie that will be loved and cared for helps us cope with Diesel's death. Thanks for all you help and information. --Donna
RESPONSE: I am so sorry for what you all have gone through. I have heard the sad stories about Canton and pups being sold. Any breeder that I have ever dealt with has required that my female be tested for Brucellosis prior to breeding to their stud. If a female has it and breeds to another male, it can cause him to go sterile! That is the smallest worry of it. So, it is hard to imagine how irresponsibile that person you bought Diesel from was.
"I don't mean to toot my own horn, but, she is going to a great home. She will be very loved, cared for and will get plenty of exercise. I took Iyana running every morning. We have a nice fenced in yard for Cynnia to play in. I can't wait to see pictures of her!"
Feb. 11: Vickie, I have to share a story with you. A pup from Scarlett's last litter died about 5 months ago unexpected. She was around 6 months old at the time. I had trouble with this pup while in my care starting with swelling on the head, so much so that she looked liked the "elephant man". She seizured in my care and I honestly thought I was going to lose her at one point. But, then she came around and was fine!? The owner that got her knew all this. And, up until that freakish day 5 months ago, the owner reported that she was fine with no other episodes. I promised the owner a replacement pup. I was expected to replace the pup with one from Scarlett (whose timing for breeding was bad and I couldn't breed her for spring), then from Ellie (who apparently didn't breed with Pyro although they never took precautions to keep them away from each other; also, never witnessed them hook up - ugh!), then from Maggie (who had a false pregnancy). The owner has literally been bumped around from one "expected" litter to another!! I feel awful. The owner's name is Tracy. She has been very patient with me. Well, she now realizes that I will have no other litters for awhile now. So, getting a black/rust female is going to require waiting. She is longing for a pup now. Of big importance to her is how the pup is raised. I think she has seen on the site now that you are doing the job and she is considering a red/rust. Tracy wants to talk to you. I am going to forward her latest email to you. Please get in touch with her a.s.a.p. and let me know how it goes. I appreciate it!!!! Laura
RESPONSE: Laura -- I really feel for Tracy and would like to do everything possible to help her out. I may have just sold my last female; unless my daughter changes her mind (she is still on the fence). But, I do have plenty of males available. Thus, if she wants one of my red males (and/or if my daughter changes her mind), I am certain we can work something out. --Vickie
**Tracy, This is Vickie's daughter, Keli. So sorry to hear about your puppy! That must have been difficult. I have ultimately decided that I want another male, thus my mom will have one female still available. They are all precious so I am certain that you will love one of these red/rust girls. Keli
RESPONSE: OH!!!! Keli You just made my day- you have no idea, lol. It was very hard to lose my girl. Luckily, my son was so young it was out of sight out of mind. I can now tell everybody There will be a Cynnia joining our family!
This is all such a weird coincidence. The pup's name will be Cynnia (Sin-ne-ah). I picked this name out months ago for the black/rust pup I hoped to get. The name seems to suit a red/rust girl better, though. This pup was also born on my late mother's birthday (Jan 15th) which is who loved dobies and raised us around nothing but. The last thing is Vickie's daughters name which is also my sister's name (Keli). How's all of that for unusual! Anyway My son who's 2 has been calling for Cynnia since I told him we were getting another pup (back when we thought the other 2 girls were having pups) Now, I can actually make it happen for him! Thanks everybody so much. Tracy
Feb. 11: Hi Laura- I've been doing some thinking. Did I read your last email correctly in that Maggie is NOT having pups? If not, who would be the next to have pups and when would that be? I'm asking because I am really missing Iyana and after 5 months I really need to fill her missing spot. If it's going to be a while before black/rust dobies are here, I'm willing to take a red/rust from Shadow, if possible? I again eagerly wait to hear from you. Thank you so much for bearing with me, Tracy
RESPONSE: That's right. Maggie had a false pregnancy. I just can't believe it! I did have it happen twice with our Aggie, so it's not unusual. But, what are the odds -- Ellie didn't allow Pyro to breed with her (they never saw them "together", but also never seperated them!?), Scarlett goes into heat at a time that I cannot breed her, then Maggie!! I really don't have any litters planned for the near future. You know things are always popping up on me unexpected, but my network has nothing to offer after this litter for awhile. If you want to consider a pup from Shadow, let me know and I will put you in touch with Vickie. You can talk with her and see how comfortable she makes you feel. I really think you will like her. -- Laura
REPLY BACK: I will consider a pup from Shadow. If you could get me Vickie's contact info, that'd be great.
Link to pup that passed away, Iyana:
Click Here
Updated pictures sent on Feb. 17: Awww! She looks beautiful. We already have a name all picked out - Stanza. I can’t tell you how pleased and excited we are – we’ve been looking for quite a while for just the right girl, and I’m sure she’s it! Thank you Vickie! --Tamsen
"Hi! We're so excited about the new baby! ... We've already started puppy proofing our home and yard. Can't wait to meet the new girl. ... I can't tell you how pleased we are."
Jan. 20: Tamsen, Thank you for your comments, and, yes Ranger and Shadow are loved! One of my remaining four females has just been spoken for. I plan to take separate group photos of the males and females in the next day or so and can send you the photos. However, they are still a little young to really tell them apart. --Thank you, Vickie
Jan. 29, 2008 Hi - I have a new litter for you to look at and consider. -- Laura RESPONSE: Yes! Please put me in contact with the breeder - this looks like a great litter from really loved family pets. Thank you! Tamsen
Aug. 27, 2007 Hello there! After spending considerable time on your web site, I would love to be put on the waiting list for one of your puppies. I’m not picky on the Dam, though of course, Scarlett and Maggie are both beautiful! I can promise a good and loving home. I have one Doberman almost two years old – they are the best dogs in the world! I prefer a beta female, not the most dominant in the group, but not skittish or timid either. Please feel free to ask me any questions about me or Nomad (my beautiful boy). Thank you! Tamsen
RESPONSE: Thanks for considering one of our pups! FYI: I don't sell to breeders. Doesn't sound like you are, but could you give me info on the life you would provide a pup? Thanks! Laura
REPLY BACK: No, I don’t want to breed her =]. I just want someone for Nomad to play with. I work at home, so Nomad and I are together all the time, but he’s very high energy and LOVES other dogs, and is at his happiest when I babysit my sisters great dane =P. I’ve gotten so much joy from him, that I decided that we needed one more. I have a lot of land out here, so there’s plenty of room to run, though we stay inside during the day. I take Nomad hiking with me pretty frequently, and he loves to ride in the car. Because I’m home all the time, the puppy wouldn’t want for love, company or good training. I tried to include a picture of Nomad, so you can see what a spoiled mama’s boy he is, lol. But my internet connection is too slow right now to send pictures =[. I have no problem waiting. This is a very thought out decision, so it’s not like I have to have one right now today =]. I feel comfortable with your breeding philosophy regarding temperament and love and socialization. Thanks - Tamsen
"Awesome! We are truly excited! It's my birthday and mom's is Monday and these guys were our gifts to each other! See you soon we fly in on Thursday!"
Feb. 10:
I am very interested in your dobermans. I've been researching for a breeder that truly breeds for temperament and your pictures speak volumes about your dogs.
I'm looking for a female puppy for my mother and me. My dad died suddenly just after Christmas and we'd feel safer with a dog around. My Great Dane died in October. My mom is a very young 58 and I'm 24. We've always had larger breeds of dogs. Saints, danes, rots, pits..etc. Not to mention our 3 tea cup chihuahuas. We ony have the chis now.
I'll be back in Texas at the end of this month. I don't necessairly need one from a current litter, but would love to meet your dogs and interact with them and see if its the breed for us. We've always wanted one.
I do have a question, how are they with other dogs? I plan on getting a great dane, too. I just miss having one around or maybe a Doberman as well. We have a large fenced backyard but our dogs sleep in bed with us and are a very large part of our kids. Well, thank you for letting me ramble - lol.
Wow - I am very sorry to hear of your losses. As for temperament, Vickie's pups are being well cared for and socialized properly which will encourage an awesome temperament to develop. Dobes get along great with other dogs - all sizes! Let me know if you need anything!
From Claudia:
"... I'm so excited to get Mr. Personality ....Thanks!" "... I've just forwarded the pictures you sent of Mr. Personality to my daughter, who desperately wants a red doberman. She can't have a pet for some time, as she's a junior at the Air Force Academy and will have some post-grad obligations. Just last week I sent her a book to drool over titled Beauty and Brains (I think) that is all about the breed. Perhaps I have a mean streak, to dangle this in front of her!! My son will be thrilled. He'll find out about the new addition today. He's wanted a playmate for his dog for some time."
Ranger's father was Texas Tidalwave Harley; WS02789002 (04-04) Blk & Rst AKC DNA #V373213; who was from Tomac's Thundering Hipockets; from Legendwood's Huyly Striker Ranger's mother was Shaunt's Shelby Cheyenne; from Legendwood's Buddy Boy - who was from Barrington's Odyssey Bob Man - who was from CH Cambria's Born to be Wild (#WG469708) - whose parents were also both champions (CH Gerent's Fido and CH Flornwill Bit of Magic).
Shadow's father was Duke Myson; who was from Cerberus the Protector (WP92187204 12-00 Blk & Rst ACK DNA #V251377); whose parents were Joe's Stark Raving Mad and Lady Princess Xena. Shadow's mother was Calypso Rose Shawna BonJovi; who was from Baron Von Thunder Hearron; whose parents were Bluea Suede Blue Barnett WP91266404 05-00 bl & Rst AKC DNA #V111073 and Betsy Barnett.

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