Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
This black female is now living with Joey and Monica in Houston, Texas.
Pictures taken at 5 weeks ..

Pictures taken August 7, 2007

September 7, 2007 - "Hi there! I'm sure the puppies are up to date with their shots and I just wanted to make sure you had that with you since they'll need that when we take him to the vet Tuesday to get his ears done...
It looks like we're leaning towards Milo for a name... Thank you so much, Monica"
RESPONSE: "He will have 2 rounds of shots when you get him. Let me know when the name is official! (attached new pic for you)
REPLY BACK: "oh wow! he's adorable! Those feet!! Oh my goodness - I can't wait! Thank you sooooo much!
By the way, MILO it is!
Thanks for everything and I'll give you a call tomorrow when we have the car..."
RESPONSE: "Fun! Like getting names in and it is a good one! Be safe! Laura"
September 3, 2007 - "Hi there! We just wanted to know how the picks were going. We are flying up there Saturday to get the puppy and then driving back the same day. We hope everyone is doing well and we will see you very soon. Thank you, Monica"
REPONSE: "Your pup will be with me this time for pick up, not Pat. Your first two picks were taken -- That black male of Amber's was wanted by the first three black male picks. I haven't had that happen before." August 19, 2007 - "Hi Laura! Thanks for letting us see the puppies, we are very excited. We have our fingers crossed for "our boy", but we wouldn't be dissapointed if we get the girl... Thank you again and we'll be in touch very soon, Joey & Monica "
RESPONSE: "First pick on the females was made yesterday -- chose a girl from Polly. I will keep you posted as other picks come in. Thanks for making the trip to Pat's! It was nice getting to meet you!" --Laura
August 16, 2007 - "Hi there! We found your website through your ad on nextdaypets.com and are interested in a puppy. We noticed a lot were "spoken for" so we wanted to make sure you still had some available. We are looking for a pet/family dog and we love dobies. Thank you, Monica & Joey Houston, TX"