This black female is now living with Kathe in Oklahoma City, OK.
May 1, 2007 -

Kathe couldn't stand it any longer & simply had to drive out
here today and get her pup! She reported feeling like an
expectant mother these past 7 weeks -- too cool!

Our daughter and pup's grandmother give their goodbyes
Picture taken at 6 weeks old

Picture taken at 5 weeks old

The yogurt cup has become a favorite toy as it rolls around and
the pups like to chase it! This pup remains the biggest of the black females at this point. New things to note this week is that she is much more sociable this week and as far as chewing goes, she tends to bear down on the hand a little harder than some of her siblings. But, she is still in the learning phase where the pups
teach each other that biting hurts!
Picture taken at 4 weeks old

This pup is the largest of the three black females. She is between the two personalities right now of the two black females. She tends to hang back a little more than the other two, not being one of the first out when I show up - BUT she is certain to greet me!
*Weighed 7 pounds on April 17.