They are mastering play time!

Girls have on pink and orange collars Boy has on yellow

Feb. 22 -- Pictures below are dark because taken at night .. they got really playful for first time, really, really playful. It didn't last too long before they crashed, though!

Not the best picture, but thought it was funny.. Little boy is barking at me!

There is about a 6 inch step to get out of shower. They haven't gotten brave enough yet to get out!

Seriously, he is looking out, but has yet to take the plunge! Shhh.. I'm am hoping it lasts, although I know it won't. Once the curiousity sets in (and it has), well, it will happen sooner than later!

Played out and tuckered!
------------------------------------------------- February 25: Got some nice weather and decided to introduce the pups to the outside! First set of pics shows the kennel set up. Located right outside our bedroom :)

Aggie (grandmother of litter) meets the pups

Mom is still nursing the pups... I didn't expect her to climb in the crate with them, though!

We let the pups explore freely for the first time. It is always neat to watch them go from confused to this is fun!

Below are individual pics for each pup. (Click on respective picture to be taken to the pup's page.)
