This red male will be living in California with John, Shelli and newborn!
Pictures taken at 8 weeks old

This week we have 6 pups on site.
There are three that are still getting to be rascally little pups.
They rule the backyard!
Top - Angus; Bottom - Isis

Angus and brother, Bruno (left)
Pictures taken at 7 weeks old

Brother, Bruno, is to the left

Brother, Gunnar, is to left; Sister, Cinnamon, in back
Pictures taken at 6 weeks old

Pictures taken at 5 weeks old

All pups, this one included are becoming more and more
playful. He still wants to be around me when I am out, but
he is not on me like glue as he was last week.
Pictures taken at 4 weeks old

This little fella is my shadow. He just can hardly stand it
when you are not showing him some sort of attention. He
is almost always among the first to greet me.
He is extremely sweet!
*Weighed 5 pounds on April 17.