Izzy [SOLD]
This black and rust female is now living in Stuart, Florida with Stephenie. Izzy was originally called "Rosie" by the Garretts.
March 14, 2011 -- "She is terrific. She is doing well with potty training, sleeps in the recliner during the day while I work on the computer and sleeps with me at night. I love her. Thank you for her -- Steph"
March 10, 2011 -- Izzy goes home today

March 9, 2011 -- Preparing to go home tomorrow. Took in for new ear wrap & health certificate. Weight: 24 pounds

March 4, 2011 -- New Look:

Pictured below with newly cropped brothers - Bruticus (black) & Jerry (red)

March 2, 2011 -- "I would like to be on the list, but if Rosie does not have a home yet, I would love to have her come live with me. --Stephenie"
RESPONSE: "Thank you for taking time to fill out the form. You mentioned Rosie. She is still available. I took her in yesterday to have her ears done. She will be able to go into a home by next Weds. Rosie is a very laid back, lovable girl. I have really been seeking out a good home for her. I love the fact that you would be home most of the day! -- Laura"
March 4, 2011 -- "Yes, Rosie and I would have a 24/7 togetherness. Back in the early 80's, I raised a female dobie -- my most memorable experience. I am now in a place where it would be just her and me. I want more than ever to have my companion to be closer than ever. Also, through the years, I tried "rescue". It was so painful for both me and the dobies involved. They were so traumatized. Please let me know how I can proceed with having Rosie become my other half. I am concerned with the flight. If she needs to be on a layover, who watches over her, etc. I want Rosie (whom I have already renamed to "Izzy") to be in my home as soon as it can be arranged. What is the next step of getting Rosie home with me? Thank You, Stephenie"
RESPONSE: "Oh, I am so happy! I wanted Rosie (Izzy) to go to someone that could love her the way she desires. She is so full of love. Absolutely a doll. I will get you updated pictures shortly. Because she had her ears done on Wednesday, next Wednesday is the soonest I could fly her home. I really like to handle the first week of aftercare myself before getting to owners. I do my best to get flights that are nonstop. I don't like the thought of them be shuttled around either! To secure her for you, at this point, it is pay in full via wire transfer. "
March 2, 2011 - Trip to vet for Ear Crop procedure

Rosie, Bruticus (black male), & Jerry (red male)

February 27, 2011 --

Pictured here with Gucci

Shown below with siblings Brutus & Gucci:

Being milder natured, Rosie was getting overwhelmed hanging out with her rambunctious brothers (out on patio). Moved her to garage with cropped siblings. This made Rosie happier.
February 25, 2011 --

9 week old pictures ...

Submitting to mom
February 21, 2011 --

Trip to vet: Siblings, Gucci & Brutus, getting cropped today. Rosie having vet check (poop sample) = clear of worms & coccidia.
This pup has been nicknamed "Rosie". She is a real sweetheart. Her personality is meeker than some of the others. That's not to say she's not confident by any means. It's very typical of her to be seeking attention. As with all the pups, soon as we pick her she melts in our arms.
Pictures at 7 weeks old ...

Below are pics with her sister -- Rosie on right

Pictures taken at 6 weeks old ...

Picture taken at 5 weeks old ...

Pictures at 4 weeks old ...
