Gucci [SOLD]
This pup was nicknamed "Peach" by our Garrett children. Her official name is now Gucci and is living with Heather and her son in Houston, TX.
Pics with new little buddy --

Heather reports Gucci has been good about not knocking down her son. Love these pics!!
March 5, 2011 -- Ears free!

March 4, 2011 -- In Heather's arms at last!

(Airport parking lot)

At new home - Already being spoiled :)
Moments before going to the airport ...

Pictures at 10 weeks old ...

Shown above with Ella
Pictured below playing with siblings:

Above 3 pictures -- Gucci and Brutus
Below 2 pictures -- Gucci and Bolt

Pictures at 9 weeks old ...

Gucci is hanging out with Brutus as their ears heal from crop:

February 21, 2011 -- Ready for trip to vet:

Left to right: Gucci, Brutus, Rosie (2 crops, 1 health check)
Gucci is the runt of this litter. While she may be tinier than the others, she is mighty in spirit. She is the "kissing machine" of the litter. She loves attention and is always happy to oblige with sweet little kisses.
Pictures at 7 weeks old ...

Pictures taken at 6 weeks old ...

Picture taken at 5 weeks old ...

This is obviously one of our daughter's favorites!
Pictures at 4 weeks old ...

Pictured here with her siblings. Gucci is front, center left.
January 25, 2011 - Response following pictures emailed:
"She is beautiful!!! I got Rouge skin and bones and so terribly unhealthy which was not what I paid for. I drove to Louisiana to get her as a puppy and was very upset. The vet barely wanted to cut her ears. We got her fixed up though. Rouge is just a big baby! She was the runt as well! I'm glad the ear cropping will be done, that just broke my heart doing my baby girl's. I have a year old son that hangs on her and she puts up with anything from him! Question, are these puppies inside or out? Just trying to get an idea on how old and how hard it will be to potty train. I'm going to name her Gucci!!!! :) " --Heather
REPLY BACK: "Our Dobes have always put up with so much in regards to the kids, especially when they were little. The pups are inside right now -- camped out in our master bathroom. Weather has been too cold to set them up outside. No worries on her condition. She gets daily vitamin, probiotics, deworm schedule, and shots will be current. You will be happy, promise. As for how the potty training will go -- she's a pup, expect accidents initially. With that said, here's what I have witnessed -- As long as I am home and able to pick up the mess when they make it, they are going as far as they can from their bedding to take care of their business. To me, that is a sign it will not take long to potty train once in homes. So, when that time comes, I would love to hear exactly how that goes. In regards to ear crop, just let me know what you like. Show people use my vet. She's really good, thus the $500 fee she charges. Love the name!"
RESPONSE: "Oh, trust me, the pictures show she is well taken care of! I really like the show cut I guess is what they call it? Tall and slim, but not so tall they flop over. Sable's are perfect!" --Heather
REPLY BACK: " I usually have my vet leave more to the base of the ear (all three of our dobes were done this way) as it allows more support to the ear. The show cut is very straight with not as much to the base. Dr. Schaffer has a very artistic touch. A lot of times I will give her an idea how long an owner wants the ear and she crops the shape based on the individual dog. If you do like Sable's, I will be sure to have a picture on hand so she knows what you do like."
January 24, 2011 -- "I am very interested in purchasing a registered red female doberman. I love your website! Sable is just an absolute BEAUTY!!! She's the first one I noticed upon opening your page!! I would like to share a couple of pics of my baby girl Rouge (french for red)!" --Heather

REPLY BACK: "Very sweet pics :)
Thank you. Sable has proven to be very photogenic! FYI: the female you would be getting is the smaller of the two; the runt of the litter. I'll get pics to you later. I decided about 2 weeks ago to incorporate a pup from this litter into our breeding program. The other red female is going to Debbie. Let me know if you have questions. I appreciate kind words regarding site."