Frankie [SOLD]
This black and rust female is now living with Suzanne and her mother in McAllen, Texas. In our care, the kids called her "Ariel"; tagged purple. Official name: Frankie
Miss Frankie receives much attention and is admired greatly in the public.

Good Morning,
First, I must say that I changed I name. I became Frankie yesterday and respond much quicker than with the moniker Rayzn. I think it fits me better.
Today is a tape off day and I look great if I say so myself. I'm rambunctious and growing more every day. I'm currently now the tallest four legged individual in the house.
My new Vet thinks I'm the tops and could tell immediately that I have great parents and have been well kept. I found my voice this past week and love to talk while I play with the others.
Doing well in McAllen, TX

Having fun with Abbie in her back yard, Day two. She's always on the go.....hard to get pictures!
February 25, 2011 -- "Well, after much deliberation (family, friends, Vet) and a page long list of names .. everything from Morgan to Seven, Ariel's new name is Rayzn. She is non-stop fun and laughter. My heart is full again, calling her Rayzn is a tribute to my Boxer Rayzn, I don't think she'd mind. Thank you for this bundle of joy. --Suzanne"
RESPONSE: "Love it! Thanks for updating. So happy you are enjoying each other. She's a lucky little girl :) --Laura"
February 21, 2011 -- Flying home today. Last leg stretch before off to airport ...

February 20, 2011 -- Ear rack taken off yesterday; Ears resting

Set up in garage with cropped sister; Not with uncropped siblings

February 15, 2011 -- Ears cropped yesterday along with sister, Violet

Feb. 15 -- "How's my Ariel girl doing? I hope the vet trip went well. --Suzanne"
RESPONSE: "I picked her up around 4:00 today. She went in with her sister, Violet. Both are doing great! They are keeping each other company. It's nice because they both are in the same situation so I am keeping them together. Other pups won't be allowed around them now. BTW: Ariel (got a new name?) is so sweet :) --Laura"
REPLY BACK: "Not able to come up with anything right now for name, I will take suggestions. I usually watch the pup for a few days and the personality with shine through with something. I'm glad she has a friend to share with, Miss Violet is a good sister. --Suzanne"
February 14, 2011 -- Off to get ears cropped

This pup has a milder temperament and is not overly aggressive during pups' playtime. She is always looking for a little love and a lap to crawl into.
Pictures at 7 weeks old ...

Below are pics with her sister -- Ariel on Left

Pictures at 6 weeks old ...

Pictures taken at 5 weeks old ...

Pics with her siblings:

["Ariel" is front left]

[In front, outside crate]
Pictures at 4 weeks old ...

Pictured above with siblings (far left sitting up)
February 6, 2011 -- "Good Day,
I've been looking through many Doberman web sites and keep coming back to your pages. I love that your Dobies are completely home raised with children and are even relaxed and trusting of your children with their pups as they nurse. The love of family is seen throughout your pictures.
About me: I'm a Texas Resident, Social Worker in the Veterans Administration, working with veterans in the Rio Grande Valley (South Texas). My mother and her two four legged ladies have moved in with me (a Pomeranian and a Yorkie).
I love the Doberman companion and when stationed in Germany my husband knew I was about to purchase a fine Dobe; but since he was afraid of the Doberman (unjustly so) he purchased a Boxer female for my birthday and I was smitten. Boxer's are quite the character as you know. My husband has since passed, but I thank him for introducing me the the lovely Boxer companion.
My Boxer Rayzn and I were inseparable and part of the Boxer and Doberman rescue organizations while attending college in New Mexico. We fostered some great Dogs and helped them find forever homes. Our last Dobe rescued in 2004 new name Thor now lives in Arizona; he's a lovely boy and titles in agility easily.
I love dog companionship such that I attended a certified dog training program and Rayzn and I gave back to the community to those willing to adopt from the local shelter. My beautiful Rayzn Boxer girl passed away in 2006 and I miss her very much. My mom's dogs are quite fun and have allowed me to complete the grieving process.
I'm finally ready to find a companion again and have decided upon a Dobie girl. I'm enamored with Sable and Ch. Junior's litter. Please brag upon these little dobies, I'm looking for a back/tan female
Thank you, Suzanne"
"Suzanne, Your email is one of the best I have read :) I love everything about you. I saw in your request form you specifically noted Ariel as the one of your choice. I can reserve her for you. She is awesome in temperament, a real sweetie. She is a little bigger than the other black female. Her markings are beautiful as you can see in the pictures. Deposits are due to hold picks, however given her age, you may consider getting her at anytime now. Let me know what questions you may have. I have really been hoping to find her a good owner as Ariel is definitely one of my daughter's favorites and mine, too :) Laura"
February 7, 2011 --
"Ms. Laura, Thank you very much, you're so kind. We have one vet who will do the ears, but confesses he'd rather not and I've seen his work, I'd rather not :( This beautiful girl deserves a good crop :) I would greatly appreciate if you could have your vet complete the ear crop, please. I am so excited....You're right she does look bigger, I chose her from the look in her eyes, she seemed to look right at me. She is quite beautiful. QUESTIONS: What food do you feed, I don't want to shock her system and will need to transition slowly, if I need to change her. Will you issue a copy of Ariel's vaccinations thus far?
I have a great Vet in San Antonio. I will schedule with my Vet for the Rabies and an overall health check, though I can see she is very healthy. Note: Sable looks very healthy even through all this, which says a lot about the care you provide your dogs. Suzanne"
"We will handle the crop. Glad to hear you are familiar with wrapping and such. Typically when I handle the crop, the owner receives the pup 1 week after surgery. It is up to you. I can certainly talk you through any step. She is currently eating Diamond Natural Puppy food for large breeds; eats it dry at this point. I buy from a local feed store. As for shots, I have been waiting for the company to ship them and they finally did this a.m. The weather delayed that shipment. I am suppose to receive the shots Weds. I usually start the puppy series at 6 weeks. They will be a week behind what I usually do. They have had a dewormer once and I will do again before they leave. Usually, I do this every two weeks, but with the weather the way it has been, they just haven't been able to get outside. I just don't feel like deworming them is necessary when there is no indication they need it. They receive a daily vitamin supplement called Dyne High Calorie Supplement which I mix with a medicine when their poop gets soft. Another thing I have been giving them is food grade diatomaceous earth. It is a powder I mix with probiotics and a spoonful of canned food. I am going to vaccinate for bordetella in addition to the pup shot. The shots I have don't have lepto and I think towards the end of the series they are big enough for lepto to be okay. If you have any other questions, let me know :)