Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Maddison - "Mattie"
This pup is now living with Jason in New Mexico.

Pictures at 7 weeks old

August 23, 2007 - Jason let me know this is the pup he has chosen! -- "Thanks for the picture they were great! After hours of looking at pictures I think my choice would be Amber’s pup tagged yellow pink. She has such a pretty color and seems really playful. "
Pictures taken at 5 weeks ..

Pictures taken August 7, 2007

September 5, 2007 - "Laura, How are the puppies? I wanted to see of I could arrange shipping for Mattie at a mutually convenient time. Let me know, Thanks - Jason"
>>Is the name official? Like it! Laura
>> Madison will be her real name, but we will call her Mattie for short. --Jason
August 23, 2007 - "Laura, Thanks for the picturs - they were great! After hours of looking at pictures I think my choice would be Amber’s pup tagged yellow/pink. She has such a pretty color and seems really playful. Do you know when they would be ready to go?"
RESPONSE: "Jason - I am excited for you! It is fun when we are able to identify pups and owners together! Name? Pups have to be 8 weeks old to fly home. Let me know what day works best for you in regards to getting her home! Congrats on the pick! Laura"
REPLY BACK: "Laura, We are going to have the ears done on our end. I have never shipped a pet so I am not sure what to expect. Can it be shipped any day? Where will I pick her up? Are there any special instructions after she arrives? I can pick her up almost any day as long as I can plan it in advance. I think we are planning on calling her Maggie or Mattie or ? ..."
RESPONSE: "Shipping usually goes really smooth. I need the name of the airport you want her flown to -- will have to have Continental flying into it as they are the only airline I know of that will fly pups with temperatures over 85. They are better set up to handle and care for the pup. Every airport is different in regards to where you pick her up. I will get details before shipping her. You could also call your airport (Continental). There is nothing special you need to do on your end after you receive her (have your driver's license with you when picking up). Just be ready to shower her with love! (And, let her go potty!) I will have a collar on her and leash attached to the crate. Sounds like you are having some trouble with the name choosing :) Let me know when you decide on a name! (Haven't had a Mattie yet - I think it is cute!"
August 22, 2007 - "Jason, I went out to visit the pups last weekend. Got some good pics. I am updating the pages right now. The people with the first black female pick have chosen their girl -- from Polly (tagged PkP). You can start trying to make your pick now! -- Laura"
August 2, 2007 - "Laura, I am just checking on the pups? I hope all is well, if you have any new pictures send them my way! Thanks, Jason"
July 17, 2007 - "I will take 2nd pick black female and would like the puppy’s ears cropped. I will also need her shipped. Can you let me know what that will cost, and how the shipping process works?
Without a visual I think I would like one of Polly’s pups based solely on the dam’s appearance. Can you send me some pics?
Thanks a million - Jason"
RESPONSE: "Shipping is done through the airlines (I like Continental) -- Fee includes flight, crate, health certificate, supplies, and microchip. Cropping with our vet is an additional fee. You will have to get a vet on your end to help with the aftercare. On that note, our vet does an awesome job, but if you find a vet near you to do it, then the aftercare might be nice having it done with same vet that did the crop. Let me know if you need anything else."
REPLY BACK: "Thanks for the info! I will try and get the cropping done here. Can’t wait to see the pictures! Jason"
June 21, 2007 - "Hello, My name is Jason. I live in Las Cruces, NM. I am interested in a female Doberman puppy. I have a Jack Russell (Reba) and a Weimaraner (Duke) now. Would you let me know when you have a litter? Jason"
RESPONSE: "First thanks for contacting me! We are expecting a couple litters this summer. The next step is simply to request being put on the summer waiting list. Let me know and I will put you on it.
When a litter is born, I will then contact those on the list. If we have a pup you want and you want to commit, deposit of $200 would then be due.
At anytime, let me know if you have any questions!
Best regards, Laura"
I would like to be put on the “summer waiting list” I am looking for a female. If you need any other info please let me know!
Jason "