Cynnia is located in Rhode Island. She is the daughter of Shadow and Ranger. (Click on link below to see her puppy page.)
Cynnia's Puppy Page
August 28, 2009 - Cynnia with her 1st Litter

Click Here to see Litter's page
July 2009

June 2009

April 2008

Hi Ladies (Vickie & Laura)! Just sending some updates of Cynnia. At her last appointment, she weighed in at 23 lbs. Her ears are being very stubborn and so is the house breaking. She'll do great for a few days, then stop, squat and let loose on the floor. No warnings, cries, barks nothing. Other than that she's great. She does, however, continue to get tortured by Landon. He loves to jump on her and play rather roughly on her back with his toys. The biggest thing to add is her eyes. They stayed green! It's actually freaky at times when you look at her while she's outside in the sun. Her eyes are just so light it's almost scary looking! She gets nothing but compliments ... between her coat and lightness of the eyes, she's absolutely stunning. Hope you enjoy these recent pics to show her off! --Tracy
March 19, 2008

Hey Ladies (Vickie & Laura)! It's been a week since I got Cynnia and I must say she is a lot calmer than Iyana was. She wants nothing more than to sit on your lap. She visited the vet the next day and they said she has a great bone structure and an unbelievable colored coat. She gets tons of attention while there and already had her first 'playdate' with a brindled boxer who's owner also works at the animal hospital. Luckily, she already climbs up and down stairs, lol, Laura knows the issues we had last time teaching Iyana to go up and down stairs. The house breaking isn't going to to bad - unless it's raining, then the floor is her dumping grounds, grrr.
Landon is adjusting quite well. Cynnia being smaller and him being older, he knows to push her when she starts bitting, plus we have our handy water bottle for disipline. Enjoy these pictures of the little one! ~ Tracy
Click Here to see Cynnia's Litter page and parents
Note: Cynnia was a replacement pup for a pup (Iyana) that passed away suddenly at 6 months old.
Click Here to view Iyana's page
March 10, 2008 - " I really do appreciate everything you have done. I definitly feel we have gotten to know each other and it will be a great long distance friendship!" ~Tracy
March 7, 2008 - "Hi Laura- Just checking in with Cynnia! Seeing how she's doing after her crop. Can't wait to see some new pics, especially of her in the snow, LOL! --Tracy"
RESPONSE: "Snow melted the day she saw it, nothing next day (crop day), and yesterday we had a "blizzard". Bad enough that all 5 activities for Thursday cancelled and vet closed early (few hours). So, they suggested I board her another night and get today. Which, BTW, it is melting away again. I will try to get pics to you tonight! --Laura"
March 9, 2008 - "So, how much snow was this 'blizzard'? We had 12 inches of snow a month or so back and had kids out on school busses til 11 p.m. because they didn't close the schools early enough. And, we're used to driving in it! --Tracy"
RESPONSE: "Well, the blizzard really didn't accumulate much (don't judge off pics you see her in with snow - different day). It just got so nasty so quick, and we aren't equipped like the northern states to drive in that mess. Visibility was awful and very wet before snow and kept switching between sleet and snow. We lived in Ohio and drove around no problem, but those massive trucks were always out keeping the roads cleared and salted. Anyway, I know it can seem quite humorous!! BTW: Enjoy the pics! --Laura"

March 4, 2008 -- What is this stuff? First time to see/feel snow ... BUT going to Rhode Island so won't be last! She wasn't too crazy about it, uh oh!
Pics taken after ear crop ..
March 3, 2008 - "Hi Laura! Just checking in ... wondering if you have Cynnia yet? And, seeing how everything is going. -Tracy"
RESPONSE: "Got her Saturday night. She is a lot of fun. Real cuddly first night. She is showing more of her puppy side today! Seems a lot more comfortable with us and surroundings. Weds. is still set for crop. She has a beautiful coat color!! --Laura"
REPLY BACK: "Glad to hear she is well and beautiful. hopefully your little ones will prepare her for mine! --Tracy"
To view pictures prior to this, Click Here (Litter Page)
February 11, 2008 -
"Hi Laura- I've been doing some thinking. Did I read your last email correctly in that Maggie is NOT having pups? If not, who would be the next to have pups and when would that be? I'm asking because I am really missing Iyana and after 5 months, I really need to fill her missing spot. If it's going to be a while before black/rust dobies are here, I'm willing to take a red/rust from shadow if possible? I again eagerly wait to hear from you. Thank you so much for bearing with me, Tracy"
"Tracy, That's right. Maggie had a false pregnancy. I just can't believe it! I did have it happen twice with our Aggie, so it's not unusual. But, what are the odds -- Ellie didn't allow Pyro to breed with her (they never saw them "together", but also never seperated them!?), Scarlett goes into heat at a time that I cannot breed her, then Maggie!! I really don't have any litters planned for the near future. You know things are always popping up on me unexpected, but my network has nothing to offer after this litter for awhile. There is a breeder that I talked with in New Mexico that sounds wonderful. Problem is he is VERY pricey with the minimum for a pup starting at $2500 -- that's minimum! So, I couldn't afford to spend that as replacement. So, if you want to consider a pup from Shadow, let me know and I will put you in touch with Vickie. You can talk with her and see how comfortable she makes you feel. I really think you will like her. --Laura"
"WOW! $2500- that's greedy and ridiculous. But, hey, to each his own right? I will consider a pup from Shadow. If you could get me Vickie's contact info, that'd be great. I'm looking for female and ears are a concern. It would be great if Dr. Shcaffer could do them. I know Iyana's ears were impeccable and I got numerous compliments on them. I can help with shipping, would it be the full cost or partial? Gosh, I hope Vickie has a female left!"
February 19, 2008 - "Tracy -- I set a date for the ear crop. I will get her from Vickie on 3/2 and crop 3/6. Start thinking about a good day to receive her on your end! --Laura"
"Hmm. Do you think 1 extra day of being unwrapped would hurt? If not then the Wednesday ship would work because my stepmother could take her to work with her Thursday for her checkup. I know they plan on doing a full work up including ultra sound on her heart. I know you like to get them out first flight, so she'd be arriving between 11-1? Do you think she'll be crate trained or partially housebroken already!? I'm just kidding! --Tracy"
"Thursday wrap would be just fine. In fact, if I know that is when you will have the ears wrapped, I could leave crown on until Tuesday. That is, as long as they are doing well -- should be fine since she is the only one I have to focus on! Oh, I will have her crate trained before you get her. One of the added benefits of ear cropping through me, got to crate train to keep ears healthy and clean! Kids have been DYING for a puppy to be around. I think this is the longest run we have had with no pups around. It has been since Amber's litter. Cynnia is going to get LOTS of attention!! --Laura"
"I will call and double check that she can take Cynnia in on Thursday, but that shouldn't be a problem. The good thing is, it's still ealry here in RI to have all the weather problems we had last time. Her being crate trained already helped so much. I had Iyana housebroken in 2 weeks thatnks to the crate and your awesome work. Glad the kids will have some fun, even if it's for a short time. Help to get the puppy fever out of them. I also just need to know, obviously, what food she'll be on. (I'm not sire if Vickie also used the nutro max puppy) I like to keep them on the same kind. --Tracy"
February 17, 2008 -
"YAY!!! There's my girl. Just a curiosity question -- how big are shadow and ranger? I haven't spoken with Laura on when she will be picking her up. She is going to have the ears cropped for me since it's impossible to have it done here in RI. Just trying to work out a timeline. Thanks Vickie! --Tracy"
"Tracy, I will deliver your puppy to Laura on Sunday, March 2nd; she will be seven weeks old on Tuesday, March 4th. Ranger averages 90 to 98 lbs; however, I think he is a bit larger than that now because he stays inside a lot and doesn't get much exercise (because of the weather). Shadow averages 70 to 78 lbs (her highest weight recorded); she is smaller now because of nursing ELEVEN puppies! She also exercises a lot when the weather is good, has a very muscular build and averages ~73-75 lbs in the summer. Thanks, Vickie"
February 11, 2008 -
Vickie, I have to share a story with you. A pup from Scarlett's last litter died about 5 months ago unexpected. She was around 6 months old at the time. I had trouble with this pup while in my care starting with swelling on the head, so much so that she looked liked the "elephant man". She seizured in my care and I honestly thought I was going to lose her at one point. But, then she came around and was fine!? The owner that got her knew all this. And, up until that freakish day 5 months ago, the owner reported that she was fine with no other episodes.
I promised the owner a replacement pup. I was expected to replace the pup with one from Scarlett (whose timing for breeding was bad and I couldn't breed her for spring), then from Ellie (who apparently didn't breed with Pyro although they never took precautions to keep them away from each other; also, never witnessed them hook up - ugh!), then from Maggie (who had a false pregnancy). The owner has literally been bumped around from one "expected" litter to another!! I feel awful.
The owner's name is Tracy. She has been very patient with me. Well, she now realizes that I will have no other litters for awhile now. So, getting a black/rust female is going to require waiting. She is longing for a pup now. Of big importance to her is how the pup is raised. I think she has seen on the site now that you are doing the job and she is considering a red/rust. Tracy wants to talk to you. I am going to forward her latest email to you. Please get in touch with her a.s.a.p. and let me know how it goes.
I appreciate it!!!! Laura
Laura -- I really feel for Tracy and would like to do everything possible to help her out. I may have just sold my last female; unless my daughter changes her mind (she is still on the fence). But, I do have plenty of males available. Thus, if she wants one of my red males (and/or if my daughter changes her mind), I am certain we can work something out. --Vickie
**Tracy, This is Vickie's daughter, Keli. So sorry to hear about your puppy! That must have been difficult. I have ultimately decided that I want another male, thus my mom will have one female still available. They are all precious so I am certain that you will love one of these red/rust girls. Keli
RESPONSE: OH!!!! Keli You just made my day- you have no idea, lol. It was very hard to lose my girl. Luckily, my son was so young it was out of sight out of mind. I can now tell everybody There will be a Cynnia joining our family!
This is all such a weird coincidence. The pup's name will be Cynnia (Sin-ne-ah). I picked this name out months ago for the black/rust pup I hoped to get. The name seems to suit a red/rust girl better, though. This pup was also born on my late mother's birthday (Jan 15th) which is who loved dobies and raised us around nothing but. The last thing is Vickie's daughter's name which is also my sister's name (Keli). How's all of that for unusual!
Anyway My son who's 2 has been calling for Cynnia since I told him we were getting another pup (back when we thought the other 2 girls were having pups) Now, I can actually make it happen for him! Thanks everybody so much. Tracy
Additional response: "I don't mean to toot my own horn, but, Cynnia is going to a great home. She will be very loved, cared for and will get plenty of exercise. I took Iyana running every morning. We have a nice fenced in yard for Cynnia to play in. I can't wait to see pictures of her!"
February 12, 2008 -
"I really appreciate you taking the pup for me and having her ears done. Once Cynnia is in your hands and you make the appointment to have the crop done, you can obviously have the vet's office call me. Again, I like a crop like Scarlett's (Iyana's were like her's I believe) and looked great. We can also discuss shipping whenever feesable for you. We'll be in touch though. --Tracy: