Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
This black female was living in Rhode Island with Tracy and her family. She passed away on September 17, 2007. Iyana had a rare infliction when she was weeks old. She lived with the family for several months with no problems, then on the 17th, she unexpectedly had complications and died.
--- Link to pup that Garretts provided as replacement ---
September 18, 2007 -
It's finally setting in that Iyana isn't comming home. It's also so darn quiet and my son seems to be occupied by the tv instead of playing and running around chasing Iyana. This is so terrible that I don't know what to do with myself right now. I am considering another pup sooner rather than later. I have a big hole in my heart right now and I'm thinking it would be easier if there were another pup in the house. My concerns are who has pups right now and how are they cared for? I know how you raise dobes and Iyana was perfect. Do they crate train them like you did, socialized etc? As for ear cropping and shipping goes, am I responsible for that again? Also, any pictures of any female black/rust available would be appreciated. Thanks, Tracy
September 20, 2007 - It's scary but last night my son looked out the window, pointed to the sky and said "nana". That's what he called her. My jaw hit the floor. That was only the second time he said her name since she hasn't been here. Funny how they are smarter than we think at this age.

June 1, 2007 - Hi Laura- First of all I'd like to thank you not only for blessing us with our wonderful addition to the family, but for raising such well tempered dobes. Iyana went to the vet yesterday, and was spoiled rotten. Not only because my step mother works there, but because she is so well behaved already. The Doctor said she looked great and will see her again monday for her suture removal. Luckily, unlike Texas, RI isn't really humid yet, so her ears are not gooey at all, and she seems to be adjusting better than I had expected. The first night here is the only night she whimpered and that was only for about 30 minutes. The past 2 nights have been perfect. Hutch my husband brings her out at 11pm then in her crate and we don't hear a peep out of her until 5:30am for our morning jog. We have to keep her on a run because she is still small enough to fit through the pickets in the fence, but hopefully not for long! It is a big adjustment trying to take care of my son who is only 18 months and Iyana. He gets very freaked out and cries when she starts running her laps, gets to close to his face and jumps. He doesn't understand yet that she just wants to play. The house breaking is also a bit stressful I have to be honest. I can be a fanatic and I'm trying to roll with it. Any suggestions would be great! Like I had said before it's been about 10 years since I last had a pup. Any suggestions from you having 2 young ones would be helpful! All in all, she is such a sweet girl and I have gotten nothing but compliments and amazement about her personality and temperament! Thank You, Tracy, Hutch, Landon & Iyana
Tracy, Glad to hear all is going pretty well. Potty training is just something that you have to stay on top of. I often hear owners tell me that as long as they take the pup out every hour, they don't seem to have problems in that respect. That may be hard to do with a little one around that needs your full attention, so for the hours in the day when you can't stay on top of her, I am not against crating. Bet you have noticed she doesn't mess there. That means she has an understanding that it is not acceptable in that space. I have also heard to designate a room to be hers. My laundry room works well as it is tiled. I noticed with her that she could go 2 to 3 hours in there with free run and not potty. The space was small enough for her to realize she didn't want to mess in it, I guess. Not to say that she went accident free in there, though. As for the playfulness and your little one not liking it, you need to work with both your child and Iyana. Iyana needs to be handled by you and sort of forced to calm down when you bring her close to him. He will be more accepting of her if she is not crazy every time she approaches him. What helped with my daughter when she was about his age, is that it is okay to push the pup down or off her. It won't hurt Iyana, but he may not be big enough now that she is bigger to make much difference and it might encourage her to play. Guess the biggest thing is you making her understand that he needs her in a calmer state. When he gets older/bigger, it will get better. He also needs to get use to her. That will also come with time. Hope that helps some!?
Awesome pictures! Too cute! Thanks! Laura
May 23, 2007 - Here's a pic with her crown and other pics taken morning before she separated from the other two siblings.
May 23, 2007 -
Oh she looks adorable! I spoke with Dr. Shaffer today and she was saying that it may be better if you kept Iyana until the sutures were taken out.
And also for her back leg to have a little more time to "resolve". Thanks -- Tracy
Pictures of the leg problem :

May 23, 2007 - Hi Laura- Sorry for being a pain, I'm getting a little antsy! Can ya tell? Geesh, this is about as bad as anticipating a baby! Are we still on for a pick up tomorrow?! Thanks talk to you soon! Tracy
RESPONSE: I am fine with tomorrow IF you read my last email and everything is okay with you on the back leg hair issue ---
Iyana is doing great! She looks more mature now with the crown on her! Another "issue" popped up, but it is not on her head. She has an area of fur that has thinned out on her back leg. Dr. Schaffer was suppose to test the area and let me know what is going on. Her initial suspicion was that it was related to the whole ordeal she went through. That is my only hesitation regarding shipping her tomorrow. I am going to take a pic and send to you so you can see. Dr. Schaffer doesn't work on Tuesdays so I couldn't talk to her yesterday. I left a message at the desk to have her call me today. Other than that, I am comfortable with shipping her if you can handle the after care on the ears.
As soon as I hear from the vet, I will let you know. Or, you could call up there and talk to her yourself. It might put your mind and my vet's mind at ease. I don't think she is too keen on me shipping her without the reassurance that she is set up for after care on your end. Talk later! Laura
May 20, 2007 - Tracy - Great news. I took Iyana in so my vet could see her on Saturday. No more fluid build up!!! YEAH!!! And, I am finally seeing some of the scar tissue resolving as she said it should. She told me no problem to crop on Monday. I tried to look back at some of our old emails and see if you had a preference on ear crop style but couldn't find anything. What I like to do is a medium (minimum length) pet crop (means more bell shape or base = stands easier). I also like to tell my vet to use her best judgement and do what will compliment the pup's own look. If you get this before early tomorrow and have some other idea about the ear crop than what I just said, let me know. Also, if you want to talk to Dr. Schaffer before she does the ears, here is her number again: 972-335-1234. I think you should have until around 10:00 am our time to catch her before she goes to surgery. I can't tell you how relieved I am and happy I am with her coming around!! Laura
RESPONSE: Laura- Sorry I'm just getting back to you now- had surgery on Friday and still a little wobbly.
YAY! A medium crop is fine. I like Scarlet's or Polly's ear crop. I was browsing through the site the other day. But obviously the crop to suit the pup is best if she can tell that now. That's why she's a professional.
Talk to you soon! Tracy
May 16, 2007 - Thank you so much for the card! It was very thoughtful. See it's people like you who can bring a simple smile to ones face. And shows that you pay attention to others while they speak. So far my birthday has been great.
REPLY BACK: I am glad you are having a nice day! I took her in with some other pups I had with me today as I want her checked every chance I get. Vet pulled some more fluid off, but it was very little today -- and it has been two days. There is scar tissue forming right now, though, that is making her head look lumpy. Vet said that will mostly go away, but there will likely be some still there. I have her scheduled for ear crop on Monday. Vet thinks chance is pretty good we can stick with that. She said, though, that we don't want to ship until the scar tissue looks better because another vet might look at her and charge you $500 and make a bigger deal out of it than need be. I will just keep you posted on her progress. She has been acting great and is still as loveable as ever!!
REPLY: Luckily- My step mother works for the vet's office so I won't be over charged for anything. --Tracy
REPLY BACK: That makes me feel better. Good to have family connections! I would like to stick with the 24th because of the family thing. Let's see if we can get the ear crop on Mon. If that is okay to do at that time, then that hopefully will mean the fluid has stopped and the scarring will be on its way to getting better. I will try to get some good pics for you focussing on the head. Then you can show your step mother and see what she thinks.
May 15, 2007 - Hi Laura- Iyana is going to get her ears cropped tomorrow! And 9 more days until we get her! Yes I've been counting. I was heading out today to get some bowls and collars. Was just wondering if she has some toys that she will come with. If so what they are so that I don't buy duplicates. How is her battle wound healing?
Thanks, Tracy
RESPONSE: Tracy, Bit of bad news - I am not going to crop her ears tomorrow and will reschedule her for Monday. This weekend, she starting having fluid (not pussy, little bloody, serum?) build up on the top of her head. She has had no other symptoms. I have taken her into see Dr. Schaffer a few times to have her syringe it out. She is not concerned because she is eating, drinking, and playing just fine and not throwing up. She put her back on a strong antibiotic as she thinks it is just the other problem still working itself out (resolving). The best guess she can give me now is that this all may have started from an insect bite, but infection is what caused the symptoms. I am attaching some pictures of her and will update her page shortly. I wanted to get through the weekend and see how she was doing because I didn't want to worry you. You will see in the pics how alert and playful she is. It is just that spot on the top of her head now that is driving me crazy. Yesterday was incredibly busy - nonstop from about 6:30am to 10pm last night or I would have gotten in touch with you on the news of the delay for the ear crop. I had taken her and 4 other pups in yesterday for various reasons so I got to ask about cropping her ears in a couple of days. SO .. it is hard to say exactly when we can plan everything. If she can get her ears cropped Monday, we could still ship her on the 24th. You would just have to do more follow up care yourself and with your vet. By the time the other pups with ear crops are leaving me, their meds are almost complete and I am getting the first wrap on them. Let me know what you think about all of this. I hate this. She is a wonderful puppy. I just don't want to send her to you until we have this problem completely resolved. I hope you understand. Laura RESPONSE: Laura- Oh my poor Iyana! If you can't ship her out until after the 24th that's fine. I'd rather her be done or almost done with her meds before she comes to me. God forbid they lose them in flight or something. If you feel more comfortable holding on to her for that extra week then that's fine. I totally understand. Just keep me posted as to when for the crop and shipment! Thanks, Tracy
2nd REPLY: I actually, just talked to my vet and they said that you can go ahead and still ship her on the 24th. They just want to know what kind suture material Dr. Shaffer uses (absorbable or do they need to be removed)? All the aftercare info and any medications can be shipped with her. Keep me posted! Tracy
RESPONSE: The suture will have to be removed -- I will send detailed instructions with her.
May 8, 2007 - Ear crop is scheduled for 5/16. The crown will come off on 5/21. I will get her ears wrapped for you on 5/23. You need to take that wrap off on 5/30 and let the ears air out for 1 day, 2 days if they look infected or "gooey". Rewrap on 6/1 or 6/2
RESPONSE: How long should the wrapping stay on? Just until the 30th? I thought they had to stay on for 6-8weeks? --Tracy
REPLY BACK: You have to wrap and rewrap for the 6 to 8 week time period. You leave the wrap on no longer than 7 days while there is still a wound at the cut. Once all healed up, the wrap can stay on for 7 to 10 days. If you haven't been through this before, be sure you have a vet lined up to do the after care -- on 30th have wrap removed. On 1st or 2nd, rewrap. Between wraps, always let there be 1 day where ears air out. Make sense? She is doing great! Funny story, when I mowed this weekend, most of the pups just kept their distance. Not her. She followed me. She was so close at one point I decided to hold her while I mowed. I later put her down and she would just tag along behind me at a safe distance, back and forth! She is going to make a great addition to your family. Quite honestly, if we didn't already have 3 dogs, I would be very tempted to keep her. Like I said, she has stolen my heart ! --Laura
REPLY BACK: LOL @ your mowing story! Good for you to mow the lawn. I refuse, that's the only responsibility of dh and it can stay that way.
I have done ears before but it's been a while and I wasn't sure if things had changed since last.
Pictures taken at 8 weeks

This week we have 6 pups on site. Iyana (right) is one of the three pups that has to stay in a cleaner environment with a dehumidifier due to her head wound. She had a suspected insect bite that turned to infection and caused symptoms that require we give her special attention towards full recovery. She is doing fine now, but a pocket of fluid remains on the top of the head which our vet continues to drain with a syringe every couple of days. The problem is resolving and will hopefully be fully healed in the next couple of weeks. (Left: Ella)

Iyana (right) with Ella (left) and Deuce (middle) >They were attacking an empty dog food bag!<
May 4, 2007 - I spoke with your vet this morning and she assured me the great news that the little one wasn't bitten by a brown recluse spider! She also told me that she was pretty much back to normal as of when she saw her. As of right now I would still like her. When you get a chance, if you could write up that seprate contract form and email it to me so I can read it over. Again I'd like a picture of the wound spot. And I guess we can move forward with her. Tracy
RESPONSE: Glad you feel more comfortable. I will go get the pictures right now. It will be later tonight (late) before I can get to the addition to the contract. Not much time before we have to leave!
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Addendum to Garretts’ Dobermans Contract
for Black/Rust Female tagged Blue born March 13, 2007
On April 27, 2007 through April 30, 2007, this puppy suffered from swelling in the face (27th) and seizures on the evening of the 29th. The diagnosis was suspected to be an insect bite. Later, this came into question and then was thought symptoms might be related to bacteria infection. Final conclusion on what she experienced was never fully determined.
This black female may be returned or replaced should long-term neurological problems arise before this pup reaches the age of 5 years old. A licensed veterinarian must provide proof of any related complications.
In signing this contract, you agree that Garretts’ Dobermans is NOT liable for pain and suffering incurred. We cannot be responsible for personal bonds you form with this pup.
May 6, 2007 - Not a problem. I have signed the contract and will send it back out to you. As for moving forward, I am ready if you are! You can go ahead and have her ears cropped. I'm so excited to finally have a puppy and had gotten the comfort that the pup (Iyana) will be ok.
Thanks, Tracy
RESPONSE: Tracy - Little update on her - She is lunging at the others to encourage play, balance is back to what is to be expected for a normal pup, and she doesn't whine or show timidness any more when around the other pups. Seems to be a full recovery!! She is very close to me now, though. I think when a pup/dog pulls through something like that, they just become extra sweet for some reason! Cute name! I like that I have something to call her now -- and that you are so excited about getting her. She will always have a special place in my heart because I truly thought I was going to lose her Sunday night. It was the most awful thing to have to go through -- and now she's fine and follows me everywhere! Thanks so much for being so good through all of this and being so willing to give her a good home. All this might have scared someone off. I hope you believe that I would never place her until I was 100% certain she's fine. I really believe she is going to make an awesome dog. Thanks! Laura
REPLY BACK: Laura- I'm so glad she's back to her old self! For my sake and yours. I know how tough it was for you to see her hurt. The 24th for shipment is fine. My husband is even going to take that day off of work to pick her up with me.
I picked her name for the meaning behind it. Iyana pronounced eye- ah- na is Irish meaning strong and loving which were 2 of my mothers biggest characteristics. Ironically, enough it now totally suits the pup for her whole ordeal. So now it really makes sense.
You are right about some people running away from a pup like this. If you sit tight and do your research, there was nothing to be scared of. But in my eyes, those are people who just want a pet, and any dog would do for them. They don't care what it is. But as you know, when you have your heart set on a breed nothing is going to detour you from that. Once you have 1 doberman, that is the only dog you'll have given thier traits. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take her in to my loving home and make my family grow! Tracy
Pictures taken at 7 weeks

Lying next to her is Bruno

She is pictured here with our Boxer, Brindie

There are no pictures posted for week 6 because I wasn't real sure this pup was going to make it. One day I found her with a swollen face. Took her to the vet who thought she had been stung by a wasp. A couple of days later, she started have seizures throughout late night hours. It was never fully determined what happened. She seemed to have a bacterial infection. Think about this, I thought I was going to bed around 3:00 a.m. one night thinking I would find her dead. Basically, I had given up on her. A week later and great care from Dr. Schaffer (overnight the next night) -- We have a normal, healthy pup again!? This one has definitely stolen my heart!
April 30, 2007 -- "I have an update on the black female tagged blue. As you know she had been, what we thought, stung by a wasp. She was doing pretty well on Saturday and most of the day Sunday. Sunday evening, things changed. She began having seizures and acting really strange. Then, she just whined and barked continuously and later settled down. Needless to say, it was a long night. We took her in first thing this morning. With the swelling now gone, you can see the area where bitten much better and the tissue is dying around it. The best guess my vet has is that a brown ricluous (spelling?) spider bit her. The vet says that the fact she is still with us is good. Pups usually die a few days after the bite. She was given valium to calm her down and steroid, antihistamine, and antibiotic again. She will also be started on IV of fluids to keep her better hydrated and hopefully flush out her system. The vet has given her a 50/50 chance of making it at this point. This tears me up inside. The tissue where the bite is will be removed. She is with the vet that is so good with ear crops, so I trust she will take into consideration her final appearance. That is only a concern if she makes it through this. The vet said this whole ordeal will take about a week to know for sure how she will be. The one plus side to all this is that, apparently, the venom of a brown ricluous is not as toxic in the spring as in the fall. Go figure? Vet said that is probably why we haven't lost her. I will keep you posted. --Laura"
May 2, 2007 -
"Tracy, The little girl is doing really well today. I was a little worried last night after finally getting home with her. She is much thinner than she was, but I can fix that. She just wasn't up to eating. She is showing more interest in eating today and has been drinking water just fine. I tried to put her down with the others last night just to see how she would do. They all knew something was up and wouldn't leave her alone. So, I put her in the pen in the garage with the runt (for company) and they did fine together all night. Today, I let her outside again and watched her. She explored the whole yard. Walked really well. Focussed on her surroundings. But, didn't like the others trying to play with her. I think her head is pretty soar because she bumped into the grill one time and it wasn't a hard hit, but she whined about that. I am trying to be overly comforting to her so she doesn't end up being timid. Right now, I think she is in the clear in that regards. At this point, I think everything is looking fine for her. --Laura"
RESPONSE: "Excellent! Keep me posted. Thanks"
May 1, 2007 -
"Hi Laura! I'm just checking in wondering how the little princess is doing. On the flip side, how are you doing? I know you were devastated with the incident. Everybody I showed your web site to remarks on your little girl. She is adorable. Talk with you soon. --Tracy"
"I am in a better state of mind now. Vet called about an hour ago and said she looks like she will be fine. Surgery was not done as the area on her head seems to be getting better?! She says if it was the suspected spider, then it may have been a young one. I had my pest control guy out here today and he did a great job of treating any possible areas. I have also taken time myself and made it so the pups can't get to the building. I have meant to do that for some time now and just procrastinated. Shame it took an incident like this to make me do it! The down side is that the vet is not sure if there is any nerve damage. Yesterday was quesionable in that regards. What she described is what I witnessed -- sometimes seemed like she wasn't focussing with the eye to well on side with bite/bump and stagger to her walk. My vet reported that today she seems more like a puppy again - YEAH! - and has been vocal! She said she is eating and drinking, whew!, and when she was outside, she seemed to be focussing on things. I will continue to keep you posted on her progression of things. --Laura"
Pictures taken at 5 weeks old

New development this week for this pup - she likes to hang out with the big dogs. I often find her apart from her littermates laying on the porch blanket. That is not always the case, but she does it often enough to make note. She still maintains a very sweet side.
Pictures taken at 4 weeks old

This pup is turning out to be one sweet little girl. She is typically one of the first to greet me. Her frame size is between the two other black females. *Weighed 6 pounds on April 17.
April 29, 2007 -
"Hi Laura- Just a few quick questions. As far as payment goes, how is it worked? Will I get a reciept for purchase before/ after payment is sent? Not to offend you, I have heard how reputable Garretts Dobermans are. Just asking because I have purchased something online and turns out it was a scam. So, I'm just covering my bases if you know what I mean. If the puppies are 6 wks and are soon ready to be shipped, then I would assume you would have the pups ears cropped as soon as the other lady has her pick?
Thanks, Tracy"
"Unfortunately, there are scams out there. I know of a lot, even on the purchasing end. I am attaching my contract to this email. That has satisfied everyone as it is pretty thorough. If you have further questions, let me know. If you want to pay by check, it would have to be mailed with full payment at this point by Monday. You can also do wire transfer and wait until later in the week. I need you to mail me the contract signed and I will include a copy with my signature when I ship your pup. Pups have to be 8 weeks to ship. I am trying to get picks decided on. The lady with the first pick, unfortunately, is holding off until beginning of this week. Since you want me to handle the crop, let me know what type of crop you prefer. Our vet can do them based off pictures if that would make you feel more comfortable in her understanding what you are aiming for. Let me know if you have any other questions! --Laura"
"I got all the wire information and will be sending it either tomorrow or tuesday. I'm mailing out the contract signed and all set tomorrow, also. As for the ears, I have enclosed a picture of 1 of my dogs. Her ears were very similar to Scarletts. While reading through the contract, I noticed you mentioned about not breeding them. I was hoping to breed her once with your permission. Have you found that by spaying before a female having at least 1 litter makes them more aggressive? I remember having a dobe that we spayed and she turned out aggressive, but the other one we bred was down-to-earth. This way they understand that nurturing motherly instinct."

"Do you need the whole contract back or just the signiture pages? I would also like to assure you that as for me breeding the pup, again with your permission, I would not have a problem with you placing the pups. I know you are very picky with the placement families. If me mating her would cause a problem, I will have her spayed per your request without hesitation.
Thanks again! Tracy"
------------------------------------------- April 30, 2007 -
"Tracy - Hold off on the wire transfer. One of the black females was stung by an insect this weekend and is not acting right. I took her in as soon as I noticed the swelling and she was given a steroid shot and shot of antihistamine plus I have her on an antibiotic right now. But, she is not acting right as of tonight. I am going to take her to the vet I like (who wasn't working the day it happened) tomorrow. I will keep you posted. She was actually a pup that I was going to recommend to the owner with the second pick for black females. I don't want to accept payment from you until I know exactly what is going on with her. She seizured tonight. My heart is broken right now. I have never had to experience something like this with one of my babies. Keep her in your prayers and hopefully this will be easy to fix. --Laura"
"OH no Laura! Which one of the two was it? She and you are in my prayers and I understand how your heart is broken. Do they have any idea of what it was that bit her? --Tracy"
"Tracy - Last night was rough. But, she seemed a little better this morning. My husband ran her up to the vet I like and trust. She just puts so much thought into everything and SHARES her thoughts with you. Her best guess right now is that it was probably a brown riclous (sp?) spider. That would explain her weird symptoms. I just didn't want you sending money without me knowing for sure that she is going to be okay. Let me talk with her later and get her full opinion - pup is at the vet's right now. The pup in question is the one tagged blue. I am going to notify the other two owners when I have talked to my vet. I will send an email that will go to all three of you. Since you have the third pick and really wouldn't be given a choice should one of the other owners not take her, this is why I am being so cautious with you. As far as the breeding goes, I try hard to discourage it because I want to make sure that my pups don't go to breeders. Breeders typically do not offer their dogs loving homes and conditions are not usually all that great. That aside, people often do not realize that having puppies is a lot of work. If you realize this and are willing to sign a seperate contract with me stating I place the pups at my fees (we'll discuss later), then I guess I don't have a problem with you breeding her once. I have noticed a change for the better after the first breeding of my females. In the blink of an eye after the first pup is born, you witness your baby turn into a supermom. Nature's natural instinct kicks in and it is, well, just amazing. Back to the seperate contract - I will require certain things to be done with the pups in regards to shots, deworming, etc. Basically, everything you see in my contract. As for payment, I hate to tell you but I don't accept cashier's checks. Some brainiac out there figured out how to scam people with those things. That is why that form of payment is not stated in the contract as one I accept. Sorry and nothing against you. Let me know if you have any other questions. I will update you on the pup as soon as I know something. Laura"
"Ouch! I have heard of those spiders, poor girl. It is very important that you have a vet that has a good bedside manner so to speak. My stepmother is a vet tech, so I, too, have a great rapport with them. As for payment, that's fine and totally understandable not to take casheir check. I will wire transfer the money once you give me the go ahead. I thank you very much for taking cautious measures.
As for breeding, I understand the responsibility of puppies and am willing to commit to that as well. I am like you and believe that a dog isn't a pet, but in fact a family member and should be treated as one. I have grown up with 5 dobies and didn't breed 1 of them and that was the one who turned out aggressive. So, like I said, mating once for nurturing purposes before spaying. I have no problem with you placing them or setting the price. I am not in this for making money. I want to add to my family (name will be Iyana) .. will be my second child. --Tracy"
April 15, 2007 -
"I filled out the online application last night and was wondering if I could also be put on the cancelation list. I am a stay-at-home mom to a 15 month old son. I have all the time to spend with the puppy. I also see how wonderful my son is with animals and think that this would be a great addition to our family. My husband travels for business, so having a dog just makes you feel a little more safe, an alarm can only do so much.
Now is the time to add to our family and I love the fact that your family concentrates on socialization to ensure a loving nurturing dobie. So, I would love to be put on the list for a black and rust female dobie. Thank you so much for breeding well tempered dobies. I eagerly await your response.
"Tracy, Thanks for taking time to fill out the online application. I can put you on the back up list for our litter. We only have one litter a year from Scarlett. With your permission, I would like to add you to my email waiting list. You will receive updates through this list via emails informing you of any pups that might be available. I will also add you to Scarlett's list. That way, you will be one of the first picks should you decide to wait until next year. But, if we do have a cancellation, I will let you know. Let me know if you have any questions -- Laura"
"Laura- Yes, you may add me to your email list for puppy updates. And, I would definitely like to know when there are puppies availiable. I was hoping for one this summer. If any come up, I would appreciate it greatly! On your web site you mentioned that you could bring the puppy to your vet for the ears which I would need to be done. I am in the lone state of RI and nobody around here does them anymore. Thank you for your cooperation. --Tracy"
April 28, 2008 -
"Tracy - I had put you on my back up list for my Scarlett's recent litter. Someone had to back out on a black female pick due to financial reasons. Please let me know if you would be interested a.s.a.p. I am contacting all on my list and the first one to get back to me gets the pick. If you have any questions, let me know --Laura"
"Laura- I am intersested in the puppy, my husband ironically is in Texas right now on business! I am trying to get in touch with him! You just made my day. Do you have any pics of the puppy?"
"Pics are on the site, but I can't tell you which one at this point. There are three black females. The lady with the first pick wants to wait until end of the week to make a decision. If your husband wanted to try and drop by, let me know. --Laura"
"I talked to my husband and he said it's a go! We can get her! Although he is 5 hrs from you guys. Like I said, I would need for the ears to be done. Thank you , Tracy"