Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Athena's 2nd Litter's 5th Week

This has certainly been a busy week. We were blessed with several nice days that we could let the pups play outside. The pups have grown significantly this week nearly doubling in weight. They are enjoying soft foods and it shows.

Here we have Fran (left) and Gerti(right) giving their sweet face shots. At the moment, Gerti is a little more active than Fran but both of these girls are very lovey and want nothing more than to be in your lap getting loved on.
Two other lovable pups are the red males. These guys are bigger than the girls, but they like a lap just the same. These guys are also seeking attention as much as possible. Ethan is smaller and a little more active than Ian (largest of the litter).

Here you see Ethan checking out a noise while Ian (back) isn’t very interested. He is definitely a gentle giant and laid back.
Finally, we have the other girls. This is a gorgeous shot of Millie (Cloe) showing off her beautiful markings and princess pose!

Millie also loves a good lap and face to lick!

While Millie is getting all the love, her sisters are playing and rough-housing! Dedee(on the bottom) is much more timid than Helga and Helga(biting her sister) is much more playful and active.

All the pups are doing well; these are just the ones that are still available (other than Millie). If you wish to see more photos of a specific one or one not shown, just email me. The pups have a vet visit scheduled on the 30th of Dec. At this time they will get their first set of shots. For those of you picking up your pup, you can pick them up anytime on or after Jan. 1st. This ensures the pups will be well and not overly traumatized. For those of you having a pup shipped, we have to wait until after the 8 week check up. Enjoy the pics! I may not get an update sent out until after the vet visit due to the holidays. Thanks and have a wonderful Christmas! --Lora