This red male will be living in Edmund, Oklahoma with Marc and Stacey.
May 14, 2007 -

Deuce gets to go home today. Marc and Stacey stopped in after a family vacation to bring their boy home back in Oklahoma City.

Pictures taken at 8 weeks

Sporting his crown after the ear cropping
The next pictures are with the crown off to let ears dry out

This week we have 6 pups on site. Deuce (middle) is one of
the three that has to stay in a cleaner environment with a
dehumidifier due to his ear crop. The abundance of rain
this season has made it so I just can't keep pups with ear
crops outside. Sisters Ella (left) and Iyana (right)
Pictures taken at 7 weeks old
Pictures taken at 6 weeks old
Pictures taken at 5 weeks old

This boy does not stand off as much anymore. In fact, he
is always out now when we are around and is very playful.
Pictures taken at 4 weeks old

Of all the pups, this pup is probably the more stand-offish.
He is full of love and definitely interest in being held
when you offer it, but he usually hangs back when he
hears me. He is not shy, just not overly curious at this point.
*Weighed 6 pounds on April 17.