Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Athena's 2nd Litter's 1st Week
Athena's 2nd Litter was born November 15, 2008. There are 9 pups: -- 2 Red/rust Males -- 2 Fawn/rust Females -- 3 Black/rust Females -- 1 Blue/rust Male -- 1 Black/rust Male

Mom and her full "rainbow" of colors
A little about the pups, parents, and the Cottles:
The parents are well socialized and have been raised with small children, just as the pups will be exposed to prior to going home with their new parents. We keep our dobes in the house and we have 4 children ranging from 2 months old to 11 years old. We home educate our children and we are both stay at home parents. We live on a ranch and our days are filled with ranch-type activities.
The sire of this litter is Xzus and he is our pride and joy! Our red and rust 4 yr old works cattle and runs with our children to protect them from snakes and other critters. He is 85 pds and gentle as can be. Our 2 yr. old daughter puts her blanket on him and rides him like a pony. He also responds to her commands and stands between her and any stranger to come around. He loves to run with us to check fences and pretty much goes wherever we do.
The dam of this litter is 3 yr old Athena and she is also gentle in nature. She is black and rust and weighs only 65 pds. She was raised by other members of our family until they decided that it wasn’t fair for her to live in the city and they gave her to us. She came to the ranch at around 10 months and although isn’t as well trained as Xzus, she is extremely sweet and our boys love to play with her.
This is Xzus and Athena’s 2nd litter. Their first litter yielded 8 pups of black, red and fawn. This litter has 9 pups of black, red, fawn and blue. The blue and black males are currently spoken for.
We screen potential homes for our dobes because we want the best for them. We are looking for families that are able to provide the best for these beloved creatures. This means they should be both nurtured and challenged. Being placed in a kennel with food and water doesn’t cut it for us. These dogs need to have both companionship and a sense of duty. If you feel you can provide this and want a dobe that is child/family oriented then you are definitely looking at a wonderful litter full of potential. -- Lora Cottle
Individual photos:

These photos were taken at 4 days old. They had tails and dew claws removed at 2 days old.
November 15, 2008 -- "We are having puppies today. Our first one arrived around noon!"--Lora
November 13, 2008 -- "We are expecting our "unexpected" puppies this week. While we were gone, Xzus dug under the fence and got Athena. So much for skipping a season!" --Lora