Garretts' Dobermans .com
Welcome to Garretts' Doberman Puppy Site!
Links for Litter - Born November 11, 2005:
Guen's Litter Home Page
Day 2
2nd Week
4th Week
5th Week
6th Week
7th Week
Development Diary
Sire of this Litter
Dam of this Litter
This fawn male is now living with Jim and Tammy in Bridgeton, Missouri.
February 12, 2006 -
"Sorry I haven't written more but I've been busy. We're having so much fun with him. He's so good and well behaved. He goes everywhere with me, 24-hours a day. He sleeps when he can and plays a lot. He sits, stops, comes, heels, goes to bed, goes to his room (crate), opens the lock on the passenger side of my truck to let Tammy in. He knows his toys and their roles in his life. One is for the pull game, another is for the fetch game, and two are for soft, lovey play (both of these make a noise when he bites on it). He is one happy puppy....and so are we! I will keep taking pics. Will write back soon - Jim"
"Jim -- Thanks so much for the update! He sounds amazing! I can't believe what all you have him doing. I love that he is with you all the time. You are such an awesome owner. Thank you so much for that! Laura"
January 24, 2006 - "At the rate he's growing, I think by the time he's six months old he will be about 235 lbs. Is that normal? Does this mean he will be over 400 lbs. by the time he's an adult? Sure glad I own a Bobcat to help clean up the yard. We just love it! Thanks, Jim"
January 16, 2006 -
"Here are some pictures of Lyle. We have enjoyed every minute with Lyle since day one. He finally let go of Jim's hair,(LOL). We are some very proud parents. He goes to work everyday with Jimmy and me. He does very well. "Very energetic." Lyle is very much part of the family. We're extremely happy and can't be more pleased.
We thank you for all that you've done. We'll keep in touch and send more pictures soon. Lyle, Jim and Tammy "
"I don't know how but it looks like he has grown A LOT since I last saw him. Wow! He looks spoiled and happy - Thanks!! Laura"
January 13, 2006 - "Jim,
It was nice getting to meet you and Tammy. Tammy seemed really happy to get him in her arms! How has everything been going for you and Lyle this week? Did he do okay his first night away from us? I am sure he did .. I was just curious!
"Can't talk right now, Lyle's got my hair. I'll get back to ya later with pics...........Jim"
"He does like to use hair as a toy! So, does he get to go to work with you? Can't wait for the pics! Laura"
7 week old pictures ...

January 5, 2006 - "Hi Laura, What's that mark on Lyle's head? Looks like a bite mark. Not in other pics.. or is that just a hole where the vet took brain samples from?.............Jim & Tammy"
"I thought it was a bite mark, too. But, after examining it, it is just on the surface and already healing up (in just a couple of days).
Here is what I suspect happened:
We have a storage building in the back corner of our yard .. and he and Hattie love to go under it. It is their little hang out. They are constantly darting under and around it .. so, I think he must have nicked it during those playful moments. They are the only ones on site at this point. They are having a blast together! He is going to miss her tomorrow when she leaves :-( Laura"

Lyle pictured at 6 weeks

5 week pictures ..
4 week old pictures ...

This pup immediately became my son's favorite when we visited! He can't wait for the pups to come to his house! (That will be next week.)

Pictures below taken at 2 weeks ..
Pictures taken at 2 days old ..
March 10, 2006 -
"Sorry we haven't written .. been busy! He's still growing .. he's 50 lbs. now. I'm buying dog food by the truckload and using the tractor to load his bowl! He's having so much fun. Promise pic's are comin. Jim"
February 14, 2006 -
"Just got back from the vet. Had his first posting untaped today. Man he's one good looking dog. Are you sure you don't want more money? Here is the vet's name and number:
J.A. Tiessen, D.V.M. and J.T. Saranita, D.V.M. West Clay Animal Hospital 2705 West Clay St. Charles, MO 63301
(636)723-1290 (636)946-2367
On a scale from one to ten ... they are an eleven! The pics will tell all - (soon), Jim"
January 25, 2006 -
"It's Weds. the 25th, the day that I had to make my 1st BIG move, (ears) I was having a hard time finding someone (vet) worth the risk. So I looked on the net for help and ran across a site that talked about lasers and how the healing is easier on the dog.. so I made an appointment for today.
I have been nervous all week and this morning was tough. But off we went, on the way there. We passed it twice and this is my home town. So all right, we're in there and some gal comes in with a Doberman look alike..... about 15 weeks old who was there to have stitches out. And, I'm sorry, but they looked sad. I said to Tammy, (I'd be pissed if that was my dog).
So, into the little office we went to talk to this expert with a lasar. He walked in and asked "What color is that, a blue or gray?" Then, as he went to get some pics we ran out and kept running 'til we got back home. I did have one more phone # and I called it. Made it out there by 11:00 and out by 3:00 by an older, long time vet with a great way with animals. The ears look Great. Can't wait to send you pics. Jim"
January 8, 2005 - "Jim,
I am preparing to leave. Just wanting make sure a I have your address correct.
Update on Lyle: In two nights, I have him crate trained! After Hattie left on Friday, he was lonely when it got dark and was time to sleep. I put him in a crate in the house .. to which he protested greatly!! But, I have learned a trick. If you put a pup in a dark room with "white noise", they calm down and go to sleep. I use the bathroom - lights off, door closed and fan on.
Last night, my husband brought him in, put the crate in the next room from where the T.V. was on and he just hollared. I moved him to the bathroom and he didn't fuss one bit!
One more note, get ready for one big lap dog. He LOVES to sleep in my lap. Good thing since that is where he will be for most of the trip!
I will give you a call Monday. If you think of anything, call me!
December 25, 2005 - "Something was on my roof last night, wish I had a dog. Jim"
December 22, 2005 - "I had a hard time sleeping last night thinking about my boy .... Does he ever ask about me?"
December 21, 2005 -
"Hi, it's Jim. Finished work for the day and I'm getting gas in my truck right now and I'll be sitting on the side of the road on the ramp to the highway by my house waiting for your call about the fawn male.....Do I sound too eager?..................naaah.........Jim
December 21, 2005 - "The thought of having this boy in my home just thills me to death. Please tell me that he's still available, and when. the eleven/eleven birth date is my birthday, too, and the address were he will live has 1111 in the number. Hope this works out. Let me know by e-mail or by phone.
I think I should tell you that we would name him Lyle. The name has special meaning to us. Thanks, Jim "
Thanks for contacting me. The fawn male is still available. I am pretty picky when it comes to who takes these pups home. You sound like a good potential owner -- I want someone who will love him like part of the family. I have to tell you, this is a beautiful pup with a fun, loving personality. I don't know if size matters to you. He is the largest of his litter -- going to be a gorgeous, large dog. In addition to his personality, he seems quite smart. He is certainly one of the "picks" of the litter.
Let me know what questions you have. Also, please let me know your decision, whatever it may be because I go in order of first interest expressed.
BTW: I like the name! If you don't mind me asking, what is the special meaning?
Thanks again and Best regards, Laura Garrett"
"Simple, SOLD.
The family pics look great. Good looking dogs. I think that the fawn would be something to be proud of.
The meaning is from a lost friend last August 2005 to a drunk driver. He was killed in the Lake of the Ozarks on his motorcycle -- hit by a 19 year old kid with a 3.2 ac level. You can look him up on the Internet by putting his name in search, type Lyle Donkersloot, and see the tributes to this great guy and friend to many nation wide. It's a great loss to us (Jim & Tammy).
Wanted to tell you that thinking about the pup's birth date 11/11/05, him being 5 weeks old right now, my address being 11115 ... funny stuff there with my birthday and his and the address thing, we thought the name was the right choice. Lyle died on a Harley and the sire has that name.
This is so cool. What's meant to be is meant to be.
I'm in St. Louis, MO. Looking forward to this. Thanks, Jim"
"That is so WILD!?! All of it! I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend. It will be a great reminder to you of such a great person every time you look at this beautiful pup!
I have to tell you, my dad's family is in the St. Louis area. I have been needing an excuse to go visit with them. In the back of my mind right now, I am wondering if we could work it so that we brought the pup to you -- you could just pay for the gas. But, with gas prices so high, that might be bad. Would have to figure an estimate on that.
He will be 6 weeks on Friday. When would you want him to come home to you?
Look forward to more chats! Laura"
"I'll not only pay for gas, I'll pay for your night's stay at a hotel close to where you want to go. I'm really not in a mad rush. So tell me what would work for you. Jim"