This red female is now living with Morgan & Brian in Dallas, Texas.

Picture taken at 6 weeks old

Picture taken at 5 weeks old

This pup receives the second most attention (next to black female tagged red). Our middle child has claimed this as his favorite pup. So, when he is outside, he is usually carrying this pup around. He is not quite as attached as our daughter is to the other. He tends to play with all of them more than she does. The nature of this pup is sweet. She doesn't seem to command attention, though, like some of the others -- at least for now!
Picture taken at 4 weeks old

This pup is adventurous. Maybe not quite as much as the little
runt (black female tagged red), but she is usually right there
with her. When I go out, she is typically on of the first few
to come up to me looking for love.
*Weighed 6 pounds on April 17.