Scarlett's 3rd Litter's Home Page
Below are the individual pages for this litter (10 pups). Pups are identified individually so that eager owners can watch their pups' as they grow. [SOLD OUT] The pups pictures can be viewed by clicking on the links in box above and individually through links below.
Here's the individual links:
Black Male: Gunnar
[Now living in Wasilla, Alaska with Misty, John, and their girls.]
Black Female: Iyana
[Now living in Johnston, Rhode Island with Tracy and husband]
Black Female: Kaiya
[Now living in Oklahoma City, OK with Kathe]
Black Female: Ella
[Now living in Indiana with Kathy and children]
Red Female: Isis
[Now living in Illinois with Jeff, Linda and their two other dogs Blaze & Mocha.]
Red Female: Ruby
[Now living in Dallas, Texas with Brian and Morgan]
Red Female: Cinnamon
[Now living with Timothy and Ann in Frisco, Texas]
Red Male: Deuce
[Now living in Edmund, Oklahoma with Marc and Stacey]
Red Male: Bruno
[Now living in Bakersfield, California with Jeff and family.]
Red Male: Angus
[Now living in California with John, Shelli and newborn!]

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