Sable's 1st Litter's 4th Week
Pups have been "tagged" a colored collar this week. This allows us to watch for indvidual traits and for you to easily identify pups in group pics. Click on respective pup of interest to be taken to it's individual page.

The 2 black and rust females: Tagged Purple (left), Tagged Pink (right)

The 2 red and rust females: Tagged Purple (left), Tagged Pink (right) [BOTH are SOLD]

The 3 black and rust males: Tagged Blue (above left), Tagged Red (above right), Tagged Yellow (below)

The 3 red and rust males: Tagged Blue (above left), Tagged Red (above right), Tagged Yellow (below)

Pups were introduced to "real" food this week. First couple days, not overly thrilled. By the middle of the week, they are going crazy over mealtime.

Sable and kids checking on pups

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