Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Lady Saranda Anne Guenevere "Sara"
This red/tan female is now living in Seldon, Long Island with Jimmy, Michelle, Madison, Charlie, and Felix
August 20, 2006 -
"Dear Laura, I wanted to thank you and your family for Sara. She is absolutely beautiful. When we picked her up she was a little nervous (I expected her to be terrified ). She slept the whole way home in my arms. When we got home, she was greeted by my dog Charlie and cat Felix (it was love at first sight). She played with them for a couple of hours and is now sleeping on the couch next to my husband. (Charlie hasn't stopped admiring her. Felix is just trying to figure out if she is a cat or a dog!)
I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it's been working with you. You're very professional. I've never done anything like this (receiving a pet/family member from a site).
Thank you for making this a wonderful experience for our family. After seeing Sara, I can tell what wonderful care/pride you and Pat take of your animals. I was amazed how she came in a beautiful crate, with a collar and a lease, food, toys, blankets and all the paper work. You did a wonderful job keeping me posted with everything right until the time we received her.
Thank you again and I will keep you posted on her progress moving forward. Tell your children they have made our family very happy and thank them for taking such good care of her. If anyone is ever nervous about shipping a puppy (from you), please give them my number because I know this letter does not justify how wonderful a job you've done. Michelle, Jim, Madison, Charlie and Felix"
August 15, 2006: Pictures after ear crop --

Auguest 21, 2006 - "Michelle, Wow! Thank you so much for the nice letter!!! (To read, see letter above dated August 20, 2006.) I am so glad to have worked with you and that you have taken one of our pups into your home which is obviously FULL of love! Earlier today, (I think it was your father) called me. Said your uncle's dog had a heartache yesterday. Sorry to hear that. So, how is Sara adjusting to life in the north? I'm sure the weather is not in the 100's so she is probably loving that! I really am amazed that your other two animal members accepted her so well. That is great! Sounds like she is having fun. Thanks again for the nice words! Laura"
August 19, 2006 - "Hey Laura, We are leaving in the morning around 7a.m. to pick up Sara. Any problems e-mail me (I''ll check e-mail before I leave) or call. If I don't hear from you, I guess everything went well and I'll call you after I pick her up. Speak to you tomorrow! Michelle"
"I will definitely call to let you know that she is on her way. You can certainly call me -- that way I know I am not disturbing you so early! I will definitely be up! -- Laura"
August 20, 2006 - "She is all set and on her way! When I checked her in, the guy said you would be going to AA's Priority Global Shipping Center [La Guardia]. It will be a seperate building on the left side (that's what he said). He said it would be on street level, hanger 1. He also said a "landmark" to look for is the taxi place - will be lots of yellow cars! When you see that, you should notice the sign for the center. It usually takes about 30 minutes to get her from the plane to where you will be picking her up. There is a leash on the crate and she has a collar on. The white envelope has the meds for her ears and all the paperwork including instructions for the meds. If you have any questions, of course, ask. But, aside from that, don't forget to call and let me know she arrived safely! Thanks! Laura"
August 16, 2006 - "She's beautiful, I have to tell you I'm very glad you picked her we would have wanted them all.
Let me know the particulars on the arrival of Sara. We will be home late Saturday night. So, the sooner the better. We really are excited!
Thanks again, Michelle"
August 14, 2006 - "Michelle, I made a pick for you based off the fact that you wanted larger. The female tagged pink was a bit bigger than her two sisters. Took her to the vet this morning. I will let you know how she is doing when I pick her up tomorrow. Have fun! Laura"
"Laura, So excited! Can you grab all her medical info (records)? I have a appointment on Monday with the vet. They asked me to bring the info on shots etc... Thank you, Thank you! I can't wait to tell everyone.
August 14, 2006 -
"Hey Laura, Brought the computer to Florida with us so we can see the puppies when we're away. I like that you put the colored collars on. My daughter, niece, husband (he is very excited about this) were thrilled that their names were on the site. Michelle"
August 10, 2006 -
"Hi Laura, Just a reminder of a few things per our conversation last night. Red Female, Ears cropped like Scarlett. Calm, Gentle, Big paws, Big head. For the site: Her name is Lady Saranda Anne Guenevere. Sara for short (Saranda is a combination of our other two dogs names) she will be living in Selden, Long Island with Jimmy, Michelle, Madison, Charlie and Felix.
We are all looking forward to her arrival! Thanks and nice talking to you last night. Michelle"
August 6, 1006 -
"Hi Laura, We are all very excited and have been on the site all weekend. I have to tell you that Guen's ear is just like my female (who we lost). Samantha it bends a little and all her expressions are similar of Sam's. (She was black). My male was red. (We lost him, also.) Both 14 years old. We are really excited to be getting one from Guen's litter. My husband sent out the check regular mail for the female red puppy. Let us know what the next steps are. Thanks, Michelle"
"Michelle, It is fun to hear that Guen reminds you of Samantha. Guen is a great dog! I am trying to get everything "planned out" at this point. Did we decide you wanted the ears done by our vet or not?
Thanks! Laura"
"Hi Laura,
If you can do the ears because I don't have anyone I would trust to do it. Also, if you can tell me when the others are going to do their picks because we are really are excited to see which one we will be lucky enough to get. Thanks again, Michelle"