Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
This black male is now living with Misty, John and their girls in Wasilla, Alaska.
November 14, 2007 -
Hi Laura ~ I have a question about Gunnar's ears. As you know, he's over 8 months now and we're STILL taping his ears. Is this normal? I've attached a photo here I took tonight. John untaped them today and they're suppose to be taped back up on Thursday. But, I was looking at your site tonight and noticed that Gunnar's ear kinda looks like Sasha's ear from Scarlett's 1st litter so I wanted to get your opinion on this.
Also, John and I have been talking about another dobe. We're thinking we'd like to reserve a red female from Scarlett's upcoming litter in the springtime.
There is a vet 45 minutes away that is the best around here at cropping. Do you think I should take Gunnar to him and see if it can be fixed? Just let me know what you think.
Thanks so much, ~Misty~
It is a concern that it is not standing at this point. Just curious, how long has your vet been having him go between wraps? Once the ears are healed, you shouldn't go more than 1 day between wraps until ears are standing.
If you have someone that could do the corrective surgery, I would consult with that vet and see what he says can be done. But, first, I would recommend calling my vet, Dr. Schaffer (972) 335-1234 and ask her what corrective work she does in a case like this. That way you will know the proper terminology and whether the vet you would be taking him to knows what he is talking about!
Other than the ear issue, HE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing pics. Honestly, it looks like his ear might be standing a little better than Sasha's was at that age. You might also ask if wrapping religiously for the next month or two might get it to stand. I would suggest not allowing more than a half day between wraps at this point and see what happens?
I will put you on Scarlett's list for the next litter. Take care and let me know how the ear thing comes along! --Laura
May 15, 2007 - "Hi Laura, How are you? We're doing great. Adjusting to life with a new puppy. Gunnar has adjusted well. Our 4 yr. old is so taken with him, they are buddies. When she goes to bed, I get him calmed down so he'll go to sleep with her. He usually stays there a couple of hours and then comes out and he's sleeping through the night in his kennel.
The first couple of days we had him, she balled when we had to leave him because she was so sad and she was going to miss him.
I took him to the vet on Friday for his 48 hr. check-up, they said he looked great. He had his ears unwrapped yesterday and they went ahead and took his stitches out because the skin was already starting to grow over them. We go tomorrow to get them re-wrapped.
Potty training... He's doing better, he has had some accidents though. Partially my fault, just learning when to tell he needs to go. He is sleeping all night without going. Last night I put him in his kennel at 10 pm and John got him out this morning at 5 am.
I've included some pictures for you to see he is doing well.
Thanks, Misty"
Pictures taken at 8 weeks old

Ears down and airing out before first wrap
Picture taken before bath and then shipping home!

May 9, 2007 - Gunnar flies home!
Pictures taken at 7 weeks old

Gunnar is on the left and Black female tagged Red on right
Pictures taken at 6 weeks old

Pictures taken at 5 weeks old

This pup is still one of the sweetest! He continues to follow all of us around and loves attention!
Pictures taken at 4 weeks old

This boy is going to be quick to bond! He is probably the baby of the litter in that he is usually first to act pitiful about something - like bath time! I say he will bond quickly because he CRAVES attention. He likes to follow or be somewhat in the middle of things. Very sweet boy! *Weighed 6.5 pounds on April 17.
May 29, 2007 -
"Hi Laura,
I took a blood test last week to make sure what I'm allergic to and my doctor just called with the results. I am not allergic to dog or cat. I'm highly allergic to birch and alder and a mold. Those have been very high lately and it started when we got Gunnar. So every time he goes outside it's all over him and he brings it in with him and it gets on everything he touches. I truly did think it was him I was allergic to!
From the bottom of my heart, I am so very sorry!!!
May 24, 2007 -
"Hi Laura,
How are you? We have a problem on our hands...severe allergies. We love Gunnar so much, he is such a sweetheart and he's so playful and great with the girls. But I am severely allergic to dog dander. Since he's been here I'm having to use prescription eye drops and taking 24 hr. relief allergy/congestion medications just to get through and day without being halfway miserable and having awful sneezing attacks. In fact, I had to go to the doctor today to get something different to work better. I've also noticed my 4 yr. olds eye's being really red the past 2 days. I've always had bad eye allergies but I've never in my life have had a dog so I didn't know I was allergic to their dander. I was really disappointed the other night, I found online that this breed is one of the top dogs to AVOID for dander allergies. Do you have a waiting list of someone that is waiting for a puppy?
I'm so sorry and we're all so disappointed.
Thanks, Misty"
"Misty, I don't know what to say, but I am deeply sorry. I sent the email out to my bulk waiting list. I have also posted the availability on the home page, current availability page and added your email to his page. I am trying to recover most of your costs. I can't really recover the shipping you paid. I hope this is acceptable to you. I know you are needing to have it happen quick to reduce further bonding with him and remove the allergen. I will give it my best effort. Laura"
May 4, 2007 - "Gunnar is doing fine after the ear crop. He was wound up yesterday after I picked him up - lots of bottled up energy that didn't get expended the day before due to the surgery. He has worked most of it out now and is back to being his loveable, playful self -- and my shadow when I am out! I will get you some pictures later. I think his face looks even sweeter now! --Laura"
April 30, 2007 - "Hi Laura - How are you? It sounds like you had a long night. That is so sad about Gunnar's sister getting bit. I really hopes she makes it.
I did some leg work this morning for you re: shipping Gunnar.
American Airlines only ships cargo to Alaska July - September.
Alaska Airlines 800-225-2752. $330.74, daily flight schedule, including May 8th. - I can pay for the flight when I pick Gunnar up with Alaska Air.
No temperature restrictions.
Delta Airlines 888-736-3738. $230.00, daily flight schedule not so good. Temperature cannot be above 85 degrees at departure or below 45 degrees.
Northwest Airlines must be 10 wks. to fly.
Continential Airlines 800-575-3335, roughly $189.00, daily flight schedule:
No temperature restrictions.
Thank you, Misty"
RESPONSE: "Thank you SO MUCH for getting that info for me. My head is pretty messed up right now worrying about the bitten pup. I will send out a blanket email to let everyone know how she ends up doing. Right now, it is 50/50 chance since it has turned out to be a brown ricluse (sp?) spider bite. Keep her in your prayers, please. Last night was really rough as she went through several seizures and then kind of flipped out. Never experienced anything like this and it is heartbreaking. The vet has her right now. It is just a waiting game at this point. You are the best for getting that info!!! Thanks again, Laura"
April 19, 2007 - "Hi Laura - If I calculated right, Gunnar will be 8 wks. on May 8th. We'd really like to have him as close to that day as possible. If we could get him that day, it would be great. His pictures are so adorable, they made my heart melt. We are so excited. My daughter wants to take him to preschool for presentation (show and tell) before she's out of school. Later, I may have to get some advise from you on house training.
Thanks, Misty"
March 18, 2007 - "We really like Scarlett's ears for the cropping of our dog's ears. Oh, we've picked the name "Gunnar" for him. The new photos are SOOOOOO cute!!!"
RESPONSE: "The same vet that did Scarlett's will do Gunnar's - love the name! She has done the same crop lots of times for my pups. Glad you like the pics. Prepare to be amazed at how fast they change week to week! --Laura" March 17, 2007 -
"Hi Laura - It's Misty Davenport from Alaska. I spoke with you today re: getting a black male doberman. I called American Airlines, they start flying to Anchorage, Alaska May 1st. There is a non-stop flight from DFW to Anchorage, it is 6 hrs and 45 minutes. I called the vet here that does ear cropping and they charge a couple hundred more than your vet does, so we'll go ahead and have you get his ears cropped, too.
We're so excited we found your web site and about getting this dog."