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Guen's Litter -- 4th Week
Links for Litter - Born November 11, 2005:
Guen's Litter Home Page
Day 2
2nd Week
4th Week
5th Week
6th Week
7th Week
Development Diary
Sire of this Litter
Dam of this Litter
This litter is with the owner of the dam (Guen) and sire (Harley), Pat George. For weeks 3 and 4, she has sent in several updates on the progress of the pups. Here are some of the moments she has shared:
Thursday, December 8, 2005: "The pups are eating food. The first time I put the food down, the fawn looks at me as if to say, "Hey, this isn't milk!" The pups are really playing and the runt tells them to behave. This is funny! She really tells them off, then jumps on them! (As if to say "HA! HA! I'm the one") They play for 5 minutes and then nap. All are very sweet babies."
Friday, December 9, 2005: "Harley Jr. (black male) is playing with a little blue teddy bear. He will walk a step or two, stop, and shake that bear. Tank (fawn male) just bulldoses his way anywhere he wants to go! Tank is really sweet, all the pups are. The little one (black female is still telling the others to "stay out of my way or watch out!" She is just beautiful and has a face to die for. All the pups seem to know she is smaller. They don't think the food is great .. they want milk!
Saturday, December 10, 2005: "I weighed the pups today -- Fawn is 8 lb., Harley jr. is 7-1/2 lb., Little one (black female) is 5-1/3 lb., Larger black girl is 6-1/2 lb., Red boy is 7 lb., and Larger red boy is 7-3/4 lb. The pups have been wormed today and will give shots tomorrow."
Monday, December 12, 2005: "Surprise! The pups haven't been eating well .. only wanting momma's milk .. but today they are eating and drinking great!"